Leihe saw this and finally knew that Yinzhu was happy, not a bad thing, but seeing Yinzhu jump like this, he couldn't resist. He quickly grabbed Yinzhu, "Yinzhu, don't jump, don't jump, I'm afraid of you."

At this time, Yin Zhu threw himself into Leihe's arms, "Silver Star, I got good things, very good things." Yin Zhu looks at Lei he with bright eyes.

"I know. I know. Don't be so excited." Reich didn't feel so tired to go out and have a fight.

"Come on, take a deep breath and calm down first." Reich guides carefully.

Yin Zhu knows she's excited, but the baby in her stomach is good. It's OK.

"It's OK, silver star. Don't worry." Yin Zhu patted Leihe's hand.

"Silver Star, let's go back and show you my baby." Now Yin Zhu is not in the mood to identify new species. She wants to go back and see how the food processor works.

"Good." Leihe is obedient to Yinzhu. He will promise what Yinzhu wants to do.

After returning to the salt mine, Yin Zhu takes the processor out of his backpack. Leihe looks at the big lump that suddenly appears bigger than his animal body. Is this what Yin Zhu said?

"Yin Zhu, what is this?" Leihe asked curiously and touched while he asked. When he touched, Leihe still exerted his power quietly. However, he found that he used so much energy that he could not leave any trace. What is it? It's terrible.

"Well, this is a food processor, which can process a lot of food, such as bacon. With this machine, you don't need so much trouble. Take it out in the sun and throw it in. He will automatically make the meat into bacon." Yin Zhu takes the simplest way to make bacon as an example.

"So good?" Leihe is very curious. He has never heard of this machine. The shell of this machine is very similar to Yin Zhu's sharp weapon.

Yin Zhu has already started to operate according to the instructions. There are a lot of wild fruits, which are picked by the orcs. They don't like to eat them very much. They mainly pick them for her.

Yin Zhu wants to see what to do with dried fruit. The processing of dried fruit is simple, that is, drying. Yin Zhu set up a program, chose a kind of sweet fruit, peeled and seeded it, cut it into small pieces of moderate size and poured it into the machine. Then Yin Zhu saw the machine booming and began to operate.

The orcs around them were scared to death when they heard the roaring sound. They thought something was wrong with the mine and ran out one by one anxiously. Leihe stopped them in a hurry and said that they were OK and could continue to collect salt.

Soon, about half an hour later, the dried fruit was ready. Yin Zhu looked at the dried fruit, which was very uniform one by one, and the color was very beautiful. Yin Zhu took a piece of dried fruit and tasted it. It was delicious. When he didn't eat it, he finally had a snack.

"Silver Star, this is dried fruit. Would you like to taste it?" Because of its high sugar content, this fruit can be made into dried fruit and wine. Yin Zhuxin has already begun to calculate what to do next.

Even the fruit with low sugar content can be made into salty dried fruit, which will not be bad.

With this food processor, she can make more things. Then Yin Zhu tried to make bacon again. It took a long time to make bacon. It took about 200 Jin of meat to make at one time. It took more than two hours to make it. Yin Zhu directly handed the bacon to Leihe.

Leihe also looked at the machine foolishly. It's very powerful. Just put the food in and brush it out. After coming out, these things can be preserved for a long time. It's really good. No wonder Yin Zhu is so happy.

"Yin Zhu is really powerful." Leihe kept turning around the machine to see if he could make such a thing. Although many things can be done by people, it's not as convenient as this machine.

"Yin Zhu, can you make another one?" Leihe looked at Yinzhu, not because he was greedy, but because it was too useful for the tribe.

"I'm afraid it won't work." This is as like as two peas. It won't reward her even if she gets in next time.

Thinking of the next promotion, Yin Zhu couldn't help looking at the appraisal experience. Well, the next promotion requires 500 experiences, which means that she has to identify 500 species. It's a bit challenging, but the worst thing in the world is new species. If you can see anything on the roadside and paste it for appraisal, or she can take two days to go crazy and spell it out to see if it can be renewed Get a good thing out.

When Leihe heard this, he laughed and touched Yin Zhu's forehead. "Don't be embarrassed. It's not your fault. Besides, it's just convenient to use things. There are so many of us. Those guys can't be lazy and used to them."

Although he knew that this was used by Leihe to comfort himself, Yin Zhu couldn't help laughing.

In the evening, Yin Zhu uses Mianmian root to make starch directly, and then the starch is directly made into dry rice noodles, and then gives himself and Leihe a large pot of noodles. Yin Zhu's face was full of tears. After a long time in the orc tribe, she finally had a normal meal.Leihe is also eating vermicelli. The vermicelli is cooked in bone soup with sauerkraut. It's really delicious. The food made from the roots is so delicious. It's hard to see. Yin Zhu said that he would teach them how to make vermicelli by hand tomorrow.

Tang Zhuo looks at the pot of vermicelli with red eyes. He dares to grab it. It tastes delicious whether he looks at it or smells it. Especially when Leihe eats so happily, it shows that it is absolutely a rare delicacy. Fortunately, Yin Zhu says that he will teach them to make vermicelli by hand tomorrow.

Tang Zhuo found that when he got to know Yin Zhu, he realized that his life before was worse than that of dogs. What he ate was too bad. Now life is life.

After dinner, Yin Zhu plans to get some fruit wine for Lei he to make a tooth beating ceremony. Then when he operates it again, Yin Zhu finds that the machine can't work. After checking for a long time, he finds that the energy of the machine has been used up. Next, he has to put it here to absorb energy. It takes 12 hours to absorb energy. It seems that the machine can't be used without limit. Think about it, There is no such good thing.

It seems that we can't do it now, we can only do it tomorrow. She wants to help reher get more food before she leaves, especially the things that are difficult to do by hand. The machine is simple and convenient. As long as you know the step formula, you can do it, and the delivery speed is very fast.

The next day, Yin Zhu sets up the machine to make fruit wine, and goes out with Lei he. She wants to quickly identify more things, and then unlock the next machine. Lei he looks at Yin Zhu in a hurry, but Lei he knows that Yin Zhu seems to be able to get benefits by touching those things. Since it's good for Yin Zhu, Lei he naturally accompanies him, and this is a good thing Second Leihe turns into a beast and takes Yinzhu. It's faster.

Yin Zhu wants to get more things, but it takes time to identify. This morning, he only identified 200 kinds of things. He did not collect and teach them. He just went through the stage quickly. Leihe saw that Yin Zhu was in a hurry. In the afternoon, he also took Yin Zhu's drill all over the mountain. By the time of the evening, it was more than 430 Yin Zhu gritted his teeth and said, "Silver Star, we work overtime, but I'm still short of more than 60."

Leihe nodded and took Yinzhu to continue to drill. Fortunately, there was nothing in the mountain, but there were many kinds of things. Yinzhu didn't even let go the grass on the roadside. He searched the carpet to identify the past.

By the middle of the moon, Yin zhuzhong had collected 500 experience points. Listening to the beautiful sound of the system, Yin Zhu narrowed his eyes with a smile. However, this time, in addition to the experience Dan, the reward was a beautiful necklace with a five compartment knapsack, 20 points for each spiritual power, and two skills, one is called absolute guard When the wearer receives a fatal attack, the damage will be reduced by 50%. The other is to eliminate, eliminate all negative mental effects.

This is a good life-saving thing. Yin Zhu is also very useful, but it should be more useful for Leihe. After all, she doesn't go out much and meets few dangers, but Leihe is different. They often encounter dangers when they go hunting. There is also backpack. Although there are few five squares, it can be superimposed and it can be adjusted If it's possible to make a box as big as a house to hold things, it's also one. If it's possible to make 99 boxes as big as a house, how many things can it hold.

Yin Zhu has some entanglement with the necklace. The entanglement is not whether to give it to Leihe, but it's what Jono also needs. However, Yin Zhu tangles for a while, and then hands the necklace to Leihe. Her necklace is from Leihe and her whole mountain. Jono will wait for next time, and she will get a better one for Jono next time.

"Silver Star, here you are." Yin Zhu gives the necklace to Lei he with a smile.

The first time Leihe saw the necklace, he was surprised. It was very beautiful. It was a silver necklace. There was a blue gem embedded at the bottom of the necklace. The gem reflected an attractive light in the night light. The necklace was very delicate, and there were dark patterns on it. It didn't look like the orc mainlanders could make it. At least no one here has such craft, but it's so beautiful Beautiful things are more suitable for girls.

"Yin Zhu is suitable for you." Reich refused with a smile.

"Take it for you. Besides, I don't need it. Put it on and have a look." Yin Zhu put it on Leihe's neck.

Leihe looks at Yinzhu, half leaning in his arms, thinking about his feet and wearing a necklace for him. The tip of his nose is full of the fragrance of Yinzhu.

As soon as the necklace was put on his neck, Leihe felt that it was wrong. He felt that his whole body was full of strength. In addition, his head, which had been hurt by Tengxiao, was not painful now, but felt that his head was very comfortable. Then Leihe felt that he had two more talents, one was to protect and the other was to eliminate all mental effects, Also, he saw five small pockets that could hold things.

Leihe was surprised and quickly took off the necklace, and then he found that the two talents were gone, and his head would also have a pain.

He has never heard of a necklace that can increase his talent and ability. The five small pockets should be invisible bags mentioned by Yin Zhu, not to mention wearing a necklace. He thinks his strength is much stronger, even his mental strength is much stronger. If he wears this necklace when fighting with Tengxiao, Tengxiao will not hurt him at all.Leihe shakes his hands and holds the necklace. It's a rare treasure. Yin Zhu gives it to himself. He wants it very much, but it's too expensive for him.

"Yin Zhu, I can't take this." Leihe handed it to Yin Zhu.

"What do you mean you can't ask for something and don't give it to you? You're stupid." Yin Zhuzhen didn't expect that Leihe would give it back to him.

"Yin Zhu, there are some things I can be rude to you, but they really can't be." Leihe took Yinzhu's hand and said, "this thing is very important to you, as well as the role of the necklace. No one can tell. Not everyone is the same as me. It's not that the killing and looting of treasures didn't happen. I'll keep my mind in the future."

"Silver Star, are you sure you don't want it? If you don't want it, I'll throw it away." Yin Zhu said angrily.

"No." Leihe answered with a firm heart. He didn't think Yin Zhu would throw away such a good thing.

"Silver Star, you really don't want it. I worked so hard to get it out, but you said no? Since you don't want it, I don't want it either. " Yin Zhuyang starts to throw out the necklace.

"No," he said RAH yelled.

At this time, Yin Zhu turns around with a smile and opens his palm to Lei he. The necklace is still in Yin Zhu's palm.

"I've never seen you so duplicative. If you want it, you can't get so much nonsense. If you feel sorry for taking my things, I'll give it to you when you have good things in the future." Yin Zhu directly put the necklace into Leihe's hand, and then said overbearing.

Leihe grabs the necklace in his hand and feels warm. Yin Zhu says the necklace is made for him.

"Well, I'll give you whatever you want." Even my life. Leihe added silently.

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