It was only 50 miles away from the dock. On the boat, it was a pleasant journey. They soon arrived at Lee Chang'ann's private island.

As soon as Yun Pianxian saw the island, she realized that it was lush and verdant. Yun Pianxian then asked Lee Chang'ann, "Hubby, this island can be named?"

"Not yet. Before, there was a name for it, but your husband didn't like it. So now, it's a nameless island."

"What kind of tree is the most planted on this island?"

Lee Chang'ann remembered that the most beautiful time on the island was spring because he had planted a bunch of peach blossoms. At the beginning of spring, they walked into the peach forest, making it so that no one wanted to come out again.

"My wife, on this island, your husband planted the most peach trees."

"There are many peach trees, so let's call it Peach Blossom Origin. It means Peach Blossom World."

Hearing this name, Lee Chang'ann felt that he liked it: "Then let's call it Peach Blossom Origin. Your husband will let people carve the plaque tomorrow."

Aiyo, this Lee Chang'ann sure is fast. At this moment, just say that he's going to carve a signboard. He probably had to hang a sign on his body to prove that he was his.

As soon as she entered the Peach Blossom Springs, Yun Pianxian saw a pair of maids and their wives standing on the island, respectfully greeting them. This Lee Chang'ann was rather extravagant. He rarely came to a place and had arranged for a bunch of servants to take care of it.

Just like the houses in the eastern suburbs, when these servants saw Lee Chang'ann, they all called him Second Master. Yun Pianxian whispered in his ear, "Hubby, didn't you tell them your true identity?"

"Of course not, they are all residents of the pier. Your husband felt that no one was taking care of the island, so he arranged for them to come here because there will be a mess when your husband comes."

Although what he said made sense, Yun Pianxian still had the feeling that she couldn't understand the world of the rich. Lee Chang'ann was the same as when he was in the suburbs to the east of the city. He introduced himself to these people: "Master's wife, watch carefully!"

Yun Pianxian's appearance was both exquisite and flirtatious. Naturally, it was a photographic memory. The maidservants nodded their heads in unison, "I will look carefully!"

Hearing that these people had looked carefully, Lee Chang'ann brought Yun Pianxian to the stream in the backyard. Yun Pianxian truly felt that Lee Chang'ann was the one who knew how to enjoy himself the most.

At first, Lee Chang'ann wanted to sit here with Yun Pianxian, but Hu Kui ran over, "Your Highness, it's bad!"

Something that Hu Kui could not say was definitely something very scary. Lee Chang'ann suddenly became serious: "Hu Kui, what's wrong?

"The mountains behind the island have been invaded by someone."

Originally, Lee Chang'ann didn't want to send a bunch of people to guard this place, since it wasn't far from the Imperial City. However, he didn't expect that someone would have such thoughts: "Have you found out who did this?"

"Your Highness, the one closest to this place is the Liujiang Kingdom. If they didn't do it, then it's just a rumor that there's a nest of Jile Hall nearby."

Hearing Hu Kui mention Jile Hall, Yun Pianxian's face changed. Yun Pianxian's methods were methods used by people who had seen Jile Hall before. However, there was no kind-hearted person. Everywhere they went, absolutely miserable things would happen.

Seeing Yun Pianxian's face turn pale, Lee Chang'ann let Hu Kui out. He had originally wanted to bring his wife into his own private territory and have a good night's rest, but these people just wanted to make life difficult for him.

After pacifying Yun Pianxian, Lee Chang'ann went to find Hu Kui. "Hu Kui, it seems that you can't go back immediately today. I'm afraid that there will be an ambush at sea. Take your men and protect the people on the island. "You should go and discuss with Qingming and see how you're going to defend tonight."

"Yes sir!" With that, Hu Kui left.

Although Lee Chang'ann had set up traps when he had people build the mansions on the island. However, if a bunch of people were to barge in now, he really didn't know if these traps could stop those people with ill intentions.

After returning to her room, Yun Pianxian immediately stood up. "Hubby, have you found the intruders yet?"

"Wifey, there's a secret mechanism in this mansion. Your husband will show you the map of the island now. You must keep this in mind!"

With Lee Chang'ann's expression being so serious, Yun Pianxian knew that if those people were from Jile Hall, then who on this island would have survived?

Lee Chang'ann took out a map from the secret compartment under the bed. "My wife, you have to remember this well!"


She, Yun Pianxian, was a liberal arts student. During the college entrance exam, she had scored nearly 800 points. Her memory was extraordinary. After looking through it a few times, he remembered the markings on the map very clearly.

After reading the map, Lee Chang'ann put it away. Yun Pianxian asked: "Hubby, is the person who barged into the Peach Blossom Yuan a member of Jile Hall?"

"The Jile Hall is an organization of the martial arts world. Although they have a lair nearby, this island has already been marked as an official. They wouldn't barge into the island so easily. From the looks of it, they should be people from the Liujiang Kingdom."

Yun Pianxian was really unsure about Liujiang Kingdom, "Hubby, how come I have never heard of this kind of Liujiang Kingdom before? And since the sickly Emperor Yangzi passed his birthday, there has not been an envoy from the Liujiang Kingdom who came to congratulate him. "

"Liujiang Kingdom have been fought for and lived by the sea. The caravans of many countries have been harmed by them before. You don't have a good reputation, so no matter what grand event your Jun'ann Kingdom is in, they won't send a thread to you. "

When Lee Chang'ann said this, Yun Pianxian remembered that the island state from the ancient times were indeed unranked. However, when they were mentioned, Lee Chang'ann's expression became even more serious. Yun Pianxian knew that she did not guess wrong: "Could it be that the people from Liujiang Kingdom are more ruthless than the people from Jile Hall?"

"Yes, and they are not an organization from the martial arts world, they are from the Liujiang Kingdom and navy. Therefore, if they were to fight, it is possible that it would trigger a huge war between the two countries."

Lee Chang'ann was a person who valued peace. Because he was persecuted, he had no choice but to do those hateful things. Yun Pianxian knew that he also did not wish for war to erupt and the common people to be annihilated.

However, if the people from the Liujiang Kingdom had set their eyes on Peach Blossom Origin, Lee Chang'ann would not let it go, and that would be difficult to do. She wanted to know more about Liujiang Kingdom. "Hubby, tell me about Liujiang Kingdom!"

It was very likely that they would have to face people with Liujiang Kingdom at night. Lee Chang'ann felt that Yun Pianxian knowing more was also better than knowing less. He sighed: "A few years ago, because of the matter of the merchant caravan at sea, I went to negotiate with them before. Liujiang Kingdom is just a small set of island state, but the people on the island love to fight, that's why such behavior appeared. These few years, although I have restrained myself, I never would have thought that they would have thoughts about the Peach Blossom Origin."

It seems that these few years, Jun'ann Kingdom has been busy with internal fights, providing the Liujiang Kingdom with quite a few opportunities. It was unknown whether or not some of the land in the eastern seas that belonged to Jun'ann Kingdom had been taken over by them.

Yun Pianxian knew, saying this would make Lee Chang'ann feel bad, but being loyal to the point where one's ears are to the side, she dared to say it out loud: "Hubby, all these years you have been fighting for power and power, who knows if the people in Liujiang Kingdom are all busy opening their territory!"

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