So she looked at Ning Xiaoman and turned to the sedan chair. Qingkou looked at the painful look secretly taken by his Highness the third prince, and there was nothing to say. Since she entered the palace, she had to be prepared for the battle, but she didn't expect that the war came so fast and tested people's hearts.

"Lift the car."

When the third prince Zheng Fusheng also got on the sedan chair, the Chamberlain shouted loudly to get up, and then they ran to the Empress Dowager's Ci Ning palace.

The journey was very smooth. The palace of CI Ning was not close to the palace of Qian Qing, but the two sedan chairs walked fast and smoothly. They soon arrived at the palace of CI Ning. The speed was completely different from that when they went to the palace of Qian Qing. When Qing Kou lifted the curtain of the sedan chair, he glanced at the people carrying the sedan chair and found that there was a change. At this time, the people carrying the sedan chair were not the two people in front.

"Third princess, please get off the sedan chair."

Qingkou helped Xiaoman lift the curtain, glanced at the car curtain again, and found that the car curtain had been changed. Now this car curtain is the original car curtain, which is exactly the same color as the fabric around the car body.

Qingkou gets off the car with Ning Xiaoman. She can't help but sweep her eyes at the car curtain and make sure that the car curtain has been changed. She can't help scolding herself in her heart. It's too careless. Changing the car curtain must have been carried out outside the Qianqing palace. She has been guarding the door of the Qianqing palace hall and didn't find anyone changing the car curtain.

At that time, I was afraid that Ning Xiaoman would have something sudden in the hall. All my attention focused on my ears and listened to the voice in the hall. At that time, Qingkou really thought that if he heard anything wrong, even if he gave up himself, he would rush in to save Xiaoman.

As a result, Xiaoman did encounter something in the hall. He didn't notice it outside and didn't say it. He even missed what happened in front of him. He didn't notice it at all. Someone was in front of him and changed the car curtain that had been tampered with, and the only evidence was gone.

Now, even if you want to go to the emperor to sue, you don't have any evidence in your hand. You can only eat this dumb loss. It's really suffocating. Now if you're not in the palace and can't act rashly, Qingkou wants to find out the murderer immediately and cut him thousands of knives.

"Green rattan bamboo is added to the tea?"

Since the car curtain has been replaced, Ning Xiaoman's loss is designated to be on the car curtain, and the car curtain is smoked with butterfly blue fragrance. Qingkou doesn't have to turn his head to know what Ning Xiaoman is wearing.


Ning Xiaoman trembled with pain, but she could bear it. She would rather suffer this bone etching pain than show any obscene posture.

"Damn it, when you said that someone smoked Butterfly Blue incense on the curtain, I should have guessed that someone would use green rattan bamboo. I was careless. I really didn't expect that someone dared to do it in front of the emperor. How dare it be."

Qingkou scolded herself and cursed in a low voice, but Ning Xiaoman showed a helpless expression,

"Even if you know in advance, don't you dare not drink the tea that the queen asked people to serve?"


The repeatedly depressed voice almost broke out. Fortunately, Qingkou experienced many things. She finally resisted the exclamation, but her heart was cold. If the queen wanted to fight Xiaoman, who could stop it.

"I'll see the Empress Dowager first. We'll discuss other things when we go back."

Ning Xiaoman is more calm than Qingkou at this time. Things are already like this. Can it be worse than now? Since he has survived such a bad thing, what else can he not get through.

"Meet the empress dowager, and respectfully invite her to be holy. The Empress Dowager is auspicious."

After entering cining palace, Qingkou is still waiting outside the hall. At this time, she is really anxious. Instead, Ning Xiaoman and Zheng Fusheng in the hall are calm. Ning Xiaoman still says hello.

However, her voice was obviously vague, because the wound on her tongue had swollen, which affected her pronunciation. However, in the hall, no one picked them except the empress dowager, who was a palace maid. The Empress Dowager looked at them and kowtowed to herself respectfully, and immediately made them stand up with a smile.

"Get up and get up quickly. It's a polite and sensible person."

Boasting in his mouth, he waved to the palace maids around him to take up the gifts. Even if it was no better, it was also a famous good thing in the palace. The queen mother was embarrassed to give out too many inferior things.

"Thank the Empress Dowager for her gift."

These gifts will eventually be sent to their own yard without Ning Xiaoman and Zheng Fusheng taking them personally. The visit to the palace of mercy was very smooth. After a few words of gossip with the empress dowager, they went out of the palace of mercy.

Out of CI Ning palace, he went straight to Liu Zhaorong's yard. Ning Xiaoman's whole spirit was used to fight his pain, and Zheng Fusheng's attention was all on Ning Xiaoman. They didn't notice the dignified and meaningful eyes behind him.

In this way, Ning Xiaoman was wounded and met with the adoptive mother of the third prince Zheng Fusheng, Cong Er Liu Zhaorong, and his biological mother Zheng Wupin Guo Bin. Finally, she thanked him. When she returned to the third prince's yard, Ning Xiaoman was like a man fished out of the water. Ning Xiaoman's strength made the third prince particularly moved. He knew that she was for him.

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