Last night, she remembered that she was wearing clothes when she went to sleep. This morning, she was completely naked.

She thought for a moment and remembered. In the middle of the night, she had a shameless dream. But the next day I woke up naked in bed.

She instantly understood that it wasn't a dream, it was Lee Chang'ann bullying her while she was asleep. This Lee Chang'ann really did not think of himself as a eunuch. If one day, he lost everything, he would probably just be a lackey and be able to beg for food.

Yu Zhi and Cui brought a few maidservants with them to clean up. Yun Pianxian was too embarrassed to do so, so she immediately told them to leave. The few maidservants who had washed up were stunned. They could only wait outside with Yu Zhi and Cui.

After putting on her clothes, Yun Pianxian called for them to come in. Today, other than Yu Zhi and Cui, there was no one else in the mansion who could speak.

She had wanted to leave the residence, but Yu Zhi stopped her. "Madam, 9000 years old has ordered me to not let you out!"

"What?" Yun Pianxian was extremely shocked.

Was Lee Chang'ann afraid that he would go out and mess up some random stuff for him? Seeing her displeased expression, Yu Zhi immediately told her the truth. "Hu Kui and Mr. Nangong have already left to do some work and have been instructed for nine thousand years. Without their company, Madam will not be able to go anywhere!"

Actually, no one could be blamed for this. Who asked him to be like this? If he didn't fight for three days and the master's house was taken down, then if he caused any more trouble, no one would be able to help him.

In this house, it was really stuffy. Especially when he was walking his dog, he still looked up to this woman, Qingping. Who could put up with a woman who glared at her husband?

Upon smelling Qingping's scent, the Wangcai became restless. It seemed like the owner of the dog followed his dog and he did not like Qingping. Even the Wangcai did not like her!

It was a good thing that Qingping knew her limits a lot better now. When she saw Yun Pianxian, she respectfully saluted, "Madam Jin An!"

"You've recovered?"

"Yes, thank you Madam for your concern!"

"Since you've recovered from your injuries, it's time for me to arrange a place for you. I think about it, there's still no one left to manage which courtyard."

When she heard that Yun Pianxian wanted to send her off, Qingping knelt on the ground with a "plop", and her eyes reddened. "Madam, Qiansui Mansion is Qingping's home, Qingping is not going anywhere!"

This woman was really annoying. Every time she kneeled down like this, those who didn't know better would think that he was bullying her!

At this time, Yun Pianxian had a headache coming on because of this woman. With a frown, the Wangcai became agitated.

Yun Pianxian had an idea, "Qingping, why aren't you leaving? Otherwise, the Wangcai will really bite you! "

Hearing Yun Pianxian say that the Wangcai was going to bite someone, not to mention Qingping, the servant girl at the side was so scared that she took two steps back. Qingping was naturally afraid.

But even if the Wangcai was here, Qingping still had to finish speaking. "Madam, this servant has been in the Qiansui Mansion since young, you can't chase this servant away! Besides, Abba is already old and needs a servant to serve him! You can't be so heartless! "

This woman was actually using her old father to talk about matters. Yun Pianxian felt that if she continued to refuse, she would appear to be very unreasonable.

In the past, Qingping had said that Wangcai were very intelligent, and that was true. Seeing that she was being forced by Qingping in such a way, she opened her mouth wide and was about to bite him.

She had already been married to the Qiansui Mansion for half a year, and this Wangcai was no longer the little pup she was before.

Even if Qingping wanted to run, she couldn't. The Wangcai threw her onto the ground, and luckily, Yun Pianxian reacted in time: "Wangcai! "Stop!"

Only then did the Wangcai turn around, wagged its tail, and open its mouth, like a child who had done something wrong. Qingping, on the other hand, seemed to not have reacted at all. She laid on the ground, covering her face with her hands and shouted in a heart-wrenching voice, "Someone, come! Help! The dogs have eaten people! "

Upon hearing Qingping's shout, a group of guards rushed over, but upon seeing the scene in front of them, they were at a loss as to what to do. They also knew that this dog that was nine thousand years old was only nine thousand years old when it came across a lady. As for the rest of them, this dog was nothing in their eyes.

It was said that beating a dog depended on its owner. Who would dare to beat a 9000 year old dog? Besides, this dog was having fun by the side. Qingping was the only one whose clothes had been stained by the dog.

Yun Pianxian saw Qingping shouting on the ground, and did not even look at her: "Stop shouting, the Wangcai has not bitten you yet, if you continue shouting, the Wangcai will get annoyed, if I bite you, I can't stop it!"

Only then did Qingping let go and looked at her body. Other than some dust on her body, the Wangcai really didn't do anything. He immediately got up from the ground and patted off the dust on his body, "Your servant was frightened by the white dew."

This woman really did make things difficult for him. Before he even married Lee Chang'ann, he already changed the name of this dog to Wangcai.

She frowned: "Qingping, remember, this dog is called Wangcai!"

With that, she led the dog away without even looking at the woman. Today was truly unlucky. If he couldn't leave his home, then forget it, but he still encountered this kind of situation.

Hearing Yu Zhi's words, Hu Kui and Nangong Ji both went out to busy themselves. It seemed like Lee Chang'ann would also have a lot of things to do today. He might come back very late. If I slip out and return to the manor before he returns, won't I be fine?

Although she didn't know kung fu, she had many tricks up her sleeve. This Qiansui Mansion wall was high and every door was guarded, but since Qiansui Mansion raised dogs, of course there would be dog holes.

She pretended to be very unhappy and made the kitchen cook a plate of chicken legs before telling everyone to leave. She held the chicken leg and swung it in front of the Wangcai, then threw it outside the wall.

The Wangcai was so excited, it immediately slipped out to pick up the chicken leg. Yun Pianxian was not stupid, so she naturally followed behind the Wangcai and slipped out of the Qiansui Mansion.

Even without Yu Zhi's protection, the Wangcai was still here. Although Yun Pianxian had never seen the fighting strength of the Wangcai, with the fat body of the Wangcai, no one would dare to provoke it.

Her purpose of leaving the manor today was different from usual. Today, she was here to inquire about the news of the slaves. Because of him, many people had died, and also because of him, many people had temporarily gained their freedom.

She held onto Wangcai's hand and walked for a while before passing by a rice shop opened by Qiansui Mansion. She saw a man with a mark on his face moving things.

That mark, she remembered, was on the people she and Kemo released. She was about to ask the slave and ask him about it when the slave realized something and covered his face and went into the shop.

This was really strange. Using these people to help a rice shop with Qiansui Mansion in broad daylight, aren't you afraid of causing trouble?

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