Yun Pianxian had already said everything clearly, and at this moment, General Xiao's face changed. It must be that the capital was going to change. He wanted to stay out of this mess, but he was dragged into this mess.

The General Xiao was stationed outside the city and was in charge of the imperial mausoleum's restoration. They had their own only son, Xiao Wenhan, in charge of that.

Seeing General Xiao's expression, Yun Pianxian knew that General Xiao had already come to a conclusion. "General Xiao, please tell me, who disappeared with my cousin?"

"My son, Wenhan."


Although Yun Pianxian came to the Xiao family and did not manage to find Yu Chuchu, she knew that the Xiao family was implicated, and it was not a bad thing for Xiao Wenhan and Yu Chuchu to go missing together.

After all, Xiao Wenhan was not ordinary. With him here, Yu Chuchu still had a chance of surviving. She bowed towards the General Xiao: "Pianxian asks the General Xiao to help Pianxian find your son and my cousin!"

Originally, after being an official for a few decades, Xiao Guanghe did not like participating in these schemes and plots. But his own son had been implicated, so there was nothing he could do. Even if he wanted to stay out of this matter, it would be impossible: "Madam Li, you should return to Qiansui Mansion first, this old man will think of a way to find Wenhan."

With Xiao Guanghe's words, Yun Pianxian's heart could be considered to be much more at ease. After all, Lee Chang'ann's power did not infiltrate into the General Xiao.

Also, with Xiao Wenhan bringing a powerless girl, what could they do to escape the pursuit of those people? After returning to the Qiansui Mansion, Lee Chang'ann did not see Yu Chuchu coming back with him, so he understood and did not question him further, so he let Hu Kui make the arrangements.

Yu Chuchu had not come back yet, so he did not dare to casually ask Yun Pianxian what was going on.

Nangong Ji thought for a while, "Xiao Wenhan is a smart person, to be wantonly chased and killed by others, and with Yu Chuchu, a girl, on his hands, he wouldn't dare to casually appear."

"Qing Ming knows. He will have his men search that area carefully." With that, Nangong Ji left the study.

Inside the cave in the wilderness, Xiao Wenhan brought along the injured Yu Chuchu, and did not dare light the fire. After all, what happened last night was too terrifying. There were actually several hundred of these assassins, all in order to kill the few people in the carriage.

Moreover, there were still a few people at the scene contending with her. It seemed that the identity of this girl was not simple. In the capital, if it was a imperial woman, only Lee Changsheng's three imperial sisters would be married already.

He asked the girl about it, but the girl couldn't remember. She had seen the wound on her head during the day, so she must have knocked her head on it last night and forgotten a lot of things.

The things that happened last night, to a young lady, was very scary. Since she had forgotten, Xiao Wenhan was also not willing to bring it up. It was just that ever since this lady had woken up, she had always called him Hubby, causing Xiao Wenhan to not even dare to reply to her.

Seeing Xiao Wenhan ignoring him, Yu Chuchu sobbed, "You heartless man, why are you ignoring me?"

"I am not your Hubby, how do you want me to respond?"

"That man and woman alone, why are you and I in a cave?"

"I'm your big brother. We've met a bandit, and we can't start a fire now. Otherwise, if the bandit comes looking for us, we'll all die!"

When Xiao Wenhan mentioned thieves, Yu Chuchu was naturally extremely frightened. In her mind, there was a horrible picture of several men surrounding her, trying to plot against her.

Although it was summer, the mountain was still bone chilling cold. Yu Chuchu sneezed and moved closer to Xiao Wenhan. Being single for twenty years, she had never bloomed. Being so close to a girl, Xiao Wenhan naturally had a huge reaction, "What are you doing?"

"Big brother, I'm cold."

Yu Chuchu had awoken this afternoon, and her looks were very good, and very coquettish. She was a bit similar to Yun Pianxian, and was coquettishly leaning into his embrace, even saying that she was cold, but Xiao Wenhan was still a bit unable to control himself.

He moved his body a little, but Yu Chuchu still leaned over: "Brother, what are you hiding for, I'm cold."

"Little sister, you're from a girl's family. Even if we're siblings, we've already grown up. We can't be so intimate. Do you understand?"

"But I'm cold!" she repeated.

Xiao Wenhan had no other choice now as he took off his own clothes and draped them over her body, "Don't rely on me anymore!"

"Oh." Yu Chuchu was a little unresigned.

Yu Chuchu this young lady, was quiet for a moment, after falling asleep, she still leaned over. Xiao Wenhan didn't dare to move her now either. This girl, before she had even woken up, had had many nightmares.

When he woke up the next day, this girl had burrowed into his embrace. Even Xiao Wenhan himself felt that he was a hooligan now.


Seeing Xiao Wenhan pulling at his face, Yu Chuchu was naturally a little afraid, and immediately stood up. Xiao Wenhan went to the cave entrance to take a look, then came back: "Today's weather is very good, we need to go down the mountain."

"Big brother, I'm hungry."

When he woke up yesterday, Yu Chuchu had only eaten a few wild fruits. Fortunately, Xiao Wenhan had picked a lot of wild fruits while Yu Chuchu was unconscious. Since he still had some food left, he gave it to her.

This girl Yu Chuchu, from the looks of her dressing, didn't seem like a poor family's girl. Why was she eating in front of me right now?

After Yu Chuchu finished eating, Xiao Wenhan also brought her down the mountain. That night, not only did Yu Chuchu injure his head, he also injured his legs. After walking for a long time, he didn't manage to take more than a few steps.

Xiao Wenhan was also afraid, so when those people came looking for him, he also squatted down: "Climb on my back!"

Yu Chuchu was injured to the point where he couldn't remember anything else. When Xiao Wenhan said that he was her big brother, she naturally believed him, so she didn't have any gender awareness as she climbed onto Xiao Wenhan's back.

But before Xiao Wenhan even descended the mountain, he saw the people from Qiansui Mansion. What Lee Chang'ann was notorious for, could have been him doing that heartless thing.

Xiao Wenhan immediately put Yu Chuchu down, "Little sister, hide well."

Yu Chuchu listened to Xiao Wenhan, but Yu Chuchu was not a martial artist, so when he made some movements, the person leading the group was Hu Kui, who naturally noticed it.

Seeing them walk over, Xiao Wenhan immediately unsheathed his sword, scaring Yu Chuchu to death. Hu Kui was proficient so he naturally discovered them. But when Xiao Wenhan pointed the sword at him, Hu Kui also understood that it felt that Xiao Wenhan treated them as bad people!

With their reputation of 9000 years old, it was easy for people to feel that they had come to this barren mountain and wilderness with unspeakable reasons: "General Xiao, you have misunderstood, we have come to find you."

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