"You live in this room."

He was led into a large courtyard by the Chamberlain, and then led to a wing room,

"There is another girl in the room, named hazy moon. After that, you will follow her and wait on the master's study."

This is her job. Being able to serve in the study gives Ning Xiaoman a sigh of relief. Fortunately, she didn't enter the master's bedroom. She was most worried about this. It is said that the servant girls who serve close to the master are all general rooms prepared for the master. Maybe when they become non-human inside and outside, Ning Xiaoman still wants to leave the palace.

"Go in and clean up yourself. There should be all the tools in it. If you lack anything, tell hazy moon that she will tell you who to get it. If you don't understand it, you also ask her to take you first."

Ning Xiaoman didn't adapt to the sharp voice of the waiter, but she meekly promised, then pushed the door open, lifted the curtain and entered the house.

The house is divided into inner and outer rooms, which is much brighter than the one with only a small Kang that she lived in for half a year. She put down her small burden on an obviously uninhabited bed. There are only a few sets of clothes that she was assigned to when she entered the palace. Then there are pen, ink, paper and inkstone and her pen notes, which she was reluctant to throw away.

Ning Xiaoman doesn't know where she will go again and whether she can use paper and pen. In her impression, many palace people in the Imperial Palace don't need to be literate, or are strictly forbidden to be literate, especially the maids waiting for concubines. Ning Xiaoman insisted on learning words when she was training, because she didn't want to be sent to those places.

In her cognition, of course, these cognitions are seen from TV dramas. Those emperors' yingyingyanyan are idle just to fight for you or bully the little maids when they are bored. There is the place where they are most likely to be framed and trampled.

When Ning Xiaoman enters the room and sees that there are pen, ink, paper and inkstone on a table, her heart is relaxed. Finally, she doesn't have to write secretly. It should be possible to read. What Ning Xiaoman wants most now is to look at the books of this era and let herself know where she lives.

After putting the only thing in place, Ning Xiaoman strolled to the door and didn't go out of the house. He just lifted the curtain and opened the door. He saw that there was a big yard in front of him and some small yards around. The overall situation was a bit like the quadrangles in Beijing, but it was much larger than the quadrangles.

Ning Xiaoman knows that in addition to the courtyard he is in, there are also some large and small courtyards outside. These courtyards are a unique scenery of the imperial palace. Unlike those palaces and halls where concubines live, they are luxuriously built. All the princes who live here are not divided. When he gets old, there will be a royal palace outside the palace.

While Ning Xiaoman was looking at the yard and thinking about her mind, a woman in light green clothes hurried over. She seemed to be fifteen or six years old. She saw Ning Xiaoman standing at the door of the house and walked straight over. Ning Xiaoman, who was wandering, woke up when she came in front of her.

"Are you the new one?"

The woman opened her mouth and asked. Ning Xiaoman opened her body and let the woman into the house,

"Yes, just arrived today."

The woman entered the room, looked at Ning Xiaoman carefully with her eyes, nodded,

"It's OK. Then come with me and I'll take you to the master."

It's too sudden. Ning Xiaoman should be taught in the house for two days before he can see people.

"I, I have to change my clothes first."

Ning shangman was a little nervous and uneasy. He was very flustered. He wanted to see a prince,

"No, I think yours is OK. Come with me."

It turned out that she just said it was OK. What she said was Ning Xiaoman's clothes,

"Sister, I'm not familiar with the situation here, and I'm not familiar with the third prince. How can someone take me for two days, or I'll make a mistake in front of the third prince."

This made the woman stop, turn around and look at Ning Xiaoman carefully again,

"Unexpectedly, I'm still careful. However, you don't have to worry. Just go with me directly. The third prince is not a picky person. As long as you serve with all your heart, you won't be criticized."

After the woman said that, she turned and walked out again. Ning Xiaoman had to keep up. The woman took Ning Xiaoman straight to the small yard on the right in the yard. The yard was not too big. She entered the yard and lifted the curtain of the main house,

"Third prince, the new palace man has arrived. I'll bring it to you."

Ning Xiaoman didn't hear anyone inside, so she stood at the door and didn't follow in,

"You came in. Did you let the master come out to see you?"

Ning Xiaoman looked up at her. Although Ning Xiaoman didn't say anything, he still saw an unnatural flash on the woman's face.

"Stop dawdling and come in."

Ning Xiaoman is suddenly interested in the third prince because of the arrogance of the woman in front of him. He doesn't know what kind of prince he is. He even allows a servant to be crazy in front of him.

Without further hesitation, he raised his legs and followed the woman into the room. There was still an outer room, and then entered a door. Facing the door, he saw a large table. Behind the table sat a boy of 15 or 6 years old. He looked handsome, not tough, but not delicate. He looked very moderate, but there was some unspeakable emotion between his eyebrows.

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