After she finished, Yun Pianxian wanted to follow the Wangcai and crawl into the dog hole, but Nangong Ji stopped her: "You don't want to jump over the wall?"

"This wall is too high, I can't climb it!"

"I'll help you." After she finished speaking, Nangong Ji wrapped her arms around her waist, and with a leap, entered the Qiansui Mansion backyard.

By the time Yun Pianxian reacted, Nangong Ji was already gone. Just then, a bunch of servants ran over from the backyard, "Madam, where did you go? But it makes all the servants so anxious! "

"I'm just playing hide-and-seek with the Wangcai. The Qiansui Mansion is so huge, I've already traveled nearly every inch of it. It's normal that you guys can't find me."

She had lied to these young maidservants, but her face was not red and her heart was not beating fast. At this moment, Yu Zhi and Cui rushed over. Seeing her return, Cui's eyes reddened. "Madam, where did you run off to?"

"Playing hide and seek with the Wangcai, what else can you do? Hurry up and get some hot water. I don't want to have the smell of a dog and fur of a dog on me when I return from nine thousand years old. "

The maidservants naturally obeyed her orders. When Lee Chang'ann came back, he immediately noticed the nice smell on her body. Before they even started eating at night, they already started eating.

Yun Pianxian had never thought that this fake eunuch would do such a shameful thing as following her orders upon his return. She was extremely frightened, "Hubby, I'm hungry, let's not talk about this anymore!"

"It's not like I'm letting you move. It's fine even if you're hungry."

"This... "Ugh …"

Since Lee Chang'ann had started having kids with her right after he came back, she ate more for dinner than usual. Lee Chang'ann didn't want to keep pestering her tonight, so he hid in the study room by himself.

What she saw today made Yun Pianxian feel reassured. The slaves that she let out were under Lee Chang'ann's care, so there was no need for her to worry.

Since Lee Chang'ann didn't want him to know about it, Yun Pianxian didn't mention it and pretended it never happened. She went to the study and didn't say a word about his placement of the runaways. She only said a few things that she didn't know.

Lee Chang'ann always felt that Yun Pianxian was acting weird today: "My wife, why aren't you sleeping in the middle of the night? What are you doing in the study room?"

"Why, can't I come? Hubby was afraid that I would see some sort of secret before telling Father and Brother? "

Yun Pianxian's relationship with Yun Family had been cut off a while ago, and it had been a ruckus throughout the city. Lee Chang'ann knew that other than himself, she had nothing else.

Besides, occupying a woman's body meant taking over that woman's heart. Yun Pianxian was so immersed in his own body that he couldn't believe that she was all here to perform.

Lee Chang'ann smiled, "My wife, you're thinking too much. Since you're my husband, you naturally wouldn't do anything that would harm my husband."

Hubby, I came here to ask you a question. Those escaping slaves, what should I do?

She asked her husband on purpose, but he was still unwilling to admit it. "I don't know either, how about we go to the Sensory Temple one day and pray for those escaping slaves?"

This Lee Chang'ann, he really didn't know how to hide it from him. Since he didn't want to say it, she stopped pursuing the matter.

The next day, just like yesterday, Yun Pianxian secretly slipped out of the residence and went to the shop named Qiansui Mansion. When they arrived at the jewelry store, they saw Chi Xiyan's personal maid Shuang Yi.

Luckily, she turned around quickly, and when she saw his face, she was able to tell that Shuiyue was very careful, "Shopkeeper, do you have any Musk Beads? My grandmother is going through her birthday, I want to honor her!"

[Shuangxi is just a maid from Chi Family. It is really illogical for me to pay a big price for Musk Beads to honor my grandmother!] Could it be that this double happiness was referring to Chi Xiyan, wanting to harm the child in Yun Ruyan's womb?

This jewelry store had Musk Beads. Yun Pianxian had discovered them when she was looking through the account books last month. This maid did not have that much money to buy expensive Musk Beads.

The shopkeeper seemed to have the same thoughts as Yun Pianxian. With a doubtful expression, he asked, "Little girl, do you have that much money to buy Musk Beads?"

Looking at the shopkeeper's expression, Shuangxi glanced at himself, "I'm a concubine and my mistress loves me. You're a businessman, what do you know about me?"

Yun Pianxian did not believe that Lee Changfeng would dare to accept a maid right after marrying Chi Xiyan. At most, he would just hook up with her secretly. This pair of joyous looks could be considered delicate and pretty. If he were to be accepted as a concubine, the shopkeeper would believe him.

After selling the Musk Beads, Shuangxi immediately left the jewelry store. Yun Pianxian naturally followed behind, following Shuang Xi all the way to the back door of Prince Ning Palace.

As soon as the door opened, he saw Chi Xiyan. She pulled a long face and said, "You're supposed to buy something. You're always dilly-dallying. You're really stupid!"

This thing was what Chi Xiyan wanted, it must have been used to harm people. Although Yun Ruyan had hurt herself before, the child in her womb was innocent.

She really couldn't bear to see that child hurt by someone else. Thinking about it, only Yun Ruhong could help her. Looking at the time, if they went to the Xiao family, they might even meet Yun Ruhong. They immediately brought the Wangcai and got on a bus to the Xiao family.

At the intersection, Yun Pianxian got off the car and sprinted all the way to the main entrance of the Xiao family. Luckily, Yun Ruhong came out of the Xiao family just in time.

Seeing Yun Pianxian panting at the door, Yun Ruyan was naturally surprised. She walked up to her and asked: "Third Sister, why are you here?"

"Big Bro, Chi Xiyan wants to harm Yun Ruyan. Hurry and help her!"

Since Yun Pianxian had said so, Yun Ruhong was naturally surprised: "Third Sister, what nonsense are you spouting?"

"I'm not spouting nonsense. Today, I saw Chi Xiyan's personal maid Shuangxi buying Musk Beads from a jewelry store."

Yun Ruhong, with his pure personality, naturally didn't know what this Musk Bead was. "It's not strange for both of you to like buying Musk Beads. After all, Chi Xiyan has always liked gold, silver, and jewelry."

"Big Brother, if you don't care about this matter, I can't do anything about it." With that, Yun Pianxian left.

However, Yun Ruhong followed closely behind: "Third Sister, why are you so impatient with your temper?"

"I've told you everything I need to say. Whatever you want to love, just do it!"

"Third Sister, even if you have broken off all relations with the Yun Family, you must at least let her know that you're worried about Ruyan!"

"If she knew, she might even think that I was the one who bought the Musk Bead, and the one who wanted to harm her was me!"

What she said was the truth. At this moment, Yun Ruhong also understood Yun Pianxian's problem: "Third Sister, you are like this. You just have to take care of everything bad. If it's something good, you have to focus on it."

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