The furnishings on the boat were not much different from the wine shop. On the other hand, Yu Ziqian and Yu Chuchu felt that it was quite new. After all, their father was a rarely seen official in the Qing Dynasty, and their mother's family was also a scholarly family. They didn't have that much money, so it was their first time riding on such a good boat.

After the boat had been moving for a while, they heard a burst of music and a moving song. Yun Pianxian often heard this song, and immediately realised that this was Drunken Immortal Tavern's flower boat.

Although Yu Ziqian was a scholar, he understood the style of the song and appreciated the music. When he looked over, he was completely stunned. Yun Pianxian didn't even need to look to know that this scholar, Yu Ziqian, had met Miss Xiao Xiang, who looked like she could charm all living things.

Yu Chuchu was a straightforward person, upon seeing his brother like this, he immediately teased him. "Big brother, you have fallen!"

"It's not ugly to be trapped under Miss Xiao Xiang's skirt." Yun Pianxian said.

Although Drunken Immortal Tavern had improved a lot in business, Yun Pianxian felt that it was still not enough. This Drunken Immortal Tavern must become the biggest flower pavilion in the capital!

Every time she and Xiao Xiang drank, they would talk about this. Before Xiao Xiang bought a big boat, everything was ready. Tonight, they would have someone drive a flower boat and advertise on the moat.

Not to mention Yu Ziqian, a scholar who had never seen the world, even someone like Lee Chang'ann couldn't help but forget about it. There was wine and vegetables on the boat, and also girls who could see Drunken Immortal Tavern across the river. As they played and sang on the boat, Yu Ziqian seemed to have drifted away a little.

Lee Chang'ann had always been thinking of ways to accompany Yun Pianxian tonight. No matter how late Yun Pianxian wanted to play, he didn't care. It was only until the latter half of the night when Yun Pianxian finally yawned and got his men to take the boat back.

The boat moved steadily, adding the gentle breeze, Yun Pianxian fell asleep in Lee Chang'ann's embrace before it even reached the shore. Lee Chang'ann also didn't wake her up, nor did he move, allowing her to sleep peacefully.

Lee Chang'ann's actions really shocked brother and sister of Yu Family. It was his first time seeing a human bed like this. After the boat docked, brother and sister of Yu Family thought that Lee Chang'ann would wake Yun Pianxian up, but she never expected that he would carefully carry Yun Pianxian across his chest.

When she woke up, it was already the morning of the second day, and she was still in Wandering Dragon House. At this time, Cui and Yu Zhi came in. She asked with a puzzled expression, "How did this wife come back?"

She still remembered that she had fallen asleep on the boat, and the next time she woke up, it was at Wandering Dragon House. The two girls looked at each other, then Cui said hesitantly, "I brought you back here at the age of nine thousand."

Last night, when she was at the Chenxi Garden, she had dinner with brother and sister of Yu Family and drank a few cups with him. They came out too late and fell asleep in Lee Chang'ann's embrace.

With a helpless look on her face, she asked, "Where are Young Master and Young Miss Biao?"

"Always sending people to protect her from the shadows, and to wait well at the Chenxi Garden."

Their misunderstanding of Lee Chang'ann was deep, and they naturally thought that since they were under Lee Chang'ann's lead, they must be worried so much that they couldn't sleep soundly the entire night.

After she finished her breakfast, she went to the Chenxi Garden. However, she kept having the feeling that Yu Ziqian was a little strange. After asking Yu Chuchu, she found out that Wu Yu, Ziqian, had forgotten about Miss Xiao Xiang and had become like this.

At this time, even Yun Pianxian felt that Yu Ziqian was a kind of emotional type, similar to his uncle. But when she looked at Yu Chuchu, she felt that this girl's face was a little sad: "Cousin sister, what's wrong with you?"

"Xian, you have already married and become my wife, and brother also has someone he loves. I am the only one who has not fallen into love at all!"

She finally understood that this girl, Yu Chuchu, was worrying about her future. "In Jiangnan, the Yu Clan was a famous scholar family, but Yu Chuchu did not have any appearance of a young lady. She was just like her aunt, a tigress with a straightforward heart, but Yun Pianxian knew that Yu Chuchu had a sharp mouth and a rotten heart.

In the county where her uncle was in charge, men were afraid of her, so seventeen was not promised to any family. Her uncle and aunt allowed her to accompany Yu Ziqian to the capital so that Yu Chuchu could blossom and bear fruit in the capital.

Seeing Yu Chuchu like this, Yun Pianxian laughed, "Cousin, you're thinking of spring, and you don't have spring to think about!"

It was said that humans were difficult to destroy, but Yun Pianxian felt embarrassed, as he was now acting like a professional demolition team. Yu Chuchu punched her: "You stupid girl, you are asking for it!"

"Cousin, it's not like there aren't any good men in the capital. He's just like my big brother, a good man. It's a pity, he's already famous."

"Just that piece of wood Yun Ruhong, someone who definitely doesn't know how to react, who else would fall for him?"

Yun Ruhong was indeed a piece of wood, but a log like him was much better than Yun Family and those broken bones. Seeing Yu Chuchu being so emotional, Yun Pianxian decided to bring Yu Chuchu out to see the world.

The first stop was naturally to bring Yu Chuchu to the teahouse. Seeing how distracted Yu Ziqian was for the sake of Miss Xiao Xiang, she forcefully dragged him along.

Originally, Yu Ziqian said that he would study in the courtyard, but Yun Pianxian said that the teahouse would be able to see the Drunken Immortal Tavern from afar, so Yu Ziqian left. When they arrived at the teahouse, before even stepping into the private room, they heard those people chatting and drinking tea. Other than talking about Lee Changfeng's wedding night as he strolled around the brothel, there was also talk about Yun Pianxian's break of relationship with the Yun Family.

This was the worried brother and sister of Yu Family. They had come to the capital for a few days, but they did not see Yun Pianxian bringing them to the Yun Family. Only then did they understand why.

The moment they entered the private room, Yu Ziqian's face fell. "Xian, you broke off your relationship with Yun Family for the sake of 9000 years?"

She knew that far away in Jiangnan, Yu Ziqian had misunderstood Lee Chang'ann. She poured tea for them all. "Besides my big brother, everyone in the clan are jackals and tigers. Is it not good for me to leave the Yun Family and get on good terms with it?"

"Xian, do you know that your mother is a woman's shield? Doing so would cut off your own path of retreat!"

"From start to finish, the Yun Family has not been my backing. My life in the Yun Family is much more difficult than you all imagine. "

As Yun Pianxian spoke of this, Cui's eyes reddened. "Ever since the old master brought the young miss back from Jiangnan, he had never paid any attention to him."

and Yu Ziqian never thought that there would be such a thing. Seeing Cui crying like this, Yu Ziqian became serious, "Cui, tell me everything that Xian has been through all these years!"

Cui naturally wanted to say it, but Yun Pianxian was unwilling to bring it up again: "Cui, there's nothing left for you here, why aren't you retreating!"

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