If Yun Ruhong doesn't care about brotherhood, he won't ask for this imperial edict for Yun Ruyan, let alone rush here to save people.

Even if Yun Ruhong wants to talk to Yun Ruyan, he doesn't entangle Yun Ruyan with his pale face. He let the clouds like smoke have a good rest, and then came out of the house.

As soon as he went out, Yun Ruhong asked his people to step back. He stopped and said, "come out, don't hide! As soon as general Ben entered the yard, he noticed that you were here."

After hiding outside for a long time, he was found. Como sighed, came out and took off his mask: "Yun Ruhong, can I believe you?"

"Of course, I'm the Queen's brother and the emperor's man."

"Then take it as if you haven't seen me and let me leave."

"If I wanted to catch you, I wouldn't talk to you alone."

"Thank you!" after saying that, Como left with lightness skills.

When Como returned to the market, the crowd had dispersed. He found the coachman and went back to the palace.

As soon as he returned to the palace, Como went to Li Chang'an and told Li Chang'an what he saw today. Li Changan was not surprised by the news that Li Changfeng was not dead.

It seems that Li Chang'an also guessed that the golden cicada shelling trick played by Li Chang Feng surprised Ke Mo that Yun pianyi actually woke up. Seeing the cloud lightly come in, Como was surprised: "empress, why are you awake?"

"It was Qingyan's idea that I pretended to be ill. Now it has been confirmed that my cousin is dead, and there is no need for the palace to pretend to be ill."

"Also, is Qingyan awake?"

"I'm awake. I just went to see her in the palace. I'm not in the right mood. There's no problem with the rest."

Hearing Yun Pian lightly say that Ling Qingyan has no problem, Ke Mo is relieved: "emperor, do you have eyes and eyebrows about Qing Yan's father?"

"Last night's fishermen landed in the middle of the night. This morning, they found that the ship was dyed red and put a body frozen for many days. It must have been moved out of the nearby ice cellar. The nearest ice cellar has been found."

"Whose ice cellar is that?" Como asked.

"King Ning, Li Changfeng."

Ke Mo was not surprised to hear this answer, but what he didn't understand was why Li Changfeng coerced Ling Qingyan to do such a thing?

Seeing Ke Mo's expression, Yun Pian Yi also knew what he was confused: "the relationship between the palace and the emperor is very stable, and the palace and the emperor have agreed to have a pair for life. Li Changfeng can only play such chess if he wants to separate the relationship between the palace and the Emperor."

"But what good is your centrifugation for Li Changfeng?"

"Li Changfeng was forced by the emperor and Li Changsheng to kill Lao Ning Wang. He killed his father himself and cursed behind his back. He lived very restlessly and was an antisocial pervert. Naturally, if we were bad, he would live well."

Cloud Pian lightly said this, and Como was also a little difficult to understand. But Li Changfeng retaliated against them. Now it has made people panic. Next, he doesn't know what to make.

Moreover, the news that Yun pianyi woke up has been spread. Now many people have shouted at the gate of the palace to Li Chang'an to kill the demon queen.

Li Chang'an had a splitting headache at this time: "Como, you must be tired after a trip. Otherwise, go and rest first. Let me think about how to solve the current problem."

Now that the plague is rampant, it is not difficult to understand that people want Li Chang'an to kill the demon. But Li Chang'an would not let such a thing happen. He said, "Xiao'er, you should also rest. Let Wei Fu think about how to solve these people's anger."

"My husband, there are too many people dying of the plague now. If there are no more dead people, finding out the plague may be the key to solving this matter."

"Well, let Hu Kui take the imperial doctor who escorts the imperial hospital to the people to check the cause. After all, if someone dies, there should also be an explanation."

After all, there was a snow storm in the capital last year, and this year's harvest is also very good. It doesn't look like a year with any natural disasters. Yun pianyi is very curious. How can she make a plague?

And the plague is spreading. Why didn't you see it outside the capital? In those days when he pretended to be ill, Yun pianyi had been thinking about it, but he couldn't understand it, so he had to give up.

Now I think of it and let Li Chang'an do it. After all, Li Changan's method of controlling violence by violence doesn't work. More and more people die, and more people want to die by themselves.

As soon as Li Chang'an gave the order, Hu Kui took the imperial doctor of the imperial hospital to pretend to be a doctor who practices medicine and went out of the palace to visit the people. As soon as they heard that a doctor had come to save people, the people were not in a hurry to make trouble. Instead, they invited the doctor to their own house to diagnose and treat the sick.

Before leaving, Hu Kui asked his people to write down where each imperial doctor went and what kind of patients he saw. The next day, he went to the imperial study and sent these things to Li Chang'an.

After a look, Li Chang'an found that there was a rule for people who were ill, almost all of them poor people. Moreover, Li Chang'an also saw the diagnosis of the imperial doctors. Each imperial doctor said it was not plague, but poisoning.

Seeing Li Chang'an's expression, Hu Kui said bluntly: "emperor, you know, the people who died of the plague this time are poor people, and the people call it poor plague."

The name of the disease is ironic and appropriate. Li Chang'an looked again. The antidote is only a few herbs. They are precious medicinal materials. They are really people with a little family background. They are not easy to die if they get this disease.

After reading the things sent by Hu Kui, Li Chang'an's face was very ugly: "it's really rampant. He dared to poison my people. You sent someone to keep an eye on them. I want to catch them alive. In order to prevent death, you know what to do?"

Today, I just went to inquire about the news. Although Hu Kui came back, he has been watched. If there is any news, I will know.

Yunpian lightly learned that after Li Chang'an met Hu Kui, Li Chang'an's face was very bad. She immediately guessed that they had found something terrible, so she took Changsi to the imperial study.

As soon as I entered the imperial study, I saw Li Chang'an holding his face. Since getting married, Li Chang'an has rarely had such a face. She has become a little cautious: "my husband, have you found anything terrible?"

"Madam, do you know why this plague is called?"

"I don't know."

"Poor plague."

"What?" Yun pianyi was shocked. She really hadn't heard the name.

"Those who die are poor people. Isn't it ironic and appropriate?"

"My husband, God is fair. As long as it is human, it will die. Disease can't be obtained only by the poor."

Li Changan also knows that God is very fair. Everyone will die and die. He sighed: "madam, in fact, this poor plague is not a disease, not a plague, but poisoned!"

Hearing Li Chang'an's words, Yun Pian was so surprised that she said, "is it true that someone is so vicious and does such a thing?"

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