There are a lot of things to choose from. Just like this note, if you are reluctant to give up, you can only see it turn into ashes instead of leaving it around. Everyone knows the truth, but when making a decision, your mind is full of twists and turns. If Qingkou is not around, Ning Xiaoman may leave the note, although she knows it will be a big handle.

"Madam, from now on, you should be careful step by step. Since someone poisoned you, who knows what will happen in the future? The trip and cover are light. Therefore, anything that can prove your former identity should not appear in this house. Do you know?"

Ning Xiaoman nodded. How could she not know? Qingkou said that Miss Ning went because she was poisoned. How could she not know her current danger,

"I see, Qingkou. I'll be careful."

Qingkou is also worried. If she comes to Ning Mansion by herself, she won't be afraid of anything. Not only her own martial arts and medical skills, but also with her Jianghu experience, she won't make any mistakes when wandering in this small Ning mansion, but now the situation is that there is Ning Xiaoman around.

This is the person named by the third prince to protect. If the Lord makes any mistakes, let alone his own lives, I'm afraid there will be a lot of blood in the whole Jianghu. Therefore, the burden on him is really heavy.

"That's good. It's good if you can know the dangers around you. This situation is really something we didn't consider in advance. Master Wu said to find a corresponding family according to your conditions. We also chose and chose. We should be equal in age, character and appearance, and our body should be very weak. It's really hard to find."

"We have also screened the Ningfu side, and all aspects match you. Moreover, the people of their family have a preference for Miss Ning, which is a perfect candidate. However, Miss Ning is in good health. We can't kill innocent people for our own selfishness."

"As a result, by chance, Miss Ning suddenly fell ill and went around the Ning house to find a doctor for treatment. We also got the news. We were careless and achieved our good deeds. Because of the original investigation and the harmony and unity of the Ning house, we didn't make a deep investigation. Unexpectedly, Miss Ning was poisoned."

"This is really something we didn't expect. Master Wu once told us to find a safe family and don't be such a scheming family. I'm afraid you will suffer losses in the house. As a result, thousands of choices will send you to the wolf's nest. However, since we have come, we can only continue and can't turn back."

"Madam, from now on, you should believe me. No matter what you think is strange, you must inform me and let me know. Don't be careless about small things. It's possible that through some small things, we can see the wolf's ambition."

Ning Xiaoman didn't know how much effort the third prince had made after hearing Qingkou. She was filled with unspeakable enthusiasm in her heart. The man's feelings for himself were not spoken about. He really used his heart. He has achieved this level. What else can he not do.

"Qingkou, don't worry. I'll cooperate with you well. You'll take more trouble with me. There are too many places to take care of me in the future."

Knowing that Qingkou follows him is to protect himself. No matter who sends him, Ning Xiaocao is only grateful to Qingkou.

"Why do you say such a thing, young lady? Since I'm the young lady's personal servant girl, I take care of the young lady's natural affairs. However, I need the cooperation of the young lady. When it's critical, please listen to the decision of the young lady."

Qingkou doesn't know Ning Xiaoman's original identity. She only knows that her current identity is a little troublesome, but in her heart, the person who can attract the third prince's attention must be a person with noble identity, and the person with noble identity must have some temper. She's afraid that Ning Xiaoman has a temper when she shouldn't play with her sister's temper. It's not fun.

"That's natural. Don't worry, Qingkou. I can tell the good from the bad. You don't have to worry about this. I just have a question. Since you know that Miss Ning was poisoned, why didn't you save people?"

This question lingered in Ning Xiaoman's heart for a day.

Ning Xiaoman's problem made Qingkou blush. It was really her negligence,

"Young lady, it's really the fault of the maidservant, because the results of our previous inquiry know that Ning's house is harmonious, so we don't have any doubt about the illness of young lady Ning."

"Just because there was no doubt, when Master Wu pretended to see her, I didn't ask Miss Ning's illness in detail. I didn't see Miss Ning for the first time until I came to Ningfu with you yesterday. It was too late to doubt again."

"After martial arts master Fu and I got Miss Ning out of the house, we went to the yard when we came to see if we could save people, but it was really too late. For this matter, I scolded martial arts master Fu. You said that you wouldn't see a doctor. Why didn't you know to learn from me about your illness."

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