Compared to Yun Pianxian harming the child in Yun Ruyan's womb, Yun Ruhong felt that Chi Xiyan was more suspicious. He pulled Chi Jindai into a corner. "Mother, don't you think that Cousin Xiyan is more of a suspect?"

Speaking of which, Chi Jindai paused, then shook her head: "That's impossible, why would Xiyan harm Yan's child? They are cousins! "Only a vicious woman like Yun Pianxian can do such a thing!"

"Mother, didn't you treat Pianxian's mother the same way in the past? Not to mention cousins, even sisters would lose all decorum for men! "

When Yun Ruhong said this, Chi Jindai was stunned. How did Yun Ruhong know about the evil deeds that he had done? She looked at Yun Ruhong, "Hong'er, did Yun Pianxian tell you this? She is provoking the relationship between us, mother and son. Don't believe her!"

"Mother, rather than arguing endlessly with the Third Sister at the entrance of the palace, it would be better for you to go with your son to the Prince Ning Palace and see your second younger sister. Second sister just lost her child, and Prince Ning Lord doesn't love her. Let's go see her, it's still better. "

At this point, Chi Jindai finally had some reason. "Alright, Hong'er, let's go see Yan."

When they arrived at the Prince Ning Manor, before they even saw Yun Ruyan, they heard the old wangfei wailing like a ghost in the backyard. Since the death of the old Prince Ning, the old wangfei had been like this ever since.

Looking at the pale face of Yun Ruyan, Yun Ruhong could not help but feel his heart ache.

Seeing that Chi Jindai and Yun Ruhong had arrived, Zhu'er's eyes became even redder. She brought them out of the room and cried, "Madam, Young Master, Miss's life is too miserable! "It wasn't easy, I finally had hope, but in the end …"

Zhu'er had been following Yun Ruyan since she was young. Naturally, it was all for Yun Ruyan's sake. At this moment, she was crying so hard that she couldn't even speak. Seeing that there were no outsiders in the room, Yun Ruhong said, "Zhu'er, your second sister is perfectly fine. Why is it so small?"

"Young Master, actually, even before the Old Prince died, Miss was not feeling well. Who knew that when Miss said she had abdominal pain last night, she saw red before the imperial physician arrived? When the imperial physician arrived, he said the child couldn't be preserved any longer. "

Yun Ruyan wasn't favoured. She originally wanted to have a child to protect her own position, but such a thing happened. Yun Ruhong also felt sad when he saw it. He remembered that Yun Pianxian's mother was the same back then. Not only did she lose her child, she even lost her life.

Now, Yun Ruyan still hadn't woken up. According to Zhu'er, she had cried herself unconscious last night, so they waited for Yun Ruyan to wake up.

However, even though it had been a short while, Lee Changfeng still hadn't come. Yun Ruhong asked: "Where's Prince Ning, why isn't he coming to see second sister?"

As she spoke of Lee Changfeng, Pearl's tears started to fall, "Your highness never looks at Miss directly. Even when you found out that Miss had a child, you never smiled, not to mention when Miss had no child!"

Hearing Zhu'er's words, Yun Ruhong wanted to slap the table in anger. If not for the fear of scaring Yun Ruyan in the inner room, he would have already scolded Lee Changfeng harshly.

Chi Xiyan had ill intentions, Lee Changfeng who did not have any feelings for Yun Ruyan, and the crazy Old Wangfei. Yun Ruhong felt that Yun Ruyan was in hell at Prince Ning Manor.

He glanced at Chi Jindai. "Mother, let's take our second sister back to the Yun Family!"

"What?" Hong'er, are you crazy? "

"Mother, your son is not crazy. Look at this Prince Ning Palace, other than Zhu Er, who else would care about your second younger sister?"

"This is her life. She has already married into this family, so she should accept her fate. What is it for us to innocent people to take her away?"

In fact, Yun Ruhong saw the pearl in Yun Ruyan's hand the moment he entered the room. He glanced at Zhu'er and asked, "Zhu'er, tell me, what did the imperial physician say? Why would Second Sister have such a small child?"

"The imperial physician said that Miss was injured by musk, that's why she had such a small birth!" Pearl cried.

"What?" Didn't Yun Pianxian push him, causing him to become pregnant? " Chi Jindai was shocked.

In fact, when they entered the Prince Ning Palace and saw that Zhu Er's footsteps did not seem right, Yun Ruhong already guessed it: "Did the Prince Ning's Concubine think that you guys beat you guys up because you did not take good care of your second sister?"

"Young Master, how did you know?"

"It's normal for any maidservants in your courtyard to walk. What else could they be if not hit a board?"

"Young master, this servant swears, we have really carefully inspected it. The maids in our courtyard know that Miss is pregnant, and do not even wipe the fragrant powder. When the weather is hot, their bodies will reek of sweat, and the maids in our residence will not be willing to deal with our sisters in our courtyard!"

Yun Ruhong still remembered what Yun Pianxian said. Chi Xiyan asked for Yun Ruyan's return, "Zhu'er, go and show me the pearl in your second sister's hand."

As soon as Yun Ruhong said this, Zhu'er did as he was told and quickly brought the pearl from Yun Ruyan's hand over. Chi Jindai took a look, "Isn't it just a coral pearl? It's a bit more expensive, so what else can you do? "

Even though Chi Jindai was nagging at him, someone from Yun Ruhong's side did not answer her. Instead, he smelled it and passed it to Chi Jindai: "Mom, come smell it."

"Coral beads, what's so good about it?" Chi Jindai had a disdainful look on her face.

"Mother, if you don't smell it, how would you know that there is no such thing as a trick?"

Since Yun Ruhong had already said it so bluntly, Chi Jindai had no choice but to sniff it. In the end, her expression changed. "How can someone be so vicious?"

Hearing Yun Ruhong and Chi Jindai's words, Zhu'er was stunned, "Madam, Young Master, what's wrong?"

"Who gave this pearl to you?" Chi Jindai had a murderous look on her face.

With a "putong", she kneeled down. "Madam, this master was gifted to you by the Prince Ning's concubine, it has nothing to do with this servant!"

"I didn't say it had anything to do with you. Just tell us the truth about what happened after your second sister became pregnant." Yun Ruhong said.

Although Zhu'er did not have any bad intentions, she was also afraid of being misunderstood by Chi Jindai, so she told them about what happened after Yun Ruyan became pregnant.

Ever since she sent Yun Ruyan's beads, Chi Xiyan never came to Yun Ruyan's courtyard again. Chi Jindai understood that ever since Yun Ruyan had married into the Prince Ning Palace, she had quarreled with Chi Xiyan over the matter. After giving her the beads, Chi Xiyan had not come back.

At this moment, Chi Jindai's eyes were completely red, and she looked like she was about to kill someone. If Yun Ruhong didn't stop her, she would have gone to find trouble with Chi Xiyan. At this moment, Chi Xiyan and Lee Changfeng slowly made their way over.

Without waiting for Lee Changfeng and Chi Xiyan to speak, Yun Ruhong opened his mouth and said: "Elder Prince Ning, Ruhong wants to bring second sister to be a sitting Yue Zi. How about it?"

Lee Changfeng did not expect Yun Ruhong to say something like this, "Ruhong, no matter what Ruyan says, it's all my side concubine. Isn't it a little too much for you to do this?"

"Master Prince Ning, you should know better than anyone how much you care about your second sister. Her unhappy life in the Prince Ning Palace would not benefit her either. "

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