Seeing that Mrs. Ning was a little anxious, Mu Ling quickly answered and comforted her,

"Don't worry, madam. I haven't finished yet."

She has been with the eldest lady for many years. Of course, she knows what the eldest lady is worried about. Besides, the wife in charge of the Hou house is the eldest lady. No matter what mistakes are made, the first one to bear the responsibility is the eldest lady.

"Then go on, I'm listening."

Mrs. Ning also knew she was in a hurry, so she quickly asked Mu Ling to go on,

"The third prince is a good tempered man. He didn't cause trouble because of the offense of our yard guard."

"On the contrary, when the maidservant went to report his name, he was very kind to meet the eldest lady and said that we were not to blame for this. It was his fault that he walked too quickly and offended the young lady. Moreover, he didn't talk to the eldest lady much and let us come back. According to the maidservant, the third prince is not the kind of prick and shouldn't find a back account."

Mrs. Ning frowned, her mind turned, and then asked in disbelief,

"You mean, the third prince spoke to you?"

When Mrs. Ning asked, Ning Xiaoman's brain exploded. The loophole is here.

Mrs. Ning must have heard that the third prince is not easy to speak. The whole palace says that the third prince can't speak, but when he sees himself, he forgets to hide this. He still wants to be a backhand and save a heavy blow to the enemy. Ning Xiaoman regrets it very much.

"Yes, the third prince spoke. Madam, you didn't mention it. Your servant didn't notice it. Your servant remembered it. The third prince spoke slowly and laboriously, but his voice sounded good, very calm and soothing. Maybe it was because of this tone of speech that the servant felt that the third prince was not a fault finder."

Since she didn't find her own fault face to face, and that attitude really didn't look like making amends later, Mu Ling went through the scene again in her heart. She was sure that the third prince would not come to the Hou's house.

"Madam Hou, the vegetarian meal is ready. The host invites all ladies and ladies to have a vegetarian meal."

The Zhike monk came to invite someone. Mrs. Ning quickly got up and thanked him,

"OK, we'll go to fast now. Please lead the way first."

After taking his daughter to have a vegetarian meal, Dr. Ning hurried back to the Hou house by car. Once back to the Hou house, he patiently went to Mrs. Ning's yard with his daughter to ask ANN, so he hurried back to her own yard. She had to sum up today's affairs with her husband.

Ning Chengzhi, Wu Yu's Hou, now rests in Mrs. Ning's yard every day. Although he has resumed going to court, he must have returned from the Yamen at this time. Mrs. Ning returned to the yard and ran directly to the main house. She found Wu Yu's Hou very cheaply.

"You mean, when the third prince bumped into Xiaoman, he apologized to Xiaoman?"

After hearing his wife tell him what happened, Wu yuhou also found that something was wrong,

"Yes, that's what wooden bell said. The third prince personally apologized to Man'er and said he was impolite."

Hou Wu Yu carried his hands on his back and made two rounds on the floor of the house. Then he stopped and muttered,

"In the past two days when I went to the upper court, I also met these princes. Although the fourth, fifth and sixth princes are also in power, they will still have a few words with the ministers before and after the upper court."

Wu yuhou slowly cleared his mind. Mrs. Ning just listened quietly. She knew that her husband was thinking now, so she didn't interrupt,

"Everyone also seized the opportunity to say a few more words to the princes who have some ideas in their mind."

"Because some time ago, the prince and the second prince were involved in our family's homicide. They were originally the two most powerful people for reserve, but now they are in a disadvantageous position. The ministers are searching for the next target. Who doesn't want to have the power of learning from the dragon?"

"Even if the emperor wrote a last Edict and set a prince to succeed, you don't have to follow the prince to take risks and seize the country, but if you can get in touch with him in advance, your future is unlimited. Therefore, everyone is getting close to these little princes, except the third prince. I haven't seen anyone close to him."

Wu yuhou has not paid much attention to these details since he began to go to the court in recent two days. If it weren't for today's affairs, he wouldn't have noticed these princes, because he has always been a royalist. Otherwise, the murder case at home wouldn't have happened.

But just because of this murder, marquis Wu Yu found that it was not easy for him to just stand in the middle. Everyone wanted to win over. If you can't win over, you may be poisoned. Anyway, if I can use it, I will never let my opponent be proud.

Therefore, Ning Chengzhi is already worried about the safety of the house. Even if he doesn't change his original intention on the surface, he secretly knows that he should have an intention to take refuge. No king will like the people who didn't want to see him at the beginning. Ning Chengzhi is also afraid that if he doesn't choose, will someone extend a black hand to the house again.

If you don't choose, you may be hated by all people, and everyone may become their own enemy. If you choose the wrong one, you may kill yourself. So you must be careful, but if you choose the right one, it's a smooth road. That's why we all know that the dispute over the storage of seats is a matter of losing your head, and so many people will not turn back.

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