Hearing her son say this, Mrs. Hou also felt that her two cries were a little loud. Would they bring any inconvenience to Man'er and the third Lord? Ning Qiancheng saw that her mother understood her meaning, so she no longer worried about her bad reaction. Instead, she got up directly, picked up a teacup and fell to the ground.

"Hazy rain, come in and tidy up the teacup."

Hazy rain came into the house, took a handkerchief and picked up the fragments of the tea cup,

"If someone asks, it's said that the princess was scalded by the tea cup just now, and Mrs. Hou was frightened."

Zheng Fusheng on the bed didn't look back, so he found an excuse.

Seeing that he had such a tacit understanding with himself, Ning Qiancheng secretly straightened his thumb in his heart. Even if he couldn't get to that position, there was absolutely no problem in self-protection. He once worried about his sister's situation. Now he really has no problem.

"Qingkou, you come in too. The princess is a little frightened by her mother-in-law. You come in and be frightened."

Of course Mrs. Hou knows Qingkou's skill, but Man'er has told her. Just now she thought how to ask for a doctor since she won't let it be spread. Now she's relieved that there are people who know medicine in her daughter's house.

Qingkou was outside, so anxious that she didn't know what to do. Hearing the third Lord's call, she immediately pushed the door and entered the house. There was no delay. She came to the bed in three or two steps. Seeing Ning Xiaoman in a coma, her heart tightened. It's reasonable that the time has passed for several months. Xiaoman's body has been well conditioned. She shouldn't leave any disease.

Can't wait to reach out and hold Xiaoman's wrist and make a careful diagnosis. Then her expression becomes strange. I don't know whether it's worry or entanglement or something else. Anyway, such an expression has never appeared on her face, which surprised Zheng Fusheng.

"Qingkou, how's Man'er? What's wrong? Why do you suddenly faint?"

Qingkou didn't want to answer the third Lord's words. He leaned over again, took Man'er's other hand and continued to sound the pulse, which made Zheng Fusheng more nervous.

He knew the level of Qingkou and could let her diagnose her right hand and left hand so carefully. Does that mean that Man'er's disease was still serious? Zheng Fusheng immediately panicked and dared not say anything. He was afraid to disturb Qingkou's diagnosis and affect the accuracy.

Mrs. Hou is as nervous as Ning Qiancheng, but the third Lord dares not to answer. It must be futile to ask. It's not honest to stay aside. The result will come out. It's just a difference between early and late. Anyway, it's good not to make trouble now.

"Green button, green button, how about it, how about it?"

Seeing that Qingkou finally released Man'er's hand, Zheng Fusheng rushed forward and looked at Qingkou's expression carefully, trying to see some clues from her expression.

Qingkou looked at the third Lord, and the eyebrows twisted together scattered bit by bit. Then Zheng Fusheng saw them bend up with the corners of his eyes. Did he laugh? Zheng Fusheng was a little confused. Man'er fainted. What's worth Qingkou laughing about.

Looking at Mrs. Hou, she saw that she was different. She jumped from her position on the bed to Qingkou. She was agile and surprised,

"Green button, green button, Man'er, Man'er, isn't it, isn't it..."

The more she wanted to say it, but she was too anxious to say it. In her anxiety, she heard the Man'er cry on the bed and woke up from her coma. Mrs. Hou immediately rushed over and looked at her daughter with her eyes open. Her eyes were moist and then shed tears.

Zheng Fusheng and Ning Qiancheng, the two big men, were even more confused. First, they had a tangled expression, and then they obviously had a smile. Then Mrs. Hou was surprised, which seemed to be a good thing, but now Mrs. Hou shed tears again, and the two big men were completely confused.

"Qing Kou, tell me quickly. What's the matter with Man'er?"

No matter how anxious, Zheng Fusheng's voice is not high. Although the main house is tight, he is worried that the walls have ears. You know, Qiancheng just said that there are two brothers in the yard.

"If my diagnosis is correct, Man'er, this is Xi pulse. Let her number herself later."

Naturally, Qingkou's voice was not big. In terms of Jianghu experience, there was nothing better than her in the room, but the two men were petrified in such a stable voice.

"I said, how could I faint for no reason? It's a happy event. Man'er, Man'er, you have a child and the third Lord will have a queen. It's a great happy event."

Mrs. Hou took her daughter's hand and was so excited that she was incoherent.

"This is the first legitimate son of the third prince. Man'er, if only he were a young master, he would be the first eldest grandson of the royal family, the eldest grandson of this generation."

Mrs. Hou was talking happily, but her son rushed over and blocked her mouth.

Speaking of it, Mrs. Hou is also very clever. Among women, she is brave and resourceful, but one is that she is really too happy at this time. Another is that it is normal for women to have children. She really didn't think more. When she went to cheer for her daughter and was gagged by her son, she realized that she was a little too excited.

"Mother, don't hurry to talk."

Mrs. Hou quickly nodded her head and said she understood. Ning Qiancheng just let go of her hand. Zheng Fusheng couldn't care about this side. The whole person rushed over and grabbed Man'er's hand.

He is going to have a child. Whether it is a boy or a girl, this is his first child. It is the flesh and blood of Zheng Fusheng and Ning Xiaoman. He must ensure his safety and health. Whoever dares to attack the child will kill people, ghosts and ghosts without mercy.

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