But the nerve racking thing will come soon,

"Xiaoman, it's said that because of the recent drought, the emperor is going to pray for rain, and all princes and ministers are going to attend the sacrifice. In order to show the sincerity of the royal family, the queen should also follow the trip, and both internal and external life women should follow."

Hearing Qingkou's sudden loss of head and tail, Ning Xiaoman couldn't react, because it has nothing to do with herself, whether it's the emperor or the queen, or whether it's a foreign life woman or a foreign life woman. Qingkou is not such a aimless person. She must have a purpose, so Ning Xiaoman listened patiently.

"The old lady and the eldest lady of our family have to travel with us."

Oh, this should be the key point, but this key point has nothing to do with yourself. Grandma and mother travel with them, and they have nothing to do with themselves. They are followed by those maidservants and servants.

"The old lady of each family can take a legitimate granddaughter to accompany her. She said she was afraid that the old people would have bad bones and would be followed for a small life so that she could take good care of them."

Ning Xiaoman suddenly stood up, pointed to his nose and didn't speak for a long time.

"Why, can't you sit still? I think you just sat quite steady."

Qingkou looks at Ning Xiaoman, who doesn't look very good. She is secretly happy. Finally, she looks at the little girl. Since she met the third prince, the girl has become more and more calm. She won't even reveal her mind.

In fact, in the face of Ning Xiaoman like that, Qingkou is a little worried and distressed. At the thought of a girl as old as flowers, she will be sent to the big refining tank. She may be refined into steel muscles and iron bones, no longer have any tenderness, or she may be refined into dead bones and no beauty in the world.

This is the price that may be paid for entering the palace. Although many girls from other families are willing to enter the palace and fight for their future, Ning Xiaoman is obviously not that kind of person. She wants a quiet life, but even such a simple request is out of reach for Ning Xiaoman.

"Why can't I sit still? I'm just a little strange. Are there such regulations for sacrifice in previous years? Will I ask my daughter to go with me?"

Logically speaking, the requirement of sacrifice is very high. Many family ancestral temples will not let their daughters participate in the sacrifice.

"Yes, when I first heard the news, I was also surprised. When there was no sacrifice, I asked my daughter's family to sacrifice together. I don't know how different this year's rain prayer will be, but don't be afraid. You're not the only legitimate granddaughter to go, others will go, and I will always accompany you."

Qingkou's words make Ning Xiaoman very warm. She thinks she is really a lucky person. When she first came here to live, she was accompanied by Mo Xiaodie. Later, she was assigned to the yard of the third prince, and the third prince supported her. Now when she comes to Ning house, she is accompanied by Qingkou. What else can she complain about.

"The eldest lady, the eldest lady came to see you."

Wooden bell passed a message to Ning Xiaoman outside. Then she saw her lift the curtain and wait. In a moment, Mrs. Ning came into the house with water bell.

"Mother, why are you here? Let the water bell tell me something. I'll go to your yard."

Ning Xiaoman reached out to her mother's wrist and took the man to the table to sit down. She poured a cup of tea for her mother and sent it to her hand. Then she sat down with her mother.

"Man'er, mother has something to tell you. The emperor will lead all officials to pray for rain the day after tomorrow. If it doesn't rain again, the crops will be over. As a proof of sincerity, the queen will also drive with her. In this way, both internal and external life women will follow. Your grandmother is old and many people are afraid of inconvenient action. You follow and take care of her."

Ning Xiaoman already knew this. Of course, there was nothing to be surprised. He just nodded skillfully, which made Dr. Ning very happy. His daughter was a sensible child. Although she knew it was unreasonable, she still had no objection. As expected, she was a lady of the family.

After hearing the news, Ning Xiaoman didn't want to go, just because Ning Xiaoman hated the second prince and the second princess. After being entangled by the second prince, she was afraid of embarrassment, but now that the matter has been settled, she didn't hesitate. She made due preparations and went outside the city with her grandmother.

Unexpectedly, the place of sacrifice was in Daduo temple, but because there were too many people, the front yard was cleared, and the sacrifice was carried out in the front yard. When Ning Xiaoman participated in the sacrifice activity for the first time, he deeply felt that it was not easy to be an ancient. He had never seen such complex sacrifice content, and he was dizzy when he kowtowed.

The emperor took the prince and ministers in the main hall. Because of the large number of people, the gate of the main hall was fully opened, and there were people inside and outside the hall. The queen took the life wives in the side hall. As usual, there were people inside and outside, which was quite chaotic. Fortunately, the older ones were in the inner hall, Ning Xiaoman accompanied her grandmother in the inner hall, while Ning Da's wife was younger and placed in the outer hall.

Because Ning Xiaoman is in the inner hall of the side hall, Ning Xiaoman reacts a little when there is a noise outside. When there is a scream, Ning Xiaoman quickly arranges his grandmother to be protected by Qingkou and goes to the outer hall to find his mother. Qingkou can't leave the old lady. She can only worry. Just when she sees Ning Xiaoman again, She was lying on the ground with her stomach covered in blood.

The third prince knelt beside her anxiously, his eyes full of fierce colors. Ning Xiaoman raised his hand to him, only half raised it, and then hung down. He had no strength. Ning Xiaoman's face was pale, but in her eyes, the third prince clearly saw a touch of brilliance. "I promised you, I will never turn back for you." therefore, I am willing to pay for love.

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