More than a dozen interstellar-class starry sky battleships quickly flew not far from the location of the five-faced monster.

Without any hesitation, these dozen starry sky battleships quickly opened fire.

Under more than a dozen cosmic visible rays, white laser light pillars appeared, ejecting from the gun position of the starry sky battleship.

The target is precisely the space battleship where the five-faced monster is.

“A bug is a bug. It is simply impossible to imagine whether it is possible to break the giant’s defenses. Ignorant civilization. ”

Angry strange face, looking at the laser attack issued by the dozen starry sky battleships, said with a look of contempt.

“Turn on the shield system.”

The wisdom monster gave orders to his space battleship.

A layer of light curtains emerged from the space battleship.

Unlike ordinary energy shield systems, after being hit, there will be different degrees of light and darkness changes.

Or after receiving a powerful attack, the entire energy shield system will appear deformed ripples.

The energy shield system that emerged from the five-faced monster space battleship did not change after receiving the laser strike.

Not a single ripple was produced.

Of course, Chu Jiang does not believe in himself, just relying on an ordinary laser attack, he can create an attack effect.

“Antimatter cannon, bombardment.”

There was no exaggerated color, no huge explosion effect, only a calm gray pillar of light, just launched.

More than a dozen gray antimatter annihilation light pillars quickly shot out and directly crashed into the protective shield of the space battleship.

This time the attack of the antimatter cannon had a trace of effect, but only a hint.

The protective shield on the entire space battleship produced a slight dent.

If it weren’t for Chu Jiang, turning the observation system to the maximum, he really wouldn’t have been able to find this change.

“There is an effect, it seems that the other party’s protective shield is still a protective shield that belongs to the material category. In that case, then the antimatter cannon will definitely be useful. It’s just that the current starry sky battleships that are trying to attack are not powerful enough. ”

After Chu Jiang observed the changes in the five-faced monster protective shield, he finally felt a little excited in his heart.

“Lower civilization, your attack is like tickling.”

Just as Chu Jiang was thinking about how to deal with it, the space battleship where the five-faced monster was located released new news.

This is a mockery, a mockery of the weak, and a confidence in one’s own great strength.

“Hmph! The winner is the one who laughs last. It’s too early. ”

Chu Jiang did not fall behind in words.

“Hahaha… All right! Let you also see the fate of attacking higher civilizations. Fear, bugs. ”

The five-faced space battleship, after broadcasting this message.

Directly in front of the battleship, a black hole suddenly protruded, and the diameter of this gun port was more than 3 meters.

A dark light flashed quickly, and a thick gray pillar of light erupted.

Although Chu Jiang tried to attack the starry sky battleship of the squad, he opened the energy shield.

But there was still no resistance, and under this gray pillar of light, it instantly changed into nothing.

“This is? Giant antimatter annihilation cannon. ”

After seeing his dozen starry sky battleships disappearing in an instant, this name appeared in Chu Jiang’s mind.

“Unexpectedly, it was just a civilization that was raised by one level. But in the utilization rate of the same thing, there is so much difference. A comparison of their own antimatter cannons and the other party, one in the sky and one underground. The power is completely incomparable. ”

Chu Jiang’s heart kept considering.

“Send a thousand starry sky warships again to continue the tentative attack. Location, scattered formations. ”

In response to the opponent’s attack form, Chu Jiang made his own adjustments.

In the formation ahead, a thousand starry sky warships controlled by Yingluo quickly flew out in an independent formation.

“Poor bugs! Do you think that a little more will make a difference? Death will still be with you. ”

The strange face of the death of the second disease of the middle school was said through the communicator.

This time, the five-faced space battleship did not give the thousand sub-fleets sent by Chu Jiang time to prepare for an attack.

Instead, they were the first to attack.

On the surface of the space battleship, countless small gun ports continued to stretch out, the size of the antimatter cannon on the previous Chujiang starry sky battleship.

“Weapons systems, each locking onto the target, firing.”

The intelligent monster faces in the space battleship gave the order to fire separately.

Countless pillars of antimatter light flew around in space, constantly hitting their respective targets.

“Project 712 Starship Energy Shield Destruction. 15%, 40% damage to the hull … The Starry Battleship 712 lost contact. ”

“The energy shield of the 635 Starry Sky Battleship is insufficient. 23% damage to the hull … 70%。 Project 635 starry battleship lost its combat capability. ”

“Star Battleship 012 Energy Shield Destruction. The hull was damaged by 10%, 35% … The energy system of the No. 012 starship was damaged and lost power. Battleship 012 lost contact. ”

“Project 319 Starship Battleship weapon system destruction. 15%, 40% damage to the hull … Project 319 Starship lost contact. ”


For a time, the 1,000 starry sky warships sent out by Chu Jiang were damaged and lost combat effectiveness, and the report information kept coming.

“Tentative attack squadron, 432 remaining …”

“The squadron gathers. Antimatter cannon, salvo. Attack a little. ”

Chu Jiang’s heart did not wave.

Even the loss of 568 starry sky battleships in a few minutes did not make him hesitate in the slightest.

With the issuance of the order, the remaining 432 starry sky warships began to gather on the front line.

Although halfway through, the starry sky battleships, which could not be avoided, lost nearly 60 again.

But in the end, Chu Jiang still gathered 370 starry sky warships.

The battleship antimatter gun, finally came a wave of volleys.

The power of the antimatter cannon fired in a salvo is quite noticeable.

The shield of the five-faced space battleship instantly appeared a slight ripple.

“There is an effect, there is definitely an effect! Although there is a civilization level difference, the principle of protection methods has not undergone a Great Leap Forward. Such…… We have a chance! ”

Chu Jiang clenched his fist with his right hand and smashed it on the armrest of the seat excitedly.

It’s just, just when Chu Jiang was excited.

The five-faced space battleship launched a black sphere towards the 370 starry sky battleship group…

“That is? Gravity bombs! ”

Chu Jiang suddenly got up and exclaimed….

———————————— dividing line!

Thank you for your support.

Chizuru continued to code…

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