Qingkou stayed to look at the yard. Mu Ling accompanied the eldest lady to the eldest lady's yard. When she entered the main room, she saw that everyone had arrived. Ning Xiaoman was dignified again. His face was a little red,

"Sorry, father, mother and daughter are late."

"It's all right, it's all right. You've been training with the mammies for a day. How can you not be tired? Just sleep for a while. Can't we wait?"

The eldest lady looked at her daughter lovingly and waved her to sit next to her.

"Mother sent someone to my yard, wooden bell. Why didn't you listen?"

Wooden bell remembered what she had just said to the eldest lady. As a result, the eldest lady jumped down in a hurry and was immediately scolded by the master. This was stopped. When she went to the yard with the young lady, she did forget it.

"I'm sorry, miss. It was the servant's negligence."

Now this environment is not a good time to explain. No matter what the reason is, people always don't do well, so Muling quickly compensated Ning Xiaoman.

"Oh, it's all right. I remember. I've been talking to Qingkou since I got up. I must have no time for you. I've wronged you."

Ning Xiaoman also found that he was wrong as soon as he said what he had just said.

Now this time and space is not modern. The master can't be wrong. Even if the master causes trouble, it's all servants who are wrong. With his mouth, even if he has convicted Mu Ling, Ning Xiaoman can't help muttering in his heart. It seems that he hasn't learned enough etiquette rules. Up to now, he can't control his temper.

On the other side, Mu Ling was very moved when she heard Ning Xiaoman's explanation for herself. It's nothing wrong. The eldest lady excused herself. Mu Ling felt that she didn't do well enough, but she also knew that the less she talked on this occasion, the less attention she would attract, so she immediately closed her mouth, stopped talking and caused less trouble to the eldest lady.

"Oh, what a big thing. You've come here."

The daughter's words are obviously protective. The eldest lady can't hear it. She doesn't want to hurt the harmony between mother and daughter because of these small things. As long as her daughter feels good, it's good.

"Come on, give me a hug."

Ning Xiaoman, who was sitting steadily, saw the child in her sister-in-law's arms and immediately came to the spirit. This was the first child she saw when she came to this time and space.

Because she had been ill, and again and again, she finally recovered and began to receive education. Therefore, she saw this little guy for the first time today, and she was very rare immediately. Qian Meiying also gave her son a wink.

"My eldest nephew is really handsome. He picked the advantages of his eldest brother and sister-in-law. Looking at his big eyes, how lovely his hair is. Oh, how long his eyelashes are."

That pair of dark and round big eyes really made Ning Xiaoman's heart ache.

"The bridge of the nose and the small mouth are not handsome. It's the children of Wu Yu Hou's house. Who can catch up with our children?"

This time, I boasted all the people in the whole house. There was no one who didn't speak happily. Qian Meiying, who was praised for her son, was even more happy.

"All right, let's have dinner quickly. I'm hungry."

When I see my sister coming in, I become the focus. When I have a big nephew, I don't even look at myself. My sister usually hurts me most. The third young master Ning Jiacheng has a temper.

"Little boy, your third uncle is unhappy. Such a big man is still afraid of hunger. Shall we shame him?"

Ning Xiaoman holds his nephew's small hand and scrapes it on his face. The little guy is only one year old and can't speak, but he is manipulated by Ning Xiaoman's unscrupulous aunt. He is very happy.

"I'm not afraid of starvation. I'm afraid everyone will have a cold meal. That will make my stomach, won't it, mother?"

Ning Jiacheng immediately selects an ally. Mrs. Ning doesn't give her son face. Let everyone eat quickly and don't really cool the food.

A meal was very warm. Although men and women didn't eat at the same table, they were their own people. They just set up two tables in the room, which was useless even for the barrier of the screen. It was very convenient for everyone to talk, and there was not too much restraint between them. The atmosphere was gentle. Their own people were almost here.

Hou Ye Ning Chengzhi and Mrs. Ning Da deliberately created such an occasion. After all, their daughter is going to marry the prince's house. No matter whether the third prince can ascend to a high position in the future, as the prince's imperial concubine, it is enough to help the brothers and brothers in the house. Therefore, the husband and wife still hope that their daughters and sons can get closer.

When they see that their daughter is not only separated from their brothers and brothers, but also very intimate, the husband and wife put down the last worry in their hearts. They know their daughter's nature, not the kind of ungrateful, treacherous and slippery people, but they can be more relieved only by seeing the closeness of their children with their own eyes.

The rest of the day is like a time of flowing water. It flows slowly in the gentle and quiet. A year soon passes. Not long after the hot and noisy year, Ning Xiaoman's wedding date is approaching. Now the whole Wuyu Marquis house is busy only for this matter.

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