Tengxiao watched Qiao Nuo fly away. He carefully examined the surrounding environment. He thought that he had been teased before. Now it seems that it should be the ghost of the orcs to stop them from finding Yin Zhu. It seems that they should not have gone far.

Tengxiao thought for a moment, but instead of looking for their tracks, he went directly to the road of the dark city to intercept them. If those people want to take Yin Zhu, they will certainly take a safer road. There are only a few roads to the dark city. He should find them quickly and stop them.

Tengxiao first found two relatively safe and easy to walk to, and then did not find traces of people walking, do these make you afraid of them tracking, take the more difficult road?

Tengxiao then found two ways, and finally told him to find some traces, so he chased up all the way.

On the other side, Leihe asked people to go back to inform the transportation team, but it was a little late after all, but the transportation team was found by Tengxiao.

Tengxiao found that the orcs were very abnormal, because the whole group of orcs had become beasts. They were all carrying several big bamboo tubes. They were heavy, and they didn't know what was inside?

Besides, there are people who specially protect these people, such as special transport teams. The orcs actually transport things thousands of miles away. Obviously, these things are very important to the orcs, and they don't know what they are. Tengxiao has a feeling that if he knows what they are, he's afraid it's good for his tribe.

It's just that Tengxiao didn't move. It's clear that there is no Yin Zhu in the team. What he cares about most now is Yin Zhu. But maybe they know about Yin Zhu by catching a ORC. Tengxiao didn't do it directly, because after all, there was only one person, and there were 20 or 30 people below. Tengxiao was not conceited that he could win so many people alone.

The best way for him now is to go to other places to see if there are any traces of orcs. These orcs can't walk fast with things on their backs. After a trip, he can look back and continue to stare at this group of people.

After the decision, they immediately took action. In other places, the road that the orcs might take to Tengxiao had been quickly checked, but they didn't find it. Only this road has traces of ORC activities. It seems that Yin Zhu's whereabouts need to ask the orcs here.

Tengxiao calculated the time, and Jono should have arrived. Sure enough, soon he saw Jono coming with a group of people.

"Tengxiao, have you heard from Yin Zhu?" Jono asked anxiously as soon as he met.

Tengxiao shook his head. "I didn't find Yin Zhu, but I found a group of orcs. I want to ask for some information."

"Where are the people?" Jono is full of fire to the orcs, ready to fight with them.

"It's on a path not far ahead. They seem to be transporting something." Tengxiao said, pointing not far away.

"Go, go." Jono and the others ran past in a hurry.

Tengxiao quickly followed up, a group of people soon caught up with the transport team, but when catching up, Tengxiao found that there were more than ten people in the transport team, especially the white haired snake god man.

"Lord Reich of the dark city." Tengxiao said in a calm voice.

Leihe's iconic face and his powerful strength. Many people know that Leihe, the leader of the dark city, is very famous.

The males behind Tengxiao also look at the legendary Leihe curiously. If this man is not a half orc, he is afraid that the king of beasts in the city will be ranked again. The most important thing is that Leihe is still very young and has unlimited possibilities in the future.

However, because of this young city leader, the major tribes have stepped up their efforts to suppress the city of darkness. They are really careful that one day Leihe's strength will come back, and even the king of beasts city can't stop Leihe's steps. What about the major tribes?

Leihe looks at the two people standing in front of him with a smile. He looks at Tengxiao and Jono with contempt. How do you want to fight? Just a few of you? "

The orcs saw that they unloaded the things on their backs one by one and piled them together, leaving five people to guard the things. The others came to Rehe one by one and looked at the group of people in Tengxiao fiercely.

Tengxiao see Leihe that rampant appearance, the face is very bad, but there is Leihe in he also can't attack, Leihe does have arrogant capital.

"We don't want to be enemies with orcs. We don't want to know what treasure you got. It's just that a female of our tribe lost here last night. When we were looking for her trace, we found something belonging to orcs." Tengxiao took out the skin he had found.

These orcs are ferocious one by one. If the war is officially launched, except for a few more powerful people who can draw a tie with these people, the rest are just for the food delivery, not for his own prestige. It's true that the fighting power of daze tribe is no match for that of the dark city.

Even for the sake of these people in the tribe, we should try not to start a fight.

"If the females of your tribe are lost, go and look for us orcs. We are not your caretakers. As for the animal skin in your hand, if you use up a piece of broken animal skin, you can throw it away. Go to the forest and look for it. Maybe you can find some similar ones." Leihe looks at Tengxiao sarcastically."RAH, we are innocent. Why do you have to do this? We are just looking for a partner. If you see the female, please let us know. We can exchange food with you." The skill is inferior to others, Tengxiao feels very subdued.

When Reich heard this, he shook his long silver hair and said, "do you think I'm so short of food?"

"What do you want?" Tengxiao asked in a calm voice.

"It is said that you are the first warrior of daze tribe. How about our fight? If we win, I will tell you the news about the female. If we lose, get out of here." Leihe smiles, which makes all the males present almost dazzled.

"Well, I'll learn about the legendary Dark Lord." Tengxiao is not timid. He has great talent. He also wants to understand what kind of strength the famous Dark Lord has.

Jono looks at Tengxiao with some worry. Tengxiao is very powerful. No one in the whole tribe is his opponent. Even Jono can't survive ten moves in front of Tengxiao. Before that, he can only rob Tengxiao's prey because Tengxiao doesn't care.

But this Reich is not the same. This Reich is still invincible against the king of beasts.

"Come on." Leihe didn't talk much. He just slipped past. The snake's tail swayed faster than walking.

Tengxiao looks a little heavy at this look. Regardless of the strength of Leihe, this speed alone is not what ordinary people can resist. There is no empty scholar under his fame.

Tengxiao's left foot turned outward and stood still. Then his whole body sank, his back arched up, and his eyes fixed on Leihe who was running towards him.

Jono is also very nervous, he can see that Tengxiao has gone all out.

"Tengxiao, you must come on and win this rehlet." Jono clenched his hands.

Leihe saw Tengxiao's performance and began to take it seriously. This first warrior has two talents.

At that moment of the battle, Jono only heard the sound of bang bang bang, and the dust on the ground, huge holes constantly appeared. As for the two people in the battle, the figures kept moving, they were not very clear.

The two sides watching the battle could not help but fell to the ground and gasped. The opponent was not weak, so he could fight with their city leader (Tengxiao).

It seems that the two people nearby are fighting equally, but Tengxiao in the middle is a little uncomfortable. This is a orc, and his physical strength is much stronger than that of him. He will suffer a lot if he goes on fighting like this.

Thinking of this, Tengxiao can't help roaring. Then Jono sees Tengxiao turned into a beast. This is the first time Jono sees Tengxiao's beast. Tengxiao is not a native of daze. Tengxiao wandered to Daze tribe when he was 14 years old and was taken in by Mengtai, and then stayed in daze tribe all the time.

Tengxiao's strength is very strong. He always uses human body in every battle. He never uses animal body, and no prey can force him to use animal body. This is the first time he sees Tengxiao's incarnation. Tengxiao's animal body is a lion seed, and his hair is golden.

Tengxiao flapped his wings and flew in the air. "Leihe, you're very powerful. You're the only one who forced me to change over the years."

Reich laughed at this. "Then I'll try how powerful you are after you change." Leihe knew that he had taken advantage of it before. After Tengxiao changed, his strength would be improved a lot. In addition, Feitian lion, I remember that there was such a vein in the city of king of beasts. I haven't seen the golden hair before.

Leihe words fall directly into, into a huge Silver Snake, flat snake head raised high, looking at the lion in the sky.

The lion dashed down into the air, and reher's snake head also went up.

Jono several people saw that the lion's wings avoided the snake's head and stepped on the snake's body. However, the snake's tail over there had swept the lion away directly. It can be said that neither of them had any advantage.

These two became local battles. The fighting area is much larger, and people around them can't help but flash. It's really bad luck for this battle to be affected.

Here the lion has quickly rushed over again, there reih also quickly swept the ground with his tail, two people beat into a ball, a lot of plants on the ground have been harmed, a pit East and a pit West, Jono looked at the battlefield are a little out of control, this is not like a fight, like desperate.

The two people here were also angry and slapped. At last Tengxiao could not help using his talent. He raised his head and roared at Leihe. In an instant, the whole forest was quiet. Standing not far away, Jono rolled on the ground one by one with his head in his arms. It seemed that there were countless needles sticking to his head.

Leihe saw that Tengxiao had made use of his natural ability, and he was not polite. He sprayed out the poison gas that he had stored in the poison bag.

Tengxiao, who is weak in talent and ability, can't hold on to poison gas any longer. He vomites blood and faints.

Leihe slowly changed back to orc, and then very proud said: "it seems that I won, you go away."After waking up, Jono turns to see Tengxiao in a coma. He is surprised. He goes to call Tengxiao in a hurry. However, Tengxiao doesn't respond at all. Instead, his whole face turns blue.

After watching the battle between Tengxiao and Leihe, Jono knows that he is far from Tengxiao. Even Tengxiao is not Leihe's opponent, so he is not. He can fight Leihe fearlessly for Yinzhu, but other people in the tribe can't.

Jono remembers Leihe's face, carries Tengxiao on his back and goes to the tribe. Tengxiao needs treatment, so he must go back to the priest immediately.

As for Yin Zhu, he was not in the team. Maybe they didn't meet him at all.

Leihe watched Jono take people away. Then he took in the cold air and groaned with his head. The flying lion was not simple. His talent was spiritual attack. Damn it. It was so hard. You know Jono was just affected. How high was the impact he was carrying. If it wasn't for his strong strength, he was afraid that he would make a fool of himself on the scene. Fortunately, he could resist it That's it. He still has a splitting headache. Fortunately, Jono is gone, or he can't hold on.

The orcs were very happy and ready to cheer, but now they found that their own city leader was also injured. They quickly carried reih up and left, but the place still didn't stay.

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