At the thought of her last life, Ning Xiaoman immediately felt heavy hearted. Since she came to this world, she hardly thought about the past, not that she couldn't remember, but didn't dare to think about it. All the relatives, friends, classmates and colleagues of her last life, and so many people she cared about, disappeared overnight. This feeling made Ning Xiaoman feel so painful that she couldn't breathe.

The third prince saw that Ning Xiaoman's face suddenly had no blood color, and people trembled, so he couldn't help but get anxious,

"... one... One... You... What's the matter with you?"

It was just a simple greeting that made him work so hard.

Ning Xiaoman didn't care about his sadness. He immediately squatted down in front of him and stroked his hand on the armrest of the chair. Sure enough, the hand was as stiff as a stone. Ning Xiaoman gently rubbed it back and forth with the palm of his hand,

"I'm fine, your highness, relax, relax, don't be nervous."

I felt that hand slowly relaxed. Ning Xiaoman grabbed it into his hand and held it,

"Your Highness, it's very good. Don't you think it's time to speak? As long as you dare to speak, it's progress."

Looking at Ning Xiaoman holding his hand, the third prince's face rose a layer of red clouds inexplicably.

Ning Xiaoman only thinks that he is shy because he stutters. After all, in Ning Xiaoman's heart, she is a leftover woman who is about to be 30 years old. Although she is not a diamond, she can be regarded as a golden white-collar. She doesn't want to take advantage of a 16-year-old fresh meat. She takes herself as a bosom sister.

"Have you been like this since you were a child? Think about it carefully. Has it been so serious since you were a child?"

Ning Xiaoman thought that since he had opened his mouth today, he might as well attack the fortress directly so that he could come up with the best treatment.

In those years, because adults didn't have time to accompany their little cousin at work, they handed over the most arduous task to themselves. The stuttering of their little cousin was trained by themselves. They were familiar with all kinds of training methods. Even if they couldn't cure the third prince completely, Ning Xiaoman was still a little sure to reduce his symptoms.

At that time, I almost stuttered when I was abducted by my little cousin, but it really scared my parents. Fortunately, I won in the end. Dad and mom, are you doing well now? Did you miss me? I miss you a little!

"... Xi... Xi... Xiao... Xiao... Xiao man..."

The third prince wants to ask, Xiaoman, what's the matter with you? However, he just couldn't ask. He had never hated himself so much that he couldn't speak normally. The woman looking at her eyes was full of tears, and the third prince's heart was a little tingling.

This is when the third prince grows up to be so big, the only woman who is good to him wholeheartedly except the mother imperial concubine. She doesn't ask for return or reward. She is only good to him because she wants to be good to him. The third prince has never wanted to learn to speak and face her future.

He wants to be strong and protect the people he wants to protect. Even if the woman in front of him is only a small palace maid, she can see her mind. The third prince doesn't want her to be wronged, and the woman who is almost dependent on others. He hopes to give her a barrier so that she won't get hurt.

"Look at the maidservant today. I don't know what's wrong. I'm always distracted."

It can be seen that the third prince is in a hurry. Ning Xiaoman's heart is also warm. Since he can't go back to the past, he should finish this period well. No matter where he is, this is his own life.

"You write with a pen. Let me see if I can find out the source of the disease?"

Ning Xiaoman let go of the third prince and helped him spread the paper and dip it in ink,

"I asked you to write, when did you find yourself stuttering and when did it get worse?"

"Oh? You started stuttering when you were six years old. That's wrong. If you weren't born, you couldn't have stutterers around you. How could you stutter? It's unscientific."

Ning Xiaoman raised her eyebrows and looked at the words written by the third prince on the paper, thinking about the possible causes of the disease.

"It got worse when you were eight, and then you moved here, and then you didn't want to talk?"

Ning Xiaoman also knows that when he was young, his mother's imperial concubine could visit him every other time, and Liu Zhaorong, who took care of him, always gave her biological mother some face, although she lived in the second grade.

When he arrived at the prince's office, he would never have a chance to take care of him. The child who was not loved by anyone was excluded from all aspects until he was trampled by the palace people. He finally reached the lowest point of his life. Naturally, he would be very excluded from the outside world. The best way to exclude him was not to communicate with others. Anyway, he stammered and eventually became a mute.

Ning Xiaoman can hardly tell what kind of mood she is. Now she loves this 16-year-old boy like a mother loves her child,

"Don't care what others think of you. We should live our own wonderful life. I'll help you speak and make them look at you with new eyes one day."

Ning Xiaoman looks at the third prince with bright eyes and wants to see his approval of this and his determination to change. Suddenly, an action of the third prince makes Ning Xiaoman scream excitedly,

"Your Highness, I think I may know your cause?"

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