Seeing that the eldest granddaughter did not feel ill, Mrs. Ning stopped insisting and reached out to help her granddaughter tuck in the quilt,

"OK, if my granddaughter doesn't mention it, she won't mention it. When my eldest granddaughter is well, my grandmother will help you choose it."

Ning shangman couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief,

"Thank you, grandma. Maybe I've forgotten too many things. I'm a little confused now, so you have to let me slow down."

"I know, I know. Grandma won't mention it anymore. Let's talk about our grandparents and grandchildren."

Mrs. Ning subconsciously touched Ning Xiaoman's forehead. Although she knew she didn't burn now, she was always worried that she would burn again. Therefore, from time to time, she had to stretch out her hand to try the temperature of her forehead.

"Man'er, when you're well, grandma will let you do what you like. If you don't want to learn needlework, we won't learn it. Grandma also told your mother to stop forcing you to learn. Your disease, grandma wants to get well, too. Needlework is not good. Don't we get married?"

It's said that she doesn't mention the blind date, but Mrs. Ning still can't leave Ning Xiaoman's marriage intentionally or unintentionally. This is probably a heart disease of the old lady. Therefore, as long as she doesn't directly mention to let Ning Xiaoman choose a kiss, Ning Xiaoman will go with her. After all, she's an old man. She should always be lenient.

"Anyway, we can't marry into the homes of ordinary people. In those families with some identity, which one doesn't have a sewing room, does my granddaughter have to do it by herself?"

Mrs. Ning continued to nag.

"Man'er, your mother brought you breakfast."

Ning Xiaoman breathed a sigh in her heart. Her mother didn't send breakfast to herself. She came to help out. Otherwise, her grandmother didn't know how long to talk about it.

"Mom, thank you. Let someone bring it in quickly. Man'er is hungry."

Ning Xiaoman is charming with Mrs. Ning. While talking, Mrs. Ning has entered the house. She first salutes the old lady and respectfully asks Ann.

"Good morning, mother."

Mrs. Ning raised her hand,

"Get up. I know you are polite. There are no outsiders here. My family doesn't need these empty ones."

Mrs. Ning got up and thanked her mother-in-law.

On the surface, Mrs. Ning was kind, but she had some stomach Fei in her heart. She also said that her family didn't come empty. When Man'er was ill, the mother-in-law didn't give herself less face. Those days, she didn't know what little abacus the bitch surnamed Xue had with her mother-in-law. Her mother-in-law didn't have a good face for herself.

But this can only be thought in my heart. I can't say it in my mouth. Even if I show a word and a half of dissatisfaction, it is also unfilial to my mother-in-law. If I am a daughter-in-law, I deserve to be wronged. Let alone just show my face. Even if I am scolded for a few words, I have to suffer. I hold my grievance and never dare to speak.

"Mother, I made some food for Man'er. You came here in a hurry this morning. You must not have eaten it. I brought your share."

Anyway, mother-in-law has always been very good to herself, and it was only in the days when man ER was ill that she was a little abnormal.

When it's time for filial piety, Mrs. Ning has never been in trouble, so Mrs. Ning has always been very satisfied with her daughter-in-law. As for the days when her eldest granddaughter was ill, she would have such an attitude. It's not all because of Aunt Xue's provocation, but also some anger.

At this time, the daughter-in-law gave herself a step down. She didn't follow,

"Well, it's still quiet and filial. You can think of my mother-in-law anytime."

Mrs. Ning got up with a smile and sat down at the table.

"Man'er, my mother asked the cook to make you some porridge, dishes and snacks. Just now your sister-in-law went to the kitchen with me. After seeing some of your dishes, she said you were just ill and had to eat some plain porridge and snacks. But you can't help yourself to eat these meat dishes and cook some for you. Eat more. Don't blind your sister-in-law's Kung Fu."

After Mrs. Ning finished speaking, two young women came out from behind her. They were not old. The reason why Ning Xiaoman saw that they were young women was because they both combed women's heads. In this age, there are too many women's words. People who are married but not married have requirements to comb their hair. You can distinguish people at a glance. If they are widows, they have particular hair types, Never let people get their identity wrong.

They each carried a food box in their hands. At this time, they put the food box on the table,

"Man'er, your second sister-in-law and I made you some food. See if you like it or not. Grandma, you can try it."

An older woman in front took out the plates in the food box and put them on the table while talking.

It's said that she's a little older, which is also compared with the little daughter-in-law behind. She looks like she's only seventeen or eight years old, and the one behind is smaller. Ning Xiaoman feels that she should be about his age. How can she look like a minor girl.

The younger woman in the back didn't arrange food. She first gave a gift to old lady Ning, and then walked to Ning Xiaoman's bed,

"Man'er, I'll help you up and lean against it. It's so convenient to eat. Can you be reliable?"

Mrs. Ning smiled,

"Look, your sister-in-law still loves you?"

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