"Problem, no?

I went down to two levels and looked back under the ramp, but there was a path there that made no difference.

If you cross the position where the last crash occurred and try to leave the room further, you will not hear a crash from the ramp.

Apparently, there's no need to worry about being trapped this time.

"One time only? Or are you discerning the party?

"Such a high performance...... is it useless to just think"


◇ ◇ ◇

The second layer of demons includes pickaws, so we're a little bit delicious in a double sense.

Well, compared to the other demons on the second layer, I'm just saying that demon stones sell somewhat higher, so the main purpose will be meat.

A little mess for beef-like meat, while going to the stairs leading to the third layer.

Along the way, Tyrant Pickaw was back, so I kept this one as a horse.

Pickaw's lean meat thick chopped steak was also delicious, so naturally.

If you're going to be back in about a month, maybe you can come hunting once in a while.

"The chest... only"

There is nothing in the place where the chest was last found, and the empty chest has disappeared.

Thankfully, there are still magic formations beside it that can be transferred to the ground.

With me now, it's just hard to move from here to the ground.

"You're not reviving the treasure chest. First crusade reward, something like that?

"Maybe. Then I just want to hope... but we haven't got the results yet, have we?

"Yeah, Diola said 'Give me a little more time' at the welcome party."

The last pendant I found remains in the Adventurer's Guild, and the appraisal results have not yet been communicated.

It can take more than a month to appraise one treasure, which is quite a hassle, but I'm a little excited because I think that's all I can expect.

However, if a lot of treasures were to be gained in this dungeon in the future, I would expect a little improvement.

Every time, I have to wait for a long time just... Hmm? If you bring it in to Constant, it'll bring the results back to Constant, so it's not much of a problem? It's a mood problem.

"Couldn't it be appraised in this town, and was it brought in to Kerg, Pinning, or even a farther town? In time."

"The appraiser's job is packed, if not something like that, I guess so. Because he keeps it before we go pinning.... Toya, [Appraisal] Level Up Wanted"

"I wonder what that type of special item could be appraised for? [Appraisal] In skills. For once, I'm reading a book."

While some of the books bought in large quantities included books on items, how to discern them, etc., it seems difficult because they are numerous and not organized textbooks.

But unlike me, Toya has the aid of [appraisal] skills, so I just want to expect a little...

"Good luck, Toya"

"... In the meantime, I just try to read the book. And if that doesn't work, give it up."

"Right. I'll give up then and decide to collect more books. 'Cause I don't have any money to spare for [appraisal]"

In the words of Hulka, Toya nodded, for a moment, like she had drunk a stick, "trying" with the look of giving up.

Yeah, I know it's hard, but good luck with that. I think it's pretty important to be able to appraise items.

"But in this room... you're worried about how to place the transfer points."

"Holes, I can't dig..."

Stone blocks are laid down to the floors, walls and ceilings of this room and it is usually difficult to dig holes.

I don't think it's possible or impossible to plant a transfer point underneath it if you work hard to drive dirt magic or even use the Tsuruhashi to strip the blocks in the industry... whether that's how the embedded transfer point can be fulfilled and used safely. Just the dungeon.

The transfer point that I dug a little into the ground and filled worked, but just below the block of stone, I also feel that if the dungeon has a restoration function or something, it's going to be disabled.

"The ground was dirt where Tyrant Pickaw was, but it's hard to transfer when you're back."

"It's too dangerous to go into battle without a proper posture, just after a transfer."

Duck Tyrant Pickaw in a way, but he's pretty strong.

If attacked defenselessly, he could also die.

Even though it is known that "after a month, it was resurrected", the resurrection interval is unknown, so it is actually possible that it has resurrected in about a few days.

Then it is a bowl when it returns.

"Put a transfer point here for one second and go downstairs. In case your way home gets blocked, you go back with a transfer, and if there's no problem, you go back to collect the transfer points, and then you move on?

"So you want to try...?

There was no other counterproposal, so we put a transfer point in the corner of the room and carefully descend the stairs while paying attention to the trap.

Would the stairs be a little longer to the point where the two could walk side by side than the second to first floors of a normal private house?

Especially after everything went down, there was a room similar to the one above, which was about twice the size. There's only one staircase and one door down from us, nothing else.

We'll all wait a little further from the stairs... but nothing will happen.

"There's nothing but a tempura bowl?

"Heavenly Bowl... well, doing the same thing doesn't work as a trap"

"Well, you don't have to be a pain in the ass. In the meantime, let's get out of the room once. It can be a time difference."

Follow Hulka's words and try to get out of the door of the room before returning and the stairs are safe.

Apparently, there really is no trap.

We'll go back up once, collect the transfer points, and then we'll go outside the room again.

The passage, like the room that came down, was made of walls and floors by blocks of stone.

"What a dungeon."

"Mapping is easy, says this structure"

The aisle is straight, the bend is at right angles, and the width of the aisle is constant.

It is true that mapping would be much easier compared to one or two layers.

"The problem is the strength of the enemy... proceed with caution. Nao is the enemy, Natsuki is the trap. Don't let each of the others fail to be vigilant."

"" Copy that. ""

◇ ◇ ◇

The third layer had a much thicker enemy shadow compared to one or two layers.

The more you stop, the less you move, the sooner you will encounter the enemy, and you will repeat the battle with a short interval.

That is why, when it comes to whether it is significantly more difficult than the two layers, it may not actually be.

The strength of the enemy itself has increased somewhat, and most importantly, the presence of small rooms that are frequently found.

Until now, we have been safe and rested by [Sovereign] and "Sanctuary Sanctuary," but it would be a little difficult to tell a normal adventurer if he could do this.

In this hierarchy, however, there is a small room with only one door.

If you look inside and make sure it's safe, you can rest in relative peace just by guarding the door.

Taking that into account, the difficulty may be less than two tiers.

And the other unexpected thing was the size of the third layer.

I was wondering if it was the same size as the first and second floors, but it was the second day since we started exploring that we found the stairs heading down.

It was also day 3 when I finished filling all the maps.

It would be less than half the second layer, if I were to put it simply in terms of size.

The trend continued even in the fourth floor, and although it was not possible to fill the four-layer map by the scheduled return date, the stairs to the fifth floor could be found.

Also, contrary to its size, the number of crates found was high.

5 in total around all 3 layers, even 5 in 4 layers on the way to exploration.

It cannot be said that it is very much, but given that one layer was two and two layers were one, it would not be an exaggeration to say that it was a significant increase.

However, what was inside was still a little subtle.

Half of them are potions, wounds and antidotes inferior to those made by the Hulkas, similar to those found in one layer.

Regardless, it seems to correspond to the demons that appear in this dungeon when it comes to antidotes, which makes some sense, but when it comes to us, we can make them ourselves, and there is the magic of Cure Poison, a "poison cure" in the first place.

Besides, it doesn't hit poisonous attacks in the first place, so there's no use for it.

What's more, if you don't get into this dungeon, you can't even sell it in the town of Raffan, such as an antidote that's not in demand, and bringing it into the guild would only be a bundle of threesomes.

The other five have two iron ingots and two daggers, plus a shield.

They are all to such an extent that they can be easily discerned by Toya's [appraisal]. It also means that it saved me the trouble of requesting an appraisal, but on the contrary, it is not of great value...

In the end, we went home without much success in this quest.

◇ ◇ ◇

"Welcome back!

"" "I'm home" "

We say hello again to Marys, who greeted us with a full smile.

There is no loneliness because there are Hulkas, but it is still good to have someone to greet you when you get home.

"I'm relieved you're back safely"

"It was good!

We look at each other and nod at the two horny faces.

It was a bit of a halfway point to return, on the way to four levels of exploration, but all of a sudden the Marys would be anxious if they overtook their plans, so they chose to return, but they still seemed right.

"Were there any problems while you were away?

"There wasn't. Oh, but Diola said," Not in a hurry, but show your face to the Adventurer Alliance. "

"Mr. Diola...?

I hear that Mr. Diora, who I don't normally visit, has arrived, and Hulka snaps his neck a little strangely.

"It's me, isn't it? Pendant. It's time to finish the appraisal."

"Speaking of which, yeah. Shall I show my face tomorrow?"

"Nothing else in particular?

"Yes. After that, I was taking care of the garden, training and studying."

If I do look around, I get the impression that the garden has been organized for a long time.

At least the range seen from the table is not grass bow.

"You look a lot prettier. Good luck with that. Good luck."

No, of course not.

Mary says so and shakes her head, but she is slightly happy to loosen her cheeks.

"Me too! Me too!

"Right. Good luck with the meatier."

"Eh heh."

When I say that and stroke Meatier's head claiming to jump, Meatier laughs like she's lit up too.

"Are you eating properly?

"It's okay. I made it myself and ate it."

Before we went out, the Hulkas cooked and left it in the vault, but they didn't want to, or they were cooking with what they had bought themselves.

I'm saying that with practice...

"Oh well. So, how about a little extravagant dinner today?

"I did it! Your sister's rice, it was bad!

To the words of a very honest meatier, Mary dyes her face red and raises a voice of protest.

"Me! You tasted better than you used to!

"But I can't compare it to what Yuki and her sisters make"

"Ugh. That's right..."

Couldn't Mary deny Meatier's words either, stuck in words, with a slightly dissatisfied look on her face.

Yuki pinches his mouth so as to take those two away.

"Well, well. Mary will be up in time. Still cooking today, can you help me?

"Yes, of course!

Mary returned the answer cheerfully, and Yuki and the others stuck up to how she was, and the dinner that day did turn out to be a little extravagant.

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