Zheng Fusheng didn't care much about envoys, but when he heard about the number of people and the tribute he brought, his mind couldn't hold down. When xiaolizi went down, he turned around and told Man'er about the matter. In fact, even if he didn't say it, Ning Xiaoman listened to eight, nine and ten.

"Man'er, do you think they have any ulterior purpose? Otherwise, how could they visit with such a strange team? I must have something wrong."

Zheng Fusheng felt a little uneasy, and with his own thinking, it became stronger and stronger.

"Don't worry. Let's watch the development of the situation first. No matter what happens, you can't speak as a prince who listens to politics and can't speak. Maybe you talk too much and provoke the Emperor... Oh, the father and Emperor despise you."

Man'er's worry is that Zheng Fusheng doesn't know anything,

"I know. I must only listen and don't speak about the gift to the court. I haven't spoken since I stood on the court hall. It's just that if they are bad for our country, I can't stand idly by."

Man'er gently pushed Zheng Fusheng's arm,

"Who told you to stand idly by? I told you to watch the change. If something big happens, we naturally can't ignore it."

That's what I said, but if I can't stand out, Ning Xiaoman still hopes Zheng Fusheng won't stand out. After all, Zheng Fusheng's power is not strong enough. If he comes out rashly, it will easily arouse the vigilance of others. At that time, although it's for the sake of his family, country and the world, it's likely that Zheng Fusheng will win or lose in the end.

Ning Xiaoman really doesn't want Zheng Fusheng to do good things. She hopes Zheng Fusheng can always hide behind the scenes. No matter what the mess in front is, and let it go, there is always a tall one standing in front. When it's time to come out, Ning Xiaoman is most willing to see a flying talent.

What's more, the emperor's body is still healthy. Those who shouldn't have thought about it, Ning Xiaoman is not in a hurry, but he doesn't want to be pouted when Zheng Fusheng is fledgling, and expose his immature strength too early. The final result can only be defeated, embarrassed, or even unable to recover from some.

"Man'er, I understand your worries. I'll control my discretion. Don't you believe your husband's ability? I won't do it unless I have to. But if I do, I must be sure. I won't do anything I'm not sure of. Are you worried?"

Ning Xiaoman is still confident in Zheng Fusheng's promise. He knows that Zheng Fusheng is not a man without spectrum. Otherwise, can he grow up so safely? His father doesn't hurt and his mother doesn't love. If he takes a sharp risk, he's afraid he'll be cleaned up early.

"Then you should also be careful. Through what happened to me a few days ago, I found that even if you don't show up, there are people targeting you. I don't know what they found, or they just think you're bullying. If you just want to bully, you should be vigilant if you find any signs."

Zheng Fusheng nodded. He knew that Ning Xiaoman had not been instructed in vain. He must have been in his heart for a few days. He didn't understand others. Man'er's intelligence was well understood. Therefore, since Man'er said to be careful, he really had to be careful.

In the next few days, nothing happened in and out of the palace. However, Hou Wu Yu knew that his daughter was in danger in the palace. He turned around and told Mrs. Hou that Mrs. Hou almost didn't fall over. Fortunately, her daughter had a good life and escaped. If she lost her honor in front of the emperor, it would be a bad thing.

That's aphrodisiac, nothing else. If you lose your appearance, you'll lose face. At this time, when a girl falls and is pulled up by a man, she may cut off her arm. Not to mention that kind of loss of appearance. If it happens face-to-face, don't you just take her life.

As soon as she thought that Man'er had almost lost her life, Mrs. Hou immediately went to the small Buddhist hall behind, put on three sticks of high incense, and asked the Bodhisattva to continue to bless her daughter for peace and success,

"You say that our daughter has suffered so many disasters this year. There are accidents in the house and in the palace. I have to take time to go to Daduo temple and ask for a peace talisman for our daughter."

Wu Yu also nodded and agreed with his wife's idea,

"Well, I also think it's time to ask for peace for my daughter. Don't ask for talismans. Please directly ask the statue of Avalokitesvara to come back and let the eminent monks in the temple shine and bathe in the Dharma sutras for 49 days, and then please come back and send them to the palace."

Since the couple had the same mind, they naturally went to the temple to pray for blessings early, and invited a white jade lotus Guanyin to worship again and again in good faith. Only then did they leave the Guanyin statue in Gaoli and put it on the Buddhist hall where the eminent monk lectured. They planned to bathe the Buddhist scriptures of July 49 and send it to their daughter.

However, before Guanyin was finished by the Mu Buddha Dharma, something happened to Ning Xiaoman and Zheng Fusheng again. It was really day and night defense, but it couldn't prevent hidden arrows and Yin guns. However, this time the hidden arrows were not made by their own people, and it was Xinluo who shot the hidden arrows.

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