In the summer, the biggest event on the Jun'ann Kingdom was naturally the birthday of the emperor, Lee Changsheng. But this year, it seemed that this grand occasion was about to become a disaster.

Based on the information Lee Chang'ann had obtained, Prince Ning would not be able to endure the winter. In the final days, Prince Ning would do everything he could to pull Lee Changsheng down from the Dragon Throne so that he could become the ruler of the country.

Lee Changsheng's birthday was next month, so it was quite quick. Ever since Yun Pianxian became the mistress, she had been troubled by some random things. She even had to choose a wedding present for the birthday of the emperor.

It was truly a brain-damaged affair. Yun Pianxian thought for a long time, but she still couldn't think of any kind of wedding present to be given to the Emperor. The moment Lee Chang'ann returned, Yun Pianxian went to look for him.

When Lee Chang'ann returned, he was initially in a good mood. However, Yun Pianxian's question made Lee Chang'ann smile and immediately retract his smile, "My wife, why did you ask that sickly man the moment you opened your mouth?"

"Isn't it because the birthday is coming up? The congratulatory gift that our Qiansui Mansion has given us, it cannot be too crappy! "

Fortunately, Yun Pianxian's answer was just barely acceptable to Lee Chang'ann, "My wife, you should know that your husband doesn't need to please Lee Changsheng. Also, Lee Changsheng is the emperor. No matter how precious the wedding gift is, it won't be anything special."

She was a modern person, and had a lot of evil ideas. Since it was good that she was special, she would go and study it herself. Recently, he heard that many foreign envoys had flocked to the capital. This inn and inn were packed to the brim.

In recent days, the turnover of the inns and restaurants opened by Lee Chang'ann had been jumping up and down. Yun Pianxian was very happy when she saw the account books sent by her henchmen.

She was a money grubber after all. Who wouldn't be happy to see so much silver? Leaving the study room, Yun Pianxian ordered someone to count the silver before she left the manor.

The capital had been so lively recently. If she didn't go out, she would feel sorry for herself. With Yu Zhi and Cui accompanying her, she wasn't worried at all.

They were still pretending to be men when they left the house as usual. It was much easier this way. Originally, they wanted to go out and take the bus, but the bus was packed and they couldn't get in.

This kind of feeling was like going out every morning to squeeze into the subway together in modern times. Although the feeling of being squeezed in and out of the crowd might not be great, but this crowd of people always made Yun Pianxian feel close.

Since she couldn't take the bus anymore, Yun Pianxian had no choice but to bring her coachman to prepare the carriage. Ever since the last time Yun Pianxian said she would give Yu Zhi to the stables' stableman, who didn't talk very well, Yu Zhi had always found it strange when she saw the stables' stalls.

No matter what Yu Zhi said, she was someone who was raised to be 9000 years old. Giving it to Ma Tong was just to scare her, there was no way Yun Pianxian would do that!

But seeing Yu Zhi being so concerned about such matters, Yun Pianxian also thought about how she was going to scare her in the future. After leaving the Qiansui Mansion, Yun Pianxian naturally went to the most bustling Azure Dragon Street.

In the past in the capital, it was very rare to see an outsider for hours. But today, on Azure Dragon Street, he saw a bunch of people. Among ten people, there were at least three.

She didn't believe that so many people had come all of a sudden to congratulate Lee Changsheng! There might even be help from the Prince Ning s, if that was really the case, then things would be difficult.

The military power of Jun'ann Kingdom was not in the hands of one person, and the border army was also in the hands of a few people. As for those few people, they were Lee Chang'ann's men, she was not clear about that.

Yun Pianxian was clear that the authority in the Forbidden Army was in the hands of Lee Chang'ann, but the Xiao family also grasped this part of the military, which was the same for the imperial guards. Therefore, the Prince Ning also wanted to rope the Xiao family in, but the Xiao family was still neutral.

It was hard to say which side the Xiao family would stand on when the capital changed. This Azure Dragon Street was bustling with activity. Yun Pianxian was careless and bumped into a foreigner.

After all, Yun Pianxian was a girl and was even a nine thousand year old Royal Consort. Yu Zhi and Cui were naturally anxious. Yu Zhi immediately pulled Yun Pianxian behind her. "Master, are you alright?"

"I'm fine."

"What's wrong with you? You're big and tall, why aren't you looking when you're walking?" Cui was the first to make a move.

The man Yun Pianxian had run into had a face of a westerner, a full beard, and a set of accessories that made him look like a member of a prestigious family. Yun Pianxian also knew that foreigners who could come to the capital to celebrate Lee Changsheng's birthday were either rich or powerful. They were not to be trifled with.

She was about to say something polite when the foreigner looked her up and down and said, "Indeed, I was rude. Young master, you didn't hurt me, did you?"

This foreigner, his accent is so authentic, it's not simple at all! To be honest, this man was tall and strong, but he was still in pain from the collision. However, he wasn't injured, so there was no need to hold on to him. "It's fine. Other than a little pain, there's nothing else!"

She wasn't a pengci, so when she saw a distinguished official, she acted as if she was going to be run over to death. Besides, she was hit by someone, not by a carriage.

However, the man was still very responsible and gave Yun Pianxian a black purse. "If this young master has any business, he can find me at the capital's inn. I am Mo Ke, the Dayue Kingdom merchant."

Why is this man so weird? I don't even pursue this matter, what is he talking about? Since he gave it to him, he could only accept it. "Let's part ways here!"

"This humble one still doesn't know young master's name?" He called to her.

He had disguised himself as a woman, and yet this Mo Mo was still so entangled in it. Could it be that he had some sort of special hobby? Thinking that this man was abnormal, Yun Pianxian decided not to play according to common sense. "I am Zhang San. If anything happens, I will personally pay you a visit!"

After she finished talking, this Ma Ke finally let her go. After he left, Yun Pianxian pulled Yu Zhi to the side. "Yu Zhi, do you know the background of this Mo Ke?"

"Young master, the information of 9000 years old is not developed enough to investigate the secrets of foreigners. This Mo Ke is neither royal nor from the royal family, much less some famous person. I have never heard of him."

The Prince Ning was not stupid, he knew that he did not have much military power, he would not gamble everything he had, if he used the forces of the Prince Ning Palace and Chi Family to rebel, he would definitely get help from outside.

Thinking about it, Yun Pianxian strolled around before returning to the Qiansui Mansion. Once he got back to the manor, he went straight to the study room. It seemed like he had something to discuss with Lee Chang'ann.

It was rare for Yun Pianxian to come looking for him in such a hurry, so Lee Chang'ann was naturally surprised: "My wife, what's wrong?"

"Hubby, have you investigated all the foreigners that have come to the capital recently?"

"I've already investigated, why are you asking this?"

"Who's that?"

"Moore? "He really has quite the background."

When they were on the street, they had heard Yu Zhi talk about a bunch of foreign princes, princes, and Noble Heir s.

Since Lee Chang'ann said he was a big shot, he must be some big shot. It was just that Yu Zhi wasn't clear about it.

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