Seeing that Chi Xiyan had come, these palace maid s acted as if they had seen their savior. He immediately put the peeled lotus seed on a plate and brought it to Yun Pianxian. Then, since he still had work to do, he left without waiting for Yun Pianxian's approval.

She could tell that these girls were afraid of her, so she didn't stop them. When Chi Zhaoyan arrived, Yun Pianxian pouted. "Esteemed empress, the people in this palace are really afraid of strangers!"

As soon as Chi Zhaoyan came over, she heard Yun Pianxian grumbling and covering her mouth as she smiled, "It's not that they're afraid of strangers, it's just that they're afraid of you. The news had spread throughout the palace. It was said that the Imperial Concubine Empress of the Eastern Palace was a ferocious woman who would suppress the people around Crown Prince and would not even let the palace maid off! They even said that in just a few days, more than half of the palace maids in the East Palace had died! "

These words were truly groundless, Lee Chang'ann had stayed in the Cheng'en Hall for a long time, he loved to torment himself day and night. How did it become him being petty and oppressing others?

He had even been embellished by someone. He was already a murderous demon woman. Within a few days, half of the palace maids in the Eastern Palace had died.

At first, she thought it would be boring, but now that Chi Zhaoyan had arrived and there were more people, it became more lively. Yun Pianxian saw that the weather was just right. She initially wanted to play with them, kicking the shuttlecock, and playing with the ball. But now, she heard a small sound.

It sounded like a woman crying, yet it also sounded like someone doing something. She followed the sound and walked over, but Chi Zhaoyan stopped her, "Pianxian, what are you doing over there?"

"Esteemed empress, haven't you heard anything?"

"I'm not deaf, so how could I not hear it? It's just that the matters of the palace are not something we can handle!" Chi Zhaoyan was trying to persuade herself.

As the Palace Mistress, Chi Zhaoyan did not dare to meddle in such matters. Yun Pianxian had already guessed who was the one who was acting recklessly behind the fake mountain.

Other than Lee Changsheng, who else could it be? She walked straight over, and that unmarried girl, Xiao Sese, also didn't seem to be sensible and directly followed Yun Pianxian.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, Lee Changsheng and Jianjia, who were behind the fake mountain, stopped. Lee Changsheng's bad taste wasn't something that could be experienced in a day or two. He really didn't know which one of them dared to interfere with his business!

He let go of Jianjia with a face full of anger, looking in the direction of the footsteps. The one who came out was the Yun Pianxian that he had been dreaming about day and night!

Damn it! How could he let Yun Pianxian see him like this? Lee Changsheng hated Jianjia to death at this moment! In broad daylight, he came here to seduce her, and he even had to do such a thing outside the house.

Seeing Lee Changsheng and Jianjia, who looked similar to him, here, both of their clothes were messy. The place where Lee Changsheng had risen up had not been taken back.

It was a good thing that the two of them hadn't begun to do this yet. However, Yun Pianxian always felt that it wasn't good for an unmarried girl like Xiao Sese to see Lee Changsheng like this, so she covered Xiao Sese's eyes.

He closed his eyes and murmured, "Will I grow a needle in my eye?"

At this moment, Chi Zhaoyan jogged over, "Imperial Concubine, Lady Xiao, I told you guys to not come here, you just did not believe me, sigh!"

Lee Changsheng was surprised, why did Yun Pianxian and Lady Xiao come to the imperial garden, and why did they see him and Jianjia doing such a thing, it seemed like Chi Zhaoyan was up to something.

Even though he was full of anger, Lee Changsheng could only hold it in: "What are you doing here?"

"It's nothing, I was just looking around." Yun Pianxian had an awkward expression.

With that, Yun Pianxian pulled Xiao Sese and Chi Zhaoyan away from this troublesome place.

When Jianjia saw that no one came to disturb them, she hugged Lee Changsheng from behind and said, "Your majesty, let's continue!"

After seeing Yun Pianxian, it was as if Lee Changsheng had lost his soul. He pulled away Jianjia's hand that was holding his, and said with a look of disdain: "Scram!"

Jianjia had almost wanted him just a moment ago, but now, she was already in such a ferocious position. Jianjia was extremely frightened. At this moment, he was quite tactful and hurriedly escaped with his tail between his legs.

Leaving the imperial garden, Yun Pianxian noticed that something was wrong with Chi Zhaoyan's expression. "Esteemed empress, what's wrong?"

"This Jianjia, is she someone who came from my palace, or is she accompanying me, someone who entered the palace from the Chi Family? Right now, the emperor hates me, but he is unwilling to let go of this maidservant.

None of Chi Family's daughters could escape the fate of having their legs dug up by him. Chi Xiyan deserved it, but Yun Pianxian felt that it was Lee Changsheng's fault that he placed it on Chi Zhaoyan.

Men are like this, always like to stay in the flowers. Yun Pianxian knew that she would become like Chi Zhaoyan, a pitiful woman imprisoned deep in the palace.

With Xiao Sese fooling around, Yun Pianxian had no face to meet Lee Changsheng's naughty interest. She left Xiao Sese in the palace to talk too much and let Yu Zhi send her out of the palace.

Right after he returned, he saw Lee Chang'ann waiting for him at Cheng'en Hall. Before she could greet him, Lee Chang'ann opened his mouth and said: "Is the image of others very interesting to watch?"

Damn it! How did this spread so fast? Yun Pianxian said awkwardly, "Your Highness, chenqie doesn't want to see it. It's just a fluke!"

"Your Highness still doesn't know what this little brain of yours is thinking. Just think, could that man be your husband?"

In fact, when she went to take a look, she never thought Lee Chang'ann would do such a thing, so she shook her head: "Hubby, I don't think so. If you are so stubborn, I can't do anything to you."

Actually, Lee Chang'ann was angry because Yun Pianxian had seen Wu Tie's naked body. His own wife had seen someone else's body, so how many men could still keep their cool?

Furthermore, Yun Pianxian was a sharp-tongued girl who could poke holes in his guts with a single word. Only then did Lee Chang'ann realize that he really had no way to deal with Yun Pianxian!

Seeing that Cui and Yu Zhi were still in the room, he let them out and acted as if he was apologizing, "My wife, taking Qingping into the East Palace is indeed your husband's fault, but don't mess around. Why are you looking at Lee Changsheng's sickly body?"

It was only then that she understood. Lee Chang'ann thought that since Lee Changsheng and Jianjia had already met, she had brought her men along and even saw Lee Changsheng's body.

Good heavens, she didn't have such a hobby! Besides, Lee Chang'ann was like a wolf and tiger in his room. How could he not be satisfied? Why would he care about someone else's husband?

But since he was so cowardly, he told everyone to step back and apologize to him. Yun Pianxian then killed his prestige, "Hubby, after seeing the body of the Sick Emperor today, I can't let go of it in my mind. What should I do?"

Yun Pianxian said that not only had she looked at Lee Changsheng's body, but also that sick body, was still lingering in her mind. Lee Chang'ann wanted to send someone to capture Lee Changsheng and send him to the palace for torture: "My wife, no, my little ancestor, please, hurry up and forget about the image of that sickly seedling, is that alright?"

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