"Master Hua, let's continue to say that this flower house was built when we built the house, or did it originally exist in the house, but it was decorated later. I don't think the area of this flower house is too large. It should be the original one?"

Ning Xiaoman's attitude is very kind, natural and kind. The gardener has contacted the princess. Now he doesn't feel so scared when talking to her. It's a lot natural, but if he's not formal, it's impossible. It's natural to be careful where his identity is.

"It really existed. When the house was built, the small ones were found. The reconstruction here is handled by the small ones."

The gardener answered the princess's words very seriously, and he was still thinking, did the princess see something unpleasant?

"Did master Hua repair it? If I want to build another greenhouse, can master Hua help me build it without such extravagance as this, but in this warm and humid environment? Do you think it's ok? Will it cost a lot of money?"

Zheng Fusheng heard clearly. Ning Xiaoman was talking to the gardener. She wanted to build a greenhouse,

"Man'er, it's enough to plant flowers in this greenhouse. There's no need to build any more. We don't need so many flowers in our family?"

"I'm not used to grow flowers. Don't interrupt me, Fu Sheng. I'll finish talking to master Hua. If it's feasible, I'll tell you again, okay?"

Ning Xiaoman placidly patted Zheng Fusheng's hand. Zheng Fusheng had to listen to Man'er talk to others first.

"Build a greenhouse instead of a greenhouse. The princess must not be used to grow flowers. Does she want to grow vegetables?"

Because Prince Chun had just objected, the gardener turned his mind a few times before answering, and probably understood the meaning of the princess.

"Yes, yes, that's what I mean. Master Hua, you're so smart. I just want to ask if we can build another greenhouse to grow vegetables. It's autumn now. The fields outside should have been harvested. If you want to eat fresh vegetables again, you have to wait until next year."

"But if we build a greenhouse now, when it's cold, it's just the harvest season. At that time, a garden will be tender and green."

Ning Xiaoman can't wait to imagine the green shed in winter.

"Of course, it's OK. Although it costs some money to build a warm shed, the shed can be used for many years after it is built, so it's not a waste."

The gardener also explained that the princess asked about silver.

In fact, in his heart, he felt that this answer was completely superfluous. This is the royal residence. The prince is the emperor's son. Can he spend money to build something? It's just a joke. How many rich CHILDES he has seen spend a lot of money outside without changing their face.

However, since the princess asked her about money, she always had to give her a suitable reason to make her feel that the money was not spent in vain. It can be seen that although she was not short of money, the princess did not know how to spend money, not how to be diligent and thrifty, unlike those noble husbands in other houses.

He doesn't know that Ning Xiaoman really loves money. She never knew how much money she spends when she comes out to build the house. Only the little money allocated by the interior government every month is really tight. Zheng Fusheng can't give much more money even if he goes to listen to the government.

Besides, Zheng Fusheng goes to his study every afternoon to discuss his major events and arrange some activities, which also need money. Although Zheng Fusheng doesn't say it, Ning Xiaoman knows it well. In his previous life, when he watched novels and TV dramas, Jiulong won his legitimate rights. The most important thing is money. If he doesn't have money, he can say everything in vain.

When she got back to her room, Ning Xiaoman told Zheng Fusheng about her plan in detail. She really wanted to build a greenhouse in the house and plant some vegetables. She has been wearing it for many years. Naturally, she knows how expensive vegetables are in winter in the capital. If she has a greenhouse, she can make a good profit in winter.

"Fu Sheng, now, not only does the government use money, but you must also use money there. Although I can't help you too much, I have to do something. I can't do anything. Therefore, I really want to build this greenhouse. Don't stop me."

Hearing Man'er's explanation and understanding her pains, Zheng Fusheng was moved beyond words and held people in his arms for a long time,

"Silly girl, where do you worry so much? I'm in charge of things outside. You just have to take care of things in the house."

"That's not good. No matter how hard it is in the house, you can save a little. But you must spend a lot of money outside. We have too little money in our hands. We really can't open it. I must think of some ways to make your hands relaxed."

"Fu Sheng, it's hard enough for you to dredge things outside. Don't worry about money. I just can't hurry. I have to work bit by bit. I'll cover the greenhouse first and make a sum of money this winter. When spring comes, I'll take the money I earn to buy a land rent shop, and our business can start."

Ning Xiaoman pulls her finger and calculates to Zheng Fusheng what she wants to develop her career,

"Fu Sheng, you'll be tight for another year. If you're tight in the house, I can spare you some silver money. You use it first. By this time next year, I'll be able to make money. At that time, money will regenerate. You can spend whatever you want."

Zheng Fusheng looked at the person in his arms, with a small stomach, holding his fingers, and carefully calculated for himself. His serious appearance really made him feel distressed and pity, and gently pinched her face,

"Honey, you don't have to worry about it. I have everything."

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