But no matter how she wailed and sighed in her heart, Ning Xiaoman still had to obediently enter the second gate to see how well her main courtyard was organized. After visually measuring the area behind the second gate, the Royal Palace was really not small, but it was not comprehensive because of the corridor. Even in this way, the courtyard was large enough.

It seems that the emperor really didn't perfunctory Zheng Fusheng. He did find a big yard for him. Let's see how the decoration is. Ning Xiaoman is very satisfied with walking directly all the way. The long corridor can keep him from getting wet in snowy and rainy days.

If it is sunny, you can also not go to the cloister. In the middle of the yard, there is a direct path. The path is paved with bluestones. It is visually flat. You shouldn't worry about tripping. Even the gaps between bluestones are spliced with small pieces of gravel. You can't see the soil, which shows the degree of care in paving this road.

The spare yards on both sides of the bluestone lean against the corridor. On one side, there is soft soil, which should be able to plant flowers, and on the other side, there is solid land, which should be used for walking, or an activity space. It's up to the winner's family to say what to do.

The space with the cloister is large enough. Ning Xiaoman walked for a long time before he came to the end of the cloister. The end of the cloister is directly connected to the courtyard. The courtyard should be the main courtyard. When he enters the main courtyard, it is another cloister design similar to the outside, which directly leads to his main door.

Ning Xiaoman is not in the mood to see the scenery this time. She just enters the yard and is a little tired. The yard is connected with the yard. It's really hard to walk. If Ning Xiaoman works hard, she won't feel tired, but she completely relaxes herself and forgets about working hard because she is too happy.

"Princess, if you think it's too far, the porter at the second door has a sedan to drive out. We can take a soft sedan when we go out and in."

As soon as she saw such a long corridor, hazy Xiang thought of this problem. She glanced in the second door and had a clear look for a long time.

"Oh, look at our hazy incense taking more things. It should help us watch first. Remember, in the future, the yard is big, so we have to pay so much attention."

Ning Xiaoman immediately praised hazy incense and woke up to Mu Ling and hazy rain.

Hazy Xiang was a little embarrassed to be praised by the master,

"It's not that slaves and maidservants have many minds. It's mainly in large households at the gate. Our yard in the palace originally has such treatment. There are other princes' yards, only our yard..."

The more hazy incense said, the lower her voice became. In the end, she couldn't say any more. It was the master she followed since childhood. Hazy incense was very unfair for his highness three, but what can she do? She was just a little maid in waiting and couldn't help the master at all.

When his highness three was in the palace yard, no one in the whole palace thought of him. No one could think more about him, whether it was the emperor, the queen, Liu Zhaorong and Guo Bin. Hazy Xiang was the same age as his highness three. She has been with him since he separated the yard when he was eight years old. No one knows his treatment in the palace better than her.

"Hey, that's all over. Let's not say those depressed words. Now we have our own yard. We can live whatever we want. Just, you guys have to live our own yard well and don't put all the cats and dogs in."

In the past few days, the little palace lady's precedent in the study of the imperial court, the Ning Xiao Teng was really disgusted with those eyeliner and scouts who wanted to move their minds. But since they could not stop, it was better to guide them so that they could feel that their yard was very loose, and there was no secret at all, but the premise was that the safety of the main house should be guaranteed.

Ning Xiaoman, who had entered the main house, was not tired at once when he saw the furnishings in the house. He looked at it with great interest and muttered in his heart that the emperor had made a serious commitment and had equipped the place where the house should be placed. This was a great reward. Moreover, it seemed that everything was very valuable and did not perfunctory the third prince Zheng Fusheng.

"Princess, don't worry. We will guard the yard and never let cats and dogs come in."

Hazy incense is still thinking about what happened just now. She thinks it's really important. She should treat it as a very serious thing.

"Well, this attitude is very good. In the future, we will manage our yard according to your attitude. That is to remember, don't let people see that we are strict, look loose and actually tight, you know?"

The three of Mu Ling nodded together. Looking at Qingkou, she wanted to laugh. Xiaoman married someone. This idea is close.

Ning Xiaoman said these words and fell down on the big bed without image. It's comfortable. She's almost going to sleep. Qingkou quickly asked her to take off her clothes and lie down. She's so invisible that she doesn't look like a princess,

"Green button, just let me relax. I'm free. Do you understand? I'm finally free."

Xiaoman's words made Qingkou's eyes red quickly. He stopped persuading Xiaoman. He pretended to pack up and hid outside. No one can better understand Xiaoman's words like Qingkou. Qingkou was used to freedom in the Jianghu. Later, he was named by the third prince and finally understood what real freedom is. Now, The little vine just moved to the foreign house that she has the final say, and she was already excited. How could she not let her feel bad?

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