In fact, the emperor's intention is very obvious. He hasn't cared about his son for so many years. How can he visit him because of the injury of the third prince? Or if he comes a few days later after the third prince's injury, the injury of the third prince will be better.

Since it's unprofitable to get up early, it's a plan. At present, only the second prince's case can make him have a plan. But why should the case fall on the third prince? It's a little thought-provoking. It shouldn't be just doubt. If you doubt, just send someone to investigate secretly?

"Is the emperor aware of something? If he is not sure that you did it, he should not condescend to come to this broken yard to see you. However, where did you leak the filling?"

Ning Xiaoman looked at the third prince Zheng Fusheng left and right. She was really curious.

"I can't see what it was that made the emperor confirm that you did it. Fortunately, he just went to see Zheng Qian and Zheng Bai and determined their injuries. Moreover, it doesn't look like he wants to punish you when he walked out of the yard."

Ning Xiaoman turned into a detective Conan, walked around the bed with his little hands on his back, and began to reason,

"It should be that he changed his mind after meeting you. According to my analysis, he was sure that he could find any clues or useful handle here before he came."

"Because there is one of the most unfavorable evidence for you, that is, the one between you and the second prince. Although the result of the second prince is worse than you, you will never hate him. Moreover, in the hearts of these intriguing people, it is normal for you to have such a mind. They don't understand you at all and don't know that you don't care to be hostile to such people."

Ning Xiaoman was very comfortable when he heard the third prince squint, but Ning Xiaoman still talked to himself,

"If it weren't for the second prince like that fool, he had to provoke you. He wouldn't be unable to get up in bed now, ha ha..."

Ning Xiaoman was very happy at the thought that the second prince was lying in bed and could not move, but his injury was aggravated by the subsequent * *. Evil has evil retribution. It's not just a word of mouth. Look how fast retribution comes. Hum, if you want to covet me, you dare to come out poor without looking at your own flesh. Now, let's show you my strength.

At this time, Ning Xiaoman completely took the credit of the third prince on himself. Anyway, the third prince is also angry for himself. What's the difference between that and his own action? You can only blame the second prince. It's too blind. Everyone dares to provoke. I didn't do it myself, otherwise, you'll be hurt more seriously than now.

Thinking too far, Ning Xiaoman quickly dragged his thoughts back and continued his reasoning just now,

"The emperor came in person because others can't see your injury. Who dares to take it big in front of a prince? Therefore, only when he has seen it with his own eyes can he completely prove that you are really hurt."

Thinking of the intimacy and pain just expressed by the emperor, looking at the bruise on the third prince who has not disappeared now and the expression of love on his face, Ning Xiaoman feels sick in his heart and uses family affection as a cover to prove whether his son is the main culprit. There is no family affection to say. Returning the emperor is simply a bandit.

Ning Xiaoman is very unfair for the third prince. With such a father, it's no wonder that the third prince's temperament will become so gloomy. If he hadn't spent more than a year with the third prince, the third prince's temperament might have been biased by the darkness in the palace. Thinking so casually, Ning Xiaoman felt cold all over.

"Your Highness, fortunately, the injuries of you and Zheng Qian and Zheng Bai gave him the most powerful counterattack. Otherwise, he must think you did it. Now he sees you three paralyzed in bed, so he stops thinking."

Thinking that the emperor will be embarrassed about who is the murderer, Ning Xiaoman can't help laughing.

"Are you so sure he's done?"

Zheng Fusheng, the third prince, made a mockery of him. That man is always suspicious. Otherwise, he won't ask himself to go over after letting himself go for so many years, so that he can choose a concubine to test himself personally, and won't come to verify himself after his injury.

"What? Will he continue to be suspicious? I carefully observed his face and look before he left. I should have let go of my heart."

Is it because I expect him to let go of his heart, so I'm preconceived? This is not a good phenomenon. It will affect your judgment.

"An emperor, as the king of a country, how can you be so easily seen through by a little girl? Xiao man, don't underestimate that man. It's also a bloody experience to sit in such a high position. How can you stay in a high position without paying."

Ning Xiaoman agrees with this. Every powerful man must have gone through a struggle and baptism. Life is like a pyramid. The better a person is, the better he can stand up, and the person standing on the top of the tower must have something extraordinary. Otherwise, how can he be looked up to.

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