When he had the ability, he didn't do his best to protect the people he wanted to protect. When he regained his senses, that person would no longer be alive.

No one wanted to see such a thing happen, but Yun Pianxian was crying her heart out for such a thing. After returning to the palace, Yun Pianxian didn't ask about the Yun Family, but Yu Zhi did tell Yun Pianxian about what she had heard.

Yun Ruhong did not take a step back. Since Lee Changfeng did not gain anything from the Yun Family, he could only go back to the Prince Ning Manor with his tail between his legs. It looked like Chi Xiyan, the main culprit of this incident, was going to suffer a calamity.

After returning to the Prince Ning Mansion, Chi Xiyan naturally tried to think of a way to please Lee Changfeng, but Lee Changfeng did not buy her fawning. Ye Zichen directly went to Shuang Xi's room, then ordered someone to bring him out.

The evil deeds he had done had already been announced to the public. Shuangxi knew that the day of his death was coming. With a plop, he kneeled on the ground. "My lord, please spare me. Even if it's to avenge the old prince, how about it?"

This lowly woman had murdered her own child, and now she still had the face to speak such words to him. At this moment, Lee Changfeng remembered everything that Yun Ruyan had done for him on the day of the palace change.

Yun Ruyan was willing to sacrifice her life for him, but Chi Xiyan? He followed Chi Jinxi and Madame Chi and left without saying a word.

Now, he even had the ability to murder his son. If he were to give up, how would the people of the world discuss him?

Lee Changfeng frowned: "Shuangxi, you are really capable. Sir, you helped your master, murdered the child in Yunfang's womb, and then seduced Ben Wang. Since you like men so much, Ben Wang will gift you with a bunch of men!"

Hearing Lee Changfeng's words, both of them seemed to have guessed what Lee Changfeng was going to do to them. His face turned pale with fright. He immediately hugged Lee Changfeng's leg: "Prince, I have your child too. Please, let me go this time!"

"This King's first wife can't even tolerate her own cousin. How can she tolerate a lowly bastard like you? You wretched person, saying that you are pregnant with this king's child, is it true that you want to personally cut open my stomach and let this king see if it's true? "

That was true. After all, Chi Xiyan had done something to Yun Ruyan. How could she show mercy to Shuangxi and Shuangfu?

Originally, this Musk Bead was bought by Shuangyi. Although it was ordered by Chi Xiyan, it had nothing to do with Shuangfu, who wouldn't dare to come to the yard to take a look.

No matter how much Shuangxi begged for mercy, Lee Changfeng was not soft-hearted in the slightest, and ordered for Shuangxi to be sent to the Forbidden Army Camp. Hearing that, Shuangxi didn't even want to live anymore and directly crashed into a tree to the side. But how could Lee Changfeng let her succeed?

The guards stopped Shuangxi and pressed him to the ground. Seeing that there was nowhere for Shuangxi to run, Lee Changfeng raised his eyebrows: "Fat water doesn't flow to outsiders. Before you send it to the Forbidden Army Camp, do whatever you want with this woman! Do not let this woman's cries reach This King's ears. "

Hearing Lee Changfeng's order, the guards by the side all smiled. Even though Shuangxi came from a servant family, he was still a servant girl serving her in close proximity. Not only was he beautiful, his skin was also very tender.

They pulled Shuangxi into the room and had just closed the door when they heard him cry out. Lee Changfeng left the yard. It was quiet and peaceful, but Shuangfu was in the room next door. Hearing this sound, he seemed to have gone crazy.

After dealing with Shuangxi, Lee Changfeng wanted to take care of Chi Xiyan. This woman relied on her Chi Family to do many evil deeds in the Prince Ning Palace. Lee Changfeng felt that as long as he didn't take care of this woman, the Prince Ning Palace would never have a peaceful day.

Chi Xiyan was naturally happy that Lee Changfeng came to see her. However, the person following Lee Changfeng was not the person who usually followed him, but an extremely ugly servant in the Prince Ning Mansion.

The kitchen attendants, the stables grooms, and even the servants working in the main room were all brought over. Seeing Lee Changfeng bring these people here, Chi Xiyan was very surprised. "Your highness, why did you bring these unpopular people to Xi's courtyard?"

"What for? This King still remembers that his beloved concubine told him that he was still a virgin after such a long period of marriage. This King asks these people to help his beloved concubine and to bid her farewell. "

"What?" Chi Xiyan could not believe her ears.

But when she saw the anger on Lee Changfeng's face, she seemed to understand that he would treat her this way. Just as he wanted to escape, he was stopped by those lackeys.

Lee Changfeng brought over a dozen crooked melons and split jujube. He came here to abuse him. Chi Xiyan also knew how Lee Changfeng was going to end up crying, "Your highness, you can't treat Xi like this!"

"You still have the face to say such words? If not for you, This King's child would not be gone! "

"The Prince doesn't love Yun Ruyan anyway, why does he keep brooding over this matter?"

"Even if This King does not love her, This King still remembers that on the day of the palace's transformation, Cloud Nearby was protecting This King. She even wanted to use her life in exchange for This King's survival!"

At that time, Chi Xiyan was extremely disappointed with Lee Changfeng, so she steeled her heart and cast Lee Changfeng aside. Even if Yun Ruyan had risked her life for Lee Changfeng, the person who had saved Lee Changfeng was not Yun Ruyan: "Prince, even if Consort Yun had risked her life for you, your life was not exchanged with Yun Ruyan's. It was royal father who had sacrificed himself that allowed you to survive!"

Chi Xiyan had seen through everything, but she couldn't see through it. Lee Changfeng could do anything for this child. Chi Xiyan mentioned Old Prince Ning, and Lee Changfeng's face became ferocious. He slapped her on the face, "Chi Xiyan, you aren't worthy of mentioning Royal Father!"

Lee Changfeng said that Chi Xiyan wasn't worthy of mentioning Old Prince Ning, so she raised Old Wangfei instead. "My prince, for the sake of mufei, can you spare Xi once?"

"If you had wanted to accompany mufei and enlighten mufei, mufei wouldn't be acting so crazily right now!"

Lee Changfeng blamed everything on Chi Xiyan, which made Chi Xiyan feel wronged. "Royal Highness, the reason why mufei was so crazy was because you killed my father."

This sentence was enough to destroy Lee Changfeng's heart. He had killed his own father, and used his own father's life in exchange for him living until now.

To be talked about by the people of the world, what he hated the most was hearing about the old Prince Ning. There were a few citizens of the city pointing at them from behind. Although the Prince Ning Residence no longer had its former glory, it was still possible to kill a few of the residents of the city.

In the past few days, Lee Changfeng was the one who fished out the body from the moat. He was extremely disgusted with Chi Xiyan. "Chi Xiyan, you really do have the face to bring up this matter to this king. This King will make you regret it and bring up this matter in front of me."

With that, Chi Xiyan's face turned even uglier. "My lord, you're joking, aren't you? You still need your father's support, so you won't do anything to Xi, right? "

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