This was the complete truth. Although this maid didn't want to admit it, Yun Pianxian still gave her the chance to choose. He handed the dagger that Lee Chang'ann used to defend himself to the young maid, "Make your choice. If you stay here, you will die in front of everyone."

Yun Pianxian's intention was clear. If they stayed, they would either commit suicide here or leave with them. The maidservant thought for a moment, then returned the dagger to Yun Pianxian. "Perhaps, if I follow you, I'll be able to see Ah Niu again."

"Then come with me. I'll lead the way. Yu Zhi, stay behind. Make sure to close the door of the secret chamber tightly and prevent anyone from entering. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Yu Zhi will not fail her mission."

Yun Pianxian took one of the lanterns and went into the secret room.

Those servants naturally followed. Yu Zhi, who was at the back, held the lantern and inspected it carefully. "Madam, the door is already closed."

Hearing Yu Zhi's words, Yun Pianxian brought the women and shuttled back and forth in the secret passageway. After walking for nearly an hour, they finally reached the end of the secret passageway.

If he were to light more lanterns outside, he would become a walking target. Yun Pianxian stopped and turned around to look at them. "Extinguish the lanterns!"

Hearing Yun Pianxian's words, the other maidservant panicked. "Madam, your servant is afraid of the dark!"

"You are afraid of the dark and everyone else is afraid of death. If you don't extinguish the lantern, Yu Zhi, kill her now! "

At such a time, Yun Pianxian's focus was naturally on the overall situation. The young maid was also extremely frightened. When she saw the sword that Yu Zhi had drawn, her legs went limp. "Your servant will put out the lights now!"

Even though she was unwilling and unwilling, the maid put out the lantern. Only then did Yun Pianxian open the door to the secret passage. "Do not make any noise outside. Do you understand?"

"Understood." Everyone responded to her in unison.

Once outside, it would be the dock. However, Yun Pianxian had not expected that there would be guards at the pier.

Seeing a group of women coming over, a few of them from the Liujiang Kingdom were not afraid at all and were even extremely happy. It was not a good job to be on night watch here. If a bunch of mosquitoes bit him, he wouldn't be able to scratch it.

Seeing these ten or so women, although there were old wives, there were still a few young girls. Especially Yun Pianxian, who was leading the group. It would not even be an exaggeration to describe her as a peerless beauty.

At this moment, the people guarding the pier were distracted and did not call for anyone. Raising his sword, he pounced towards them.

However, the people from the Liujiang Kingdom did not expect that among this group of women, there was someone who was proficient in martial arts. Yu Zhi had killed them all as soon as she came up.

After killing these people, Yun Pianxian was afraid that the corpses would be found, so she ordered someone to hide them before she boarded the ship.

They were on a small boat, so Yu Zhi was able to lead the way. She picked up a pile of oars and said, "Take the boat to the East Sea docks, the faster the better!"

Yun Pianxian was also worried about Lee Chang'ann and the others, but she also knew that it was best for them to leave as soon as possible. After all, there was nothing to worry about. Only by going all out would they be able to deal with the enemy.

They were still 50 miles away from Eastsea Pier. They would reach it soon enough. The wind was strong on the surface of the sea during the second half of the night. Although it was still summer, it was still bone-chilling cold.

Lee Chang'ann had previously instructed her to wear more. Yun Pianxian finally understood what he meant by that.

However, Cui, who was standing on the side, was in trouble. After all, Lee Chang'ann would not tell her that. Not long after, he sneezed.

When Yun Pianxian saw this, she looked at Cui and said, "Sit over here!"

After she finished speaking, Cui followed Yun Pianxian's instructions and sat down. Yun Pianxian took off her cloak, intending to put it on Cui.

Cui didn't dare to wear it and pushed it back. "Niangniang, you can't do this!"

Hearing Cui call Lady Yun Pianxian, everyone on the boat was shocked. "What? "Empress?"

Naturally, they did not know Lee Chang'ann's true identity. Now that Lee Chang'ann's identity as a son had already been announced to the public and he even joined the Eastern Palace, Yun Pianxian was not afraid. They all knew this: "Yes, my Hubby is the current Crown Prince, Lee Chang'ann!"

All of them were shocked. Yun Pianxian glanced at them and said, "Move closer, all of you. Take off the outer clothing and let us take turns to warm ourselves."

As she finished speaking, Yun Pianxian acted as an example and draped her cloak over Cui. When everyone saw this, they also followed suit. However, at this moment, the entire island burst into flames.

Yun Pianxian was worried, but they couldn't go back. "Hurry! The tide is high tonight! We'll be back at the docks faster than usual! We need to get reinforcements!"

After a long time, they finally reached the shore. The maidservants on the Peach Blossom Source were all people near the pier, so they were naturally here to help them. Yun Pianxian had someone find a horse and was about to call for reinforcements, but Yu Zhi stopped her. "Empress, this servant will go!"

"That's fine. Remember, give the command medallion to the soldiers guarding the city. They will send out their troops!" After she finished speaking, Yun Pianxian was about to give her identity token to Yu Zhi.

However, Yu Zhi did not accept it. "Empress, the people from Forbidden Army know this servant. They also know that this servant is one of His Highness's men and will definitely send troops."

She really realized that she had been struck dumb. This Forbidden Army belonged to Lee Chang'ann, how could she not recognize Yu Zhi? After she settled these women down, she wanted to follow the fishermen to the Peach Blossom Origins.

Cui pulled her back. "Niangniang, you can't go. It's too dangerous!"

Of course she knew that it was very dangerous, but there were so many fishermen near the dock. After all, they were survival experts, and they were good at swimming, so naturally nothing would happen to them.

Yun Pianxian listened to Yu Zhi and evacuated from the island, regardless of Lee Chang'ann's life or death. At this moment, Yun Pianxian was very worried about Lee Chang'ann. If she didn't go and take a look personally, she really wouldn't be at ease.

She placed her hand on Cui's body. "Cui, take good care of yourself. Wait for my return!"

With that, Yun Pianxian followed the fisherman onto the boat.

Initially, Yun Pianxian was worried that these fishermen would not go and save Lee Chang'ann, but seeing that they were so diligent, she asked the leading fisherman: "Brother, why are you so keen to save my Hubby?"

"In the past, our region, not to mention the caravan at sea, even we fishermen who beg for food at sea would be harassed by the people from the Liujiang Kingdom. Luckily, Island Master, no, it's the Crown Prince.

This was exactly Lee Chang'ann's way of doing things. He was responsible for all kinds of bad things, and good things were never taken care of: "My Hubby has been misunderstood by people for many years, now it is time to return his innocence."

Although Yun Pianxian was still young, she had a look of arrogance on her face that didn't seem like a woman's. Not to mention girls, there weren't even many men who possessed such an unyielding character.

Due to the high tide, from the Peach Blossom Origin to the pier was indeed very fast. However, no matter how fast the Peach Blossom Origin was, it would not be that fast. It was almost dawn when they arrived.

There is still fire on the island. Yun Pianxian's heart jumped to her throat, "Hubby, you must be alright! "If anything happens to you, I, Yun Pianxian, will definitely go with you!"

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