The third prince spoke too affectionately, so that Ning Xiaoman didn't return to his mind for a long time. After a long time, Ning Xiaoman sighed heavily. She felt that the third prince would never understand her mood. After all, her ideas were too different from the woman of this time and space.

So she decided to speak out her real thoughts and let the third prince know that she was not because he didn't give enough or didn't believe his promise, but that she didn't dare to face the cruel future. Maybe in other people's eyes, those were irrelevant, as long as the third prince's heart was on her, but she couldn't.

"Your Highness, you will never understand my mood. You will not understand how selfish, narrow, arrogant and unreasonable a woman will be when she really falls in love with a man. I don't want to be such a woman in your heart."

Ning Xiaoman's words brightened the eyes of Zheng Fusheng, the third prince. It turned out that Xiaoman also loved him, but why didn't he accept it? Since he doesn't have an answer here, listen to Xiaoman and hope to find the crux in her words.

"Your Highness, what I'm telling you now can our two equal identities. Therefore, please forgive me for my disrespect first."

Although the third prince hesitated, he nodded. He wanted to hear Ning Xiaoman's heart knot clearly.

"I'm just an ordinary little woman. When I first entered the palace, my only wish was to endure until I was out of the palace. I hope I can save my life before I leave the palace and live until the day I go out. Then, I'll find an ordinary man to marry. This is my small but most real wish at that time."

"Then I was assigned to your yard. I really didn't expect that I would be assigned to a prince's yard, so I warned myself to work hard, don't let the prince hate himself, and even let him like himself. Of course, what I thought at that time was not this kind of love now, but I just hope you can be satisfied with my job."

Thinking of Ning Xiaoman who was diligent at that time, the third prince's face also showed some smiles,

"But I gradually found that the remote small yard was not calm, not to mention the intrigues among the people in the yard. Even for your prince, there was no scruples."

"Gradually, I feel a little distressed about your experience. How can a prince get to this point? Besides, you have a disability and you can't be spoiled. It also has the identity of a prince. Therefore, I try my best to teach you to speak and cram you with some messy knowledge."

"I don't have many ideas. I just want you to have the opportunity to stand in front of your father and emperor, let him see that you are not a waste, and let him know that you are a person who can help him. In that way, you can stand in front of others. You don't have to hide in a quiet yard, be bullied by these inferior people who have no status, and won't be bullied by your royal brothers The emperor's brothers despise it. "

The third prince's eyes are more and more gentle. This is Ning Xiaoman in his heart. He knows that Xiaoman is the one who cares about him most and thinks of him best. He is wronged, scolded and beaten. What he loves most is the woman in front of him. Even the woman who gave birth to him in the palace can't give him so much love.

"But in the process of helping you and taking care of you, I don't know which of us moved our hearts first, but no matter who moved our hearts first, I still moved my heart unstoppably. However, the more I love, the more I fear. Therefore, no matter what kind of commitment you gave me, I didn't promise you, and I will accompany you forever."

The third prince's eyes flashed. When it came to the point, he could finally know what Xiaoman was resisting and why he was unwilling to come to him,

"Because I can't share my love, so I'm not suitable for you."

"Why share?"

The third prince didn't think about this promise. When did he say that he would share his feelings? It's enough for him to have Xiaoman. He didn't want anyone else.

"Your Highness, you are the prince. You can't erase this identity anyway. You just said it. Therefore, you can only live according to the model of the prince. You will be the prince's imperial concubine, there will be four side imperial concubines, and there are many famous women who have no title."

"But I don't want to be one of them. That's why I always want to get out of the palace and find an ordinary man to live together, because I can't share my husband. If I find a poor man, he can only be mine, and you will never be me alone."

Hearing Ning Xiaoman say that she wants to find a poor man to live, there is a chill in the third prince's eyes. The girl dares to think of other men. As long as she lives one day, she doesn't think about it. No matter which man and son she are, she has only a dead end.

Ning Xiaoman can think of what the third prince is thinking at the moment and continues to say unfinished words,

"This is only when you are the prince. If you take that position, there will be countless beauties. I certainly can't live like that. I don't want to be beyond recognition in the future."

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