Mrs. Ning's righteousness and trust made Wu Yu feel ashamed. Thinking about what happened a few days ago and his attitude towards his wife over the years, Wu Yu really felt that he had a very poor eye for people, which made him almost unable to believe his eyes this time.

Wu Yu and Hou Ning Chengzhi loosened his wife's hand, got up, hugged her and hugged her tightly,

"If I get a wife like this, what can my husband ask for? I was blind before. I used to treat fish eyes as pearls. I only looked at her gorgeous appearance and completely ignored her gold and jade outside and in it. Instead, I abandoned your night pearl in the corner."

"I'm sorry, Jingya. It's all my fault. From now on, I'll take good care of you. Although this is a little late and has delayed your good years for more than ten years, Jingya, you are my lost baby. I will cherish it more carefully. Fortunately, we still have many years."

His face was flushed by such a promise. Mrs. Ning was as shy as a girl, slightly lowered her head and glanced away. Such a Mrs. Ning brightened Wu Yu's eyes,

"Jingya, you are so beautiful."

Of course, an emotional woman is the most beautiful, but Ning Chengzhi's guilt is more profound because of his wife's beauty at this time. He hugged his wife to the bed, gently placed her on the bed, and gently helped her remove the hairpin ring. After that, he wanted to warm the bed.

Later, Ning Chengzhi was more disciplined in the imperial court. Before, he would not have noticed this. Someone winked at him and said hello. He was embarrassed not to express it to others. Now there are incentives for the three princes. After careful observation, he determined that his every move was under the attention of the emperor.

This made him gradually develop the same habit as the third prince. As long as he was close to the Taihe hall, he would no longer pay attention to other courtiers. He just stood near a corner with his wat board. He looked thoughtful. At the beginning, some ministers came to talk, but when he saw his listless and indifferent appearance, he withdrew.

These ministers didn't think of anything else. They just thought that Marquis Wu Yu's family had just suffered such a big disaster, and there were some worries in their hearts. The ministers were not blind, and they were human sperm. Therefore, everyone automatically intuitively didn't bother him.

At the court hall, Wu Yu Hou Ning Chengzhi is more strict with himself. His eyes don't glance and his body doesn't move. As for his ears, it's necessary to carry out its greatest effect. Keep all the whispers around him in mind as much as possible and feel a little useful. Regardless of official and private affairs, Wu Yu Hou Ning Chengzhi should sort them out when he returns to his house.

He kept these preparations. Once the third prince came to the door, he couldn't ask three unknowns. Moreover, Ning Chengzhi didn't keep in touch with the ministers. He only exchanged what he needed with the ministers after he left the palace and separated from the emperor's eyes and ears.

Ning Chengzhi is not a newcomer to the court. He doesn't know his skills in dealing with the world until today. Therefore, he knows that even if he doesn't want to make deep friends with these ministers, there must be facial feelings. It's best to make people think he is making deep friends with him. Only such exchanges can get more favorable news.

But this kind of communication really needs some acting skills. In other words, you have to let people see your sincerity. No matter whether your heart is true or false, you have to let people see your sincerity. Ning Chengzhi knows for the first time that it is so difficult to be a man. It is really blessed by his ancestors that he can go through these ten years safely.

"Hou ye, hasn't the third prince said it yet?"

As the days went by, Ning Chengzhi gradually got used to his current state. He was no longer sad at the beginning, but he had found that the emperor occasionally looked at himself, which was a little different from before, but the third prince still had no intersection with himself.

"Not yet, but I'm not in a hurry. Jingya, in the current state, even if we don't contact the third prince, he will pay attention to us, because the emperor has begun to pay attention to me. Now I know what a wise decision it is to respond to changes with invariance."

Mrs. Ning didn't quite understand what Hou Ye Ning Chengzhi said,

"What does it mean that the emperor has begun to pay attention to you?"

Is it a good thing or a bad thing to be watched by the emperor?

"The Emperor didn't look at me in the early days, but he just glanced at me and didn't care much. But recently, he will obviously look at me instead of glancing at me. Although he won't stay too much at this glance, he will still see some deep meaning in his eyes."

Ning Chengzhi sat by the bed and talked to his wife. Now he likes to chat with his wife so closely. He likes to chat with his wife so closely, whether it's family affairs in the house or major events in the court,

"If it weren't for my habit of observing people now, I really couldn't find the difference."

"What does the Marquis mean? This should be a good thing?"

Ning Chengzhi rubbed his wife's shoulder, with a happy expression on his face,

"Yes, it should be a good thing. I think it obviously means valuing."

"It should be found that I don't have anything to do with ministers or princes in the court. When it's my turn, I'm also outspoken and don't hide. This should be the holy heart of the emperor. Therefore, we really should wait and see now. Not only wait for the three princes, but also the emperor will surprise our Marquis house."

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