Ning Xiaoman hurriedly stuffed Zheng Fusheng into the quilt. Qingkou immediately went out of the house and went to the kitchen to make medicine. Later, she had to bring the medicine out to show it. Otherwise, the play didn't look like it. Hazy Xiang quickly went out of the house, took Fang's handkerchief stained with Jiang Khan and handed it to Ning Xiaoman.

Ning Xiaoman touched the handkerchief to the corners of her eyes, and her eyes immediately turned red. A drop of clear tears wanted to fall. It was painful to see it. Mrs. Hou and her eldest son Ning Qiancheng looked at her daughter's son-in-law who made a play in an instant. There was no need to touch the handkerchief, and Mrs. Hou's eyes turned red.

What kind of life does your daughter live? She is preparing for battle all the time. Look at the numb strength that has just been defended in their house. She must often do such things. At the thought of her daughter marrying a prince, she leads a more frightened life than in the house. Mrs. Hou doesn't have to play.

On the contrary, Ning Qiancheng is a little confused. What's the matter with her mother? She knows it's fake. She also plays with her. What should she do? Should she cry with her, or should she act like a man? Just pretend to be strong?

"Fu Sheng, why do you think we're so unlucky? Just sneaking out of the house, something like this happened. If we knew this, we might as well stay in the palace. At least we don't need these flying disasters."

Ning Xiaoman put the whole veil on her eyes, and the tears became thin and splashy. Zheng Fusheng was so distressed that she could only hold her hand and pass the news,

"Man'er, don't cry like that. Don't break your body. It's not worth it for these individuals."

Zheng Fusheng doesn't want to hide because those people know that he is strong. It's no big deal. However, Ning Xiaoman thinks it's too early to expose his martial arts skills. After all, Zheng Fusheng's external image has always only learned some martial arts skills of flower boxing and embroidered legs.

If he doesn't know martial arts and can't be hit by that crazy horse without being injured, it's better to pretend to be seriously injured, so that those who come to inquire can't see the depth. It's better to hide it for a while than let them find out the bottom at once.

Ning Xiaoman said this because she heard the footsteps outside the door. Her ear strength is not comparable to that of ordinary people. Therefore, she finished this long paragraph. Those people just walked to the door. Ning Xiaoman cried and said it. The voice is naturally loud enough. Although it is a cry, it is enough for them to hear clearly.

But they were all trained. Hazy rain followed the three people in. He didn't see any flaws, so he had to lift the door curtain and let them in,

"Your Highness, princess, Prince Rui's house, Prince Ping's house and Prince an's house are here."

Ning Xiaoman wiped the corners of her eyes with a gesture. Of course, it was with a handkerchief. Otherwise, she kept crying and didn't have to act. She walked two steps away from the bed and nodded slightly,

"Thank you for coming to see Prince Chun on behalf of Prince Rui, Prince Ping and Prince an."

This nod is respectful to the princes. There is no salute because the identity of the three people opposite is not enough. Princess Ning Xiaoman saluted them. Even with such a nod, the three people all turned half their bodies and didn't dare to bear it.

"Wooden bell, look at the seat quickly, hazy fragrance, pour tea."

Wooden bell hurriedly led people to the table. Mrs. Hou and Ning Qiancheng also got up and saw the ceremony. Then, hazy rain invited Mrs. hou to sit in the inner study. After all, it's a foreign man. It's not good to meet like this.

If Zheng Fusheng, the third prince, was not seriously injured and fell down, Li Ning Xiaoman should not face these men, but should he be treated specially under special circumstances. Fortunately, there is still Ning Qiancheng, the eldest brother, who will entertain on behalf of his sister.

"The three steward, have a cup of tea first. I've just arrived. I don't understand things very clearly, so let's listen to what's going on."

Ning Qiancheng means that although he is the brother of the third princess and the eldest brother-in-law of the third highness, he has not colluded with them, because he has just entered the house.

Of course, the three could hear the meaning of the words. Of course, they also knew that they had just entered the house. They all came after listening to the news. They were surprised that Wu Yu Hou's house could come faster than them. If he had time to collude with them, he would never. So they believed it and believed it very much.

Ning Qiancheng spoke to them carefully, but he was not humble and flattering. After all, it would be beneath his dignity to speak to several stewards as the legitimate son of his marquis. If it weren't for the fact that they were the steward of the Royal Palace, this respect wouldn't be necessary.

Since he is in charge of the palace, it's another matter. The seven grade official in front of the prime minister's door always wants to give the palace some face. Therefore, he speaks politely, but although he is polite, he claims that I don't flatter half. Zheng Fusheng, who is lying in bed, appreciates his humble attitude and feels that his uncle is good and measured.

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