They soon returned to the house. Wooden bell was waiting to rub his hands. A man walked around the house like a headless fly. He suddenly heard a sound in the house. Looking back, it was the master and the eldest lady who immediately rushed over like relatives who had not been reborn for a long time.

"Wait, wait, what are you doing?"

Qingkou reached out and stopped the man before Muling almost jumped into her arms. Muling, however, no matter what Qingkou's attitude, she just looked up and down anxiously. It was a relief to see that there was nothing wrong with them.

"Why did you come back so slowly? I was so worried. The eldest lady sent someone to inform the eldest lady to have dinner in her room. I'm really afraid you won't come back."

Wood bell saw that the master didn't want her to rush over, so she turned her goal to Ning Xiaoman.

Ning Xiaoman didn't refuse her. She hugged her gently and patted her back in comfort. Ning Xiaoman knew she was anxious, so she wanted to make Mu Ling feel at ease

"Aren't we back? Don't worry. We won't be in danger."

Wooden bell nodded, then turned and rushed out of the room. Without much effort, she brought a basin of warm water in,

"Miss, wipe your face and you're sweating."

The wooden bell diligently soaked a cotton towel, wrung it dry and handed it to the eldest lady, and another one to the master.

"Master, wipe it too."

Qingkou has been a waiter since she entered the Hou's house. Although later, Mu Ling also entered Xiaoman's yard, she only did a lot of work for her, but she can't be waited on.

Now he has accepted his apprentice. He feels so satisfied to be served by his apprentice. Looking at Qingkou's eyes, Qingkou is immediately full of kindness. He looks at Qingkou quite flattered. Ning Xiaoman and Qingkou have packed up, and wooden bell immediately brings out the water. When he leaves, he fills them with tea.

"Hey, this day is called day. I knew it was so good to accept disciples. I would have accepted disciples long ago."

After saying this, he glanced at Xiaoman intentionally or unintentionally. In that eye, there was obviously an itchy dissatisfaction.

"What do you think of me? You didn't want to take an apprentice yourself. I begged you several times. You didn't want to take me. No wonder I didn't."

Ning Xiaoman can't pick up such a story for Qingkou. If she talks about it every day in the future, it's terrible.

"Ah, I just want to see if I will ask the imperial concubine to bring me tea and pour water to soak my handkerchief. Then I really think my life is long. Therefore, in this life, I have no life to be a teacher for you."

Although it was just a sigh, it made Ning Xiaoman feel bad.

"Master, it's mainly that you use the identity of Qingkou as soon as you enter the palace. There's really no way. When you enter the prince's palace later, I'll send a special person to serve you. I won't let you do any work. I'll serve you as your ancestor. As long as you open your mouth, someone will send you right away. Do you think such a day is OK?"

Qingkou reached out and patted Ning Xiaoman on the head,

"Just tease me and offer me as my ancestor. When I go to the prince's house to be my ancestor, I'm not far from my ancestor. Do you want me to die early and surpass my life early?"

"Bah, bah, bah,..."

Qing Kou asked Ning Xiaoman to quickly bah three mouthfuls on the ground,

"Good ones don't work, bad ones. Bah three people quickly. Shifu is still talking nonsense when he is such an adult."

Seeing Ning Xiaoman is really anxious, Qingkou quickly imitates Xiao man's appearance and quickly bah three people. Ning Xiaoman's face is better,

"Master, don't talk so casually next time. Xiaoman still wants you to accompany a generation."

"OK, OK, OK, I'll accompany Xiaoman all my life. In the future, wow, I'll go wherever Xiaoman goes. I'll definitely follow closely and don't fall behind."

Qingkou's words finally eased Ning Xiaoman's face, but he didn't look too good.

"Xiaoman, I was joking just now. You know, we wandering in the Jianghu have no restrictions and no taboos, because we lick blood on the edge of the knife and are used to life and death. If we can't stand this joke, we can't live that day."

"Shifu, it's different now. Now that you have me, you don't have to wander in the Jianghu, and you don't have to worry about the sudden emergence of enemies who are dying. I'll protect you and let you live a safe and stable life. The good days are still ahead. You don't say you have to help me bring my baby."

In order to comfort the master, Ning Xiaoman doesn't care about his shyness. He takes out the bait with the children. Qingkou looks at Ning Xiaoman and is very moved. He can receive such an apprentice, which is also a blessing he has cultivated in his previous life. At the thought of really helping Xiaoman lead a warm life with children, Qingkou can't hide his smile.

"OK, Xiaoman says so. I have to live well to see our Xiaoman have children and stand higher. No matter how many risks there are, Xiaoman, there is a master."

Qingkou claims to be a master in front of Xiaoman for the first time. Ning Xiaoman tears in an instant.

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