In the emperor's heart, this son is generous and benevolent. He is a good talent to assist Xinjun in the future. But he never thought that this son could be superior. After all, in his impression, the third son is still the child who can't speak completely.

"Come on, even if today's business is over, I didn't expect that I had arranged someone to serve people, but I still caused such a thing and wronged my daughter-in-law. However, my father and Emperor won't let you wronged in vain. Just take good care of Fusheng."

The emperor said a lot of words to tell his third son to recover well. Then Shi Shi ran led the eunuch manager out of the door. Ning Xiaoman and Mu Ling sent the emperor out. When they closed the door, they both breathed a long breath at the same time. Then they looked at each other and smiled at the same time.

Zheng Fusheng, who was lying on the bed, also smiled. Ning Xiaoman turned his eyes and didn't give him a good face. He went out to make it easier for him. He could provoke such a goblin out. It can be seen that he is not a worry-free guy.

"Man'er, don't blame me. She came to the door."

Seeing that Man'er glared at himself and didn't comfort himself by the bed, Zheng Fusheng explained wrongfully, hoping that Man'er could correctly understand the incident.

"I'm an injured person. She needs to come over. I can't help it, but I refused with pain. I don't believe you asked Mu Ling. Did my wound bleed again when I just changed my dressing?"

Zheng Fusheng asks Mu Ling for help.

"It's true, princess. When I changed the dressing for your highness three just now, the wound really bled again. It seems that it still burst open."

As soon as the wooden bell's voice fell, Ning Xiaoman rushed towards the tent.

"Let me see, let me see. Is it all right now? Do you still hurt?"

Seeing that Man'er is so worried, Zheng Fusheng can't bear to see her coming,

"Now, Man'er, it doesn't hurt now. Don't worry, but I really pushed her just now, but she didn't look, and I can't help it."

Then he reached out and gently touched the wound. When she slapped the palace girl just now, she did stretch the wound. Now it still hurts. Zheng Fusheng didn't lie, but he didn't want Man'er to worry, so he said it lightly. He thought that as long as Man'er knew that he rejected the bitch.

"Well, well, I know. I saw the situation very clearly. I know you didn't take the initiative. However, when you started, there must be something misunderstood. Otherwise, she couldn't bite so dead and say you liked her."

Seeing Zheng Fusheng subconsciously stroking the wound, I knew that he was really in pain. While whispering, she put Mrs. Tang into Zheng Fusheng's quilt to make him warm. After all, people who bleed too much will feel cold. It's enough for him to suffer if he survives this night.

In addition, the wound still hurts. Now there is no pain medicine, so she can only stand and endure by herself. Therefore, even if Ning Xiaoman wants to play with her temper again, she can't bear it. She can only talk a few words at leisure, even in the past.

Zheng Fusheng doesn't want Man'er to misunderstand,

"Man'er, I really didn't do anything. When she came, she knocked on the door and informed me that the father emperor sent someone to change my dressing, and I let someone in. How could she get so much at that time."

"Hum -"

It's okay that he doesn't explain. Ning Xiaoman couldn't help humming when he heard his explanation,

"If it's a person, let him in. At that time, you were the only one in the room. She wasn't a familiar servant girl."

Ning Xiaoman's tone was obviously dissatisfied,

"How dare you let people in? They are still hurt and can't move now. What can you do if someone who comes in doesn't want to climb your bed, but wants your life? It's too careless."

Hearing that Ning Xiaoman was angry, it was not because he let women in, but because he shouldn't let strangers in. He was worried that he would encounter danger. Zheng Fusheng was in a good mood immediately. There was no more depression just now. He held man's hand and didn't let go.

"You let go. I'll go to bed after washing. We have to rest early today. Doctor Meng will come to examine you early tomorrow morning. Don't let people block the door. It won't look good."

Zheng Fusheng obediently released his hand and watched Man'er take care of himself.

"Wooden bell, do you prepare warm water for the princess?"

He was also afraid that Man'er would be wronged and didn't forget to take care of him when he lay in bed. Ning Xiaoman glanced at him obliquely by the water basin, but the wooden bell amused the two masters.

"Warm water is ready. Don't worry, your highness. You can't lose the princess if there are slaves and maidservants."

Zheng Fusheng, the third prince, was satisfied,

"That's good, that's good. You have to do your best to serve the princess. I'll reward you later."

Before the third prince could appreciate the wooden bell, the Emperor gave a lot of things to the third son and the third daughter-in-law. They said they were surprised by the third son and the third daughter-in-law. They thanked their father for their kindness. The emperor was satisfied, but he tossed Ning Xiaoman badly. What are these broken rules? Kneeling around every day, and Ning man was dying.

"Let's go home and heal our wounds. Our yard is always more convenient than here."

After four days of injury in the Qianqing palace, Ning Xiaoman couldn't help but start to read rice seedlings with Zheng Fusheng and wanted to leave the Qianqing palace and go back to his yard. When Zheng Fusheng heard that man er said to go home, he was very happy first. He took someone to ask the emperor for instructions and begged again and again. After all, he was carried back to his yard to recover from injury.

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