She was like a child who made a mistake, retreating a few steps: "Hubby, I didn't think about it too much back then!"

"I didn't think that much at the time, but Kemo and Yu Zhi didn't stop you?"

"No, they even helped me?"

Lee Chang'ann glanced at Yu Zhi the moment she said that, but it was enough to scare her. He immediately kneeled on the ground, with a look of apology, "This servant knows her wrongs, I beg of you 9000 years of age to punish me!"

"Now that a bunch of slave traders have gone to the government, the government has already sent a bunch of people to capture the escaped slaves. As long as they don't obey obediently, they will be killed without mercy!"

She thought that she had done a good deed, but in the end she had done the wrong one, "Hubby, then what should we do?"

"What should we do? Your husband is also thinking, after all, your wife created this mess. As your husband is from the Hubby, it's necessary for me to help you wrap it up, isn't it? "

"Hubby, can you send the people from Qiansui Mansion to temporarily put those slaves in Qiansui Mansion's territory?"

Doing so could only be a temporary measure. If the slaves stayed in Qiansui Mansion's territory for too long, they would be discovered. At that time, a bunch of people would splash dirty water on Lee Chang'ann.

Yun Pianxian also felt that she was being selfish at the moment, but thinking about it, she had already created a mess, so Lee Chang'ann's intervention might have the least impact on her.

In the afternoon, Lee Chang'ann asked her to dress up as the little family jade and accompany him out for a trip. Although she didn't know why he was taking her out so late at night, she quickly changed her clothes.

After she followed him into the carriage, she took him around the streets. She really didn't understand what Lee Chang'ann wanted to do by bringing her around aimlessly.

In the end, she couldn't hold it in anymore, "Hubby, you couldn't possibly have brought me here just to take a spin, right?"

"You really wish!"

"I am beautiful, so naturally I want to be beautiful too!"

"Wait a minute, you won't think that way."

The moment Lee Chang'ann finished his words, he heard a burst of shouting outside. It was so heart-tearing and lung-splitting. It seemed that something terrible had happened. She was a curious baby, so she immediately lifted the curtain and looked outside.

Just as night fell, there were already people committing murder on the street: "Hubby, this is the imperial city, and no one cares about such atrocities?"

"Look at the person who was beaten up, is there anything special about him?"

This man was dressed in rags, there were not many normal people in the capital who wore it like this, it was possible that he was a beggar, "Hubby, beggars are people, you can't just casually make a move!"

"The slaves of that person, the ones released by you and Kemo, are they light or light? Do you know how many people died today?"

She only wanted to save those people and didn't wish for them to die. In the end, she didn't expect that those people would end up like this. He just wanted to let Yun Pianxian see how cruel this world was, and just hope that she would clean herself up in the future.

She told the coachman to stop, and before Lee Chang'ann could say anything, she got out of the car and shouted to the group: "Stop!"

The soldiers had never thought that such a delicate and charming woman would actually dare to meddle in other people's business! The head steward was a rogue. "It's not enough to have fun beating this lowly slave. Young lady, are you going to play with me?"

"Your head!" I want this person. If you know what's good for you, take the money and leave. Otherwise, my husband won't be easy to mess with! "

Yun Pianxian is dressed like a beautiful lady. These mistresses immediately started laughing.

Seeing those people say something unpleasant to Yun Pianxian, Lee Chang'ann naturally couldn't sit still and got down from the carriage: "If you know what's good for you, then scram!"

With Lee Chang'ann's imposing manner, it was obvious that he was someone he could not afford to offend. Of course, those people were sensible, the one in the lead fawned on him and said: "Master, this slave is only a small matter, but we've worked so hard, so there must be some benefits, right?"

Lee Chang'ann glanced at them and took out a silver ingot, "I've paid for tonight's drinks, why aren't you leaving?"

Yun Pianxian thought that Lee Chang'ann would beat them up. She didn't expect Lee Chang'ann to be such a peaceful person. After those people had left, Yun Pianxian originally wanted to go and help the slave up, but the coachman was faster than her and helped the slave up.

Lee Chang'ann didn't mind that the slave's body was dirty, so he carried the slave onto the carriage. Yun Pianxian also went up with him. Upon seeing these two saviors, the slave hesitated: "The only reason you two saved me was to make me work for you for my entire life, right?"

This person was really something. He saved him and used himself and Lee Chang'ann as a savior. Yun Pianxian was just about to say something, but Lee Chang'ann interrupted her: "Send him to a nearby location and then we'll go somewhere else."

The slaves were completely stunned. After all, no one had ever saved themselves in such a way. They did not have any selfish thoughts. Yun Pianxian could also see that the slave was still doubtful. "There are still good people in this world. As long as all of you pass through this tribulation, there will be no more suffering in the future."

"Misery comes from birth. Madam, you do not know that we are slaves. We are destined to be slaves for our entire lives!"

"But aren't you going to regain your freedom now?"

"Isn't the only servant of this Jun'ann Kingdom, who managed to turn the tables, Lee Ergou? Everyone will remember that he suppressed the sickly Emperor, but no one will remember that he shook the surrounding kingdoms because in everyone's eyes, he was born a servant and was destined to be a slave for his entire life! "

Originally, Lee Chang'ann was not very happy to hear the slave call him Lee Ergou. However, after hearing the following words, his heart finally felt a lot more at ease.

It was the first time in years that he had heard someone say that he had done a good deed, rather than amplifying it. It was true that he had suppressed the Sick Emperor at every turn, but he had also done a lot for the Jun'ann Kingdom, just because his own father, the Prince Rende, loved this land.

She glanced at Lee Chang'ann and noticed that his eyes were slightly red. "Hubby, your hard work has finally been seen by someone, right?"

The slave said Lee Chang'ann in front of them, but when Yun Pianxian said this, the slave was immediately stunned: "You are Lee Chang'ann and Royal Consort?"

This slave was really smart. Yun Pianxian glanced at the slave and asked, "What? You want to kill us?"

"No, you saved me. If I have the chance, I will definitely repay you!"

"We didn't save you because we were counting on you to help us. We only hoped that the world wouldn't find out that we were involved in the slave business!" Lee Chang'ann said.

Yun Pianxian was already used to it. Lee Chang'ann had taken all the bad things into his own hands. He did all the good things so that no one else would know about it.

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