It was said that heroes did not ask for directions, so Lee Chang'ann did not mean to look down on Linong with his words. He was originally a lowly servant, and the status and power he had today was all due to him taking one step at a time.

This Linong, like him, had a lowly background and a bit of ability. He was a useful talent, Lee Chang'ann remembered this person at a glance.

Tonight, after Linong came, those people who wanted to throw rotten eggs and rotten leaves at Lee Chang'ann and Yun Pianxian were all violently driven away by Linong.

At this moment, Xiao Wenhan had finished taking care of the people who attacked the Zhang Mansion in the night. He had wanted to capture them alive, but those people were all deathsworn.

Seeing Xiao Wenhan walk over with a darkened face, Yun Pianxian knew that this matter must have ended the clues. Although she did not hold any hope, she still asked Xiao Wenhan: "General Xiao, are there any survivors?"

"No, not a single one."

Xiao Wenhan said this with a serious face. It looked like he wasn't feeling well. At this time, Linong's subordinate hurriedly ran over: "9000 years old, the young miss of Zhang Family is still alive!"

Hearing this news, Yun Pianxian could see a hint of joy in Lee Chang'ann's eyes: "Hurry and send him to the hospital."

Only one girl managed to survive the sudden disaster in Zhang Family, and everyone wanted to save that girl. Lee Chang'ann didn't care about anything and immediately followed the soldiers to look at Zhang Family lady.

He stretched out his hand to feel the girl's aura and heaved a sigh of relief. "Fortunately, she is still alive!"

When he finished speaking, he did not care about how everyone looked at him, and directly carried the Zhang Family girl. Although Yun Pianxian would usually be jealous, she didn't mind at all at this time.

She, along with Lee Chang'ann and the Zhang Family girl, rushed to the hospital overnight. The imperial physician was trying his best to save Miss Zhang Family. Lee Chang'ann stood at the door, his heart in his throat.

Yun Pianxian did not know why Lee Chang'ann was so nervous about this Zhang Family girl. "Hubby, you seem to be very nervous about this girl?"

My wife, you don't need to be jealous. Miss Zhang Family is the orphan of Great Elder Zhang, your husband just doesn't want anything to happen to her. "For the sake of the land of the river and the mountains, you could say that he had been toiling all his life, and yet had ended up like this. I am sad for him.

She had thought that since he and Great Master Zhang were rivals, it would be much easier for her to see him in such a state. Looks like I really don't understand him well enough, "Hubby, if Zhang Family miss were to wake up, she might think that the tragedy in Zhang Family was your doing.

"No need, I'm not afraid of slanting shadows. If your husband hasn't done something before, I won't be afraid of being stabbed in the back."

"Hubby, Miss Zhang Family just encountered such a thing. The only thing that would cause Miss Zhang Family's emotions to fluctuate greatly if you were here!"

Just as he mentioned the Zhang Family Miss, this girl had really woken up. Xiao Wenhan was one step ahead of Lee Chang'ann. The moment Zhang Family lady saw Xiao Wenhan, she cried, "General, where are my father and mother?"

"All gone." When Xiao Wenhan said this, he really couldn't bear it. Even Yun Pianxian could see that.

She stepped forward a little, looked at Zhang Family girl: "Miss Zhang, it's a pity, in all of Zhang Family, you're the only one who survived."

Hearing this, Lady Zhang Family started crying her heart out. Even if Yun Pianxian couldn't bear it, she could only allow her to cry. At this time, Hu Kui came in and knelt on the ground, "9000 years old, those men in black are all from the group of assassins that formed the Jile Hall."

Hearing Hu Kui call Lee Chang'ann nine thousand years old, Zhang Family Lady's face changed, as if the blood debt in Zhang Family was done by Lee Chang'ann: "Why did you do this to me? Why are you doing this to your Zhang Family? "

As long as anything bad happened, they would think that Lee Chang'ann did it. Before Lee Chang'ann could even open his mouth, Yun Pianxian had already started to protect her husband: "Ms. Zhang, your family has met with troubles. We all sympathize with your plight, but you can eat whatever you want, and you can't say whatever you want! My Hubby is only here to save people, and the matter of Zhang Family has nothing to do with my Hubby! "

Seeing that Yun Pianxian was defending Lee Chang'ann, the Zhang Family girl's face was filled with contempt: "You are that Royal Consort who became enemies with his biological father and mother for Lee Chang'ann, right?"

"That's right!"

"You're extremely stupid. You followed an official who can't even be considered a man, betrayed your Yun Family, and became an ancestor of the Forgotten Sect. You will die a horrible death!"

She really couldn't understand how a young miss who was raised in a pavilion could say such vicious words. Looks like he and Lee Chang'ann had already become the two "cheap" Jun'ann Kingdom s.

She looked at the Zhang Family girl with a fearless face: "Forgotten Ancestor? You don't even know what I've experienced, and on what basis do you think I've forgotten my ancestors? Is this how your Liuxiang Sect educated their children? "

At this time, Miss Zhang Family had nothing to say to Yun Pianxian, and Lee Chang'ann did not wish for her to continue arguing with Miss Zhang Family: "My wife, since Miss Zhang Family has already woken up, it's time for us to return home."

"Alright, Hubby, let's go back now. We don't have any more people who don't understand gratitude to say those words that she won't listen to." With that, Yun Pianxian followed Lee Chang'ann.

But Miss Zhang Family still did not let him go: "Lee Chang'ann, you have brought calamity upon the nation, and harmed the loyal and loyal, you will definitely die a horrible death! As for you, Yun Pianxian, you have forgotten your ancestors and are the accomplice of a tiger. One day, you will all receive your retribution! "

Actually, Lee Chang'ann didn't want to argue with Miss Zhang Family because Zhang Zhang Zhang had worked hard all his life for Jun'ann Kingdom, but since Miss Zhang Family had such a vicious mouth, Lee Chang'ann felt sorry for Yun Pianxian: "My wife, don't argue with her!"

"Hubby, I understand. I won't bother with her, let's go back!"

At this time, in the room of this hospital, there were only Xiao Wenhan and the Zhang Family lady. Xiao Wenhan saw that there was nothing wrong with the Zhang Family girl's body. He originally wanted to leave, but Zhang Family girl stopped him: "General, can you not leave?"

The last time he had said all these things to her, it had been to that refined young lady who had come all the way from Jiangnan. Ever since that girl had left, his mind was filled with her image.

However, as he looked at Miss Zhang Family, he did not know how to refuse. "Then, should I guard the door?"

"Thank you, General!"

Ever since she left the Xiao family, there had been no more news from Yu Chuchu. Xiao Wenhan originally wanted to ask Yun Pianxian and Yu Chuchu for information, but Lee Chang'ann was here, so he couldn't ask too much.

After she returned to the Qiansui Mansion, Yun Pianxian could no longer hold it in. "Hubby, the world has truly overestimated you.

"My wife, don't think too much. After all, these people are all fools. It's impossible for them to know how much I have done for them."

She had been here for more than half a year, and Yun Pianxian had already seen enough of the world to know that she could not save the world, only herself.

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