Not long after they left the south city gate this morning, a small problem happened to the carriage that the brother and sister of Yu Family was sitting on. After taking two hours to fix up the path, they continued on their journey.

Originally, they could have rushed to the inn before the sun set. It had already become night time for a while, and they were still over ten li away from the inn. The coachman was an old man. When he was young, he had followed Lord Wu Yu on his journey north and south.

Normally, it was not a good omen to find a place to stay when night fell. In addition, the horse carriage he had inspected last night suddenly had an empty problem, causing him to feel flustered.

Although it was summer, there was no rain these days. The road ahead of them glittered. White black mud stones flashed in puddles of water. From the looks of it, they were all puddles of water for a long time.

This was the official road, and the road conditions had become so terrible. The two coachmen looked at each other, feeling increasingly uneasy. Suddenly, the horse tripped over something and fell to the ground. The carriage was overturned.

Forget about the spoiled Yu Chuchu, even the rough driver of the carriage had fallen quite heavily.

Before they could even get up, a group of black-clothed men appeared. Yu Ziqian had thought that these men were the same people who had saved them before, the same people who had come to help them.

However, those people held weapons in their hands and charged towards them. Only then did Yu Ziqian understand that these people were here to kill them. As for why, it should be because they were related to Yun Pianxian and Lee Chang'ann, right?

Fortunately, at this time, another group of men in black appeared. They fought with the assassins to the death, and the leader of the men in black shouted at them, "Run!"

There were more and more assassins surrounding the men in black. "Those eunuchs are the most troublesome. Kill them without mercy!"

It was only then that Wu Yu Ziqian understood that the person accompanying them was Lee Chang'ann. He was a weak scholar, but he couldn't help much. He knew that if he could escape, it would be of the utmost help to them.

At this moment, Hong'er had tripped over something and fell onto the ground. Yu Ziqian and Einherjar Wannabe immediately went over to help Hong'er up. But because they had gone to help Hong'er, Yu Chuchu was carried away by a black-clothed man on his shoulder.

Yu Chuchu was a pretty girl, falling into the hands of these assassins was even worse than death! Yu Ziqian panicked. She picked up the sword on the ground and immediately followed him.

Indeed, those assassins were not good people. After carrying Yu Chuchu away, they would do something that they did not want to do. Even though Yu Ziqian was a weak scholar, she saw that her sister was in danger and naturally became heroic.

But Yu Ziqian was still a scholar after all. Just as she charged forward, she was stabbed. Yu Chuchu screamed at the top of his lungs: "Big brother!"

When the assassins heard Yu Chuchu's shout, they became even happier. The person in the lead looked at Yu Chuchu and laughed, "A scholar wants to snatch someone from your father's hands? "Little beauty, as long as you cooperate with this daddy and wait for me to have my fill, I'll give you a quick death!"

With that, the assassin rushed towards Yu Chuchu.

This place was a wilderness, the brother and sister of Yu Family's group and the people that Lee Chang'ann sent had met with mishaps. Even though they were far away, they could smell the stench of blood.

Yun Pianxian and Yu Zhi galloped their steeds quickly, and in the middle of the night, they caught up to Lee Chang'ann and the others. When Lee Chang'ann, Hu Kui and the others saw Yun Pianxian and Yu Zhi, they were all stunned.

Lee Chang'ann naturally heard it. "My wife, why did you come out?"

"I saw you two ride your horses and rush out in the afternoon, so I knew that something must have happened. I could only bring Yu Zhi and ride south."

Lee Chang'ann and Hu Kui brought a group of elites and travelled overnight. They were afraid that something might happen to the brother and sister of Yu Family. The things that they did not dare to tell Yun Pianxian, naturally, was something that they did not dare to do. They were truly afraid that Yun Pianxian would collapse.

But now, Yun Pianxian had followed him and he could only tell him the truth: "During the day, brother and sister of Yu Family's carriage, which left the southern city gates not long ago, met with a problem. Our people, we sent a message and were even intercepted, and in the end, we rushed back to the city on horseback to report."

It was no wonder that there were some unusual movements near the Chenxi Garden last night. Yun Pianxian panicked: Is everything going to be okay with my cousin and the others?

"Follow the official road to the inn. If you see them, it'll be fine."

"What if I can't see it?"

"Not much luck."

Yun Pianxian had already brought Yu Zhi here, so he did not plan to hide this from her anymore. Hearing Lee Chang'ann's words, Yun Pianxian gave him a glance. "We must find them! "Giddy up!"

But before they could get far, Lee Chang'ann stopped them: "Wait, something's not right in front!"

"What's wrong?" Yun Pianxian was a little flustered.

"There's the smell of blood."

When Lee Chang'ann said this, Yun Pianxian became even more flustered. After all, that was his own cousin.

They carefully walked forward for a while, before they saw an absolutely miserable scene. Because, even though Lee Chang'ann's people were holding torches, they were able to clearly see the people in front of them.

There were more or less hundreds of corpses in front, and they were not much more harmonious than the scene on the night of the Chenxi Garden massacre. Yun Pianxian panicked. He dismounted and shouted: "Cousin! "Cousin!"

She panicked and started to cry as she watched the Yu Clan's carriage overturn. The contents of the carriage were all lying on the ground, and there were even many people's blood splashed on the floor.

She didn't know if this was the blood of an assassin or the blood of Wu Yu's family member. Lee Chang'ann was also afraid that she would not be able to accept this truth. She dismounted and pulled her along: "My wife, wait here, your husband will bring his men to look for you."

Those who died here were black-clothed men all over the ground. Yun Pianxian also hoped that nothing bad would happen to the brother and sister of Yu Family as she pushed Lee Chang'ann away, "I want to look for them too!"

After he finished speaking, Yun Pianxian did not care about the muddy water in this place, and started searching one by one. Yun Pianxian heaved a sigh of relief when he saw that the corpses of the Wu Yu Clan members were not present on the battlefield.

But as she walked on, she saw the bodies of the two coachmen and murmured, "Impossible, impossible!"

Even though she was afraid of seeing the corpses of Wu Yu Ziqian and Yu Chuchu, she continued to move forward until she saw Wu Guike lying on the ground. She crouched down and stretched out her hand to take in a breath of air.

After hearing Yun Pianxian's voice, Lee Chang'ann naturally immediately ran over. He checked for a moment and then said, "There's still hope, hurry and send people to the inn in front."

At this time, the inn was more than a dozen miles away. Going to the inn was better than going back to the capital. Just at this moment, one of Lee Chang'ann's subordinates came forward and reported, "There is a little maid in the front of the nine thousand years old. She is dead and she suffered a lot before she died!"

"What did that girl suffer?"

"He was killed because he was abused by others." the guard replied.

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