Looking at the serious expression of the eldest lady, Mu Ling also put away her smile,

"Eldest lady, I want to learn this skill as soon as possible, so that I can play a role one day earlier. Now I'm just in our house. You've been poisoned again and again. What if you go to the prince's house?"

"There is no more danger there, only more dangerous. The slave and maid thought that if the slave and maid can be smarter and smarter, the young lady can suffer less. After all, Qingkou can't stay with you all the time. In case she is absent, even if there is any conspiracy, the slave and maid can deal with it somehow."

"Young lady, don't feel sorry for your maidservant. The maidservant was sent by the eldest lady to serve you well and let you be poisoned twice. That's the maidservant's fault. Moreover, the maidservant went to consult mother Huang and mother Lao and asked them to tell her how to serve you in the palace."

"I want to follow the eldest lady into the palace and the prince's house. If someone else follows the eldest lady, I'm not at ease. Therefore, I'll study hard, learn everything I can, and then guard the eldest lady well."

Mu Ling's firm eyes made Ning Xiaoman in a trance.

What has she done for this woman? The answer is No. She has never done anything for mu Ling, but mu Ling is firmly on her side and determined to protect herself. She is afraid that she will be wronged. Ning Xiaoman is really moved by this intention.

"Mu Ling, don't think about doing it for me. You also think about yourself. I'm not worth your hard work. You're 18 years old this year. Even if you enter the prince's palace with me, you'll be released in a few years. Why do you suffer such a crime for me?"

Ning Xiaoman gently released her handkerchief and rubbed the position where the wooden bell had just bled,

"The girl's home. When you get old, find someone to marry."

Hearing Ning Xiaoman's words, Mu Ling was stunned for a moment. Her tears were like opening the gate of the river and flowing down recklessly, which frightened Ning Xiaoman. Ning Xiaoman quickly took a handkerchief to wipe it for her,

"What's the matter, what's the matter, how good I cried."

Ning Xiaoman hurriedly wiped her eyes and comforted her. As a result, it didn't work at all. Ning Xiaoman finally let go in despair and sat in front of wooden bell,

"I beg you, wooden bell, will you stop crying? Tell me why you suddenly cry so fiercely?"

Wooden bell also cried almost. She took a handkerchief and wiped the snot and tears on her face. A pair of big water Lingling eyes cried red, and the tip of her nose was also red. Her face was swollen. It can be seen how sad she had just cried, but Ning Xiaoman still didn't know why she cried.

"Eldest lady, do you dislike slaves and maidservants? You think they are clumsy and don't serve well."

Just after saying this, Mu Ling will cry again. Ning Xiaoman quickly raises his hand and surrenders,

"Stop, stop, wooden bell, don't cry. Finish your words and let's have a good talk."

Wooden bell took two deep breaths to stabilize his mood, and then began to speak again,

"Young lady, I want to go to the prince's house with you. Although Qingkou is younger than me and can stay in the prince's house for two more years, I'm not much older than her. Moreover, she is the only one who takes care of you. I'm not at ease."

"I want to follow you to the prince's residence, and I don't want to get married. I want to serve you well. Take me to the prince's residence, young lady. You must have two close companions around. No, if you find some new people to follow, can you ensure their loyalty and take good care of you?"

"I've been with the eldest lady for several years, and now I'm with the eldest lady. I can't compare my loyalty with others. Moreover, if something really happens, I'll stand in front of you, and others will follow you. I'm really worried."

"Eldest lady, you promised me. I'll study medicine and serve you well. When I arrive at the prince's house, I'll always guard you. I don't marry anyone. When I get old, I'll comb myself as an aunt. I'll inquire. If I want to serve the Lord's son all the time and don't go out of the house, I can ask myself to comb myself."

"When I become an aunt, I can always serve you. I've thought about it. When you have children, I'll take them for you. Otherwise, I'll give them to others. I can't believe it. Other women will come into the prince's house in the future. What if they want to harm Baobei?"

Ning Xiaoman didn't expect that Mu Ling had thought so far. It can be seen that she didn't think of it for a moment. She had thought about it for a long time,

"Do you really want to follow me?"

Before Ning Xiaoman's voice fell, Mu Ling nodded fiercely,

"Yes, yes, the maidservant will follow you all the time."

Such a wooden bell really makes Ning Xiaoman speechless.

She never knew that a person could be loyal to this degree. In Mu Ling's heart, there was probably no one else except Ning Xiaoman. But such loyalty was too heavy and pressed Ning Xiaoman out of breath. How could she get this sincere heart.

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