Leihe looked at Yinzhu stupefied, can't help worrying and asked: "Yinzhu, what's the matter with you?" It seems that Yin Zhu is not right to take out the flower of beast God and the crystal of beast God.

At this time, Yin Zhu directly covered the jade box, and the system was finally quiet.

"Silver Star, what are these two boxes?" Yin Zhu asked in a calm voice, this thing can make the system change, which also let Yin Zhu know that the original system is not the same as what he wrote at the beginning. I don't know what happened. Looking at the system, I even have wisdom.

"Yin Zhu, just some worthless trinkets." Leihe didn't want to say that it was the flower of beast God and the crystal of beast, so that Yinzhu didn't want to take it.

"Silver Star, I can't take it." Yin Zhu pushed the things back directly.

"Yin Zhu." Leihe doesn't understand that Yin Zhuming has accepted it. Why doesn't he accept it again? He looked at Yin Zhu in amazement, helpless.

"Yin Zhu, why?" Reich doesn't understand.

"Because it's too expensive, I can't afford you. Take it back." Yin Zhu said faintly, besides, this thing can make the system out of control, Yin Zhu is a little afraid.

Seeing this, Leihe took off the necklace and threw it on the table. "Yinzhu, you can give me all your precious things. If I give you something, you think it's too precious. What are you playing with me? Why don't you take my things? " Reich has some questions about injuries.

He was so happy that he wanted to give something to Yin Zhu. He was so happy that he hoped that he could help Yin Zhu. As a result, he tried his best to get something. Yin Zhu said that she didn't want it.

Looking at Lei he's red eyes, Yin Zhu sighed, "Silver Star, it's not that I don't accept your things, but that you don't want to tell me what it is because I'm afraid it's too expensive. Don't I accept it? You have to be honest and tell me what it is, and I'll take it. "

Hearing that Yin Zhu didn't dislike himself, Leihe felt better at last, "will you accept what I said?" Asked Reich, sullen.

"Yes." Yin Zhu answered, this can let oneself system go wrong thing, she must ask clear exactly is what thing.

"What you just opened is the flower of God of beast, and another box contains the crystal of God of beast." Reich explained.

At this time, Yin Zhu turns on the beast God crystal. At this time, the system automatically rings again, "found the broken God crystal, do you want to exchange it?" This time, the system is not so wordy.

When Yin Zhu heard this, he covered the box without expression, and then took a deep breath. It was not only the flower of the beast God, but also the crystal system of the beast God.

The flower of beast God, the crystal of beast God. This morning, many orcs here were discussing that someone had passed through the mountain of beast God. She had heard about the mountain of beast God. It seems that this matter has something to do with the mountain of beast God. No one in the world has ever seen the mountain of beast God, but there are many legends about it. It seems that it is necessary for her to go to the mountain of beast God.

Of course not now. When Yin Zhu is going back, she will have a good understanding of the beast mountain. Then when the baby is born, she will go to the beast mountain to see what's inside.

"Yin Zhu, I just think that the flower of beast God and the crystal of beast are of some use to you, so I've got them for you. You'll take them." Leihe carefully looks at Yinzhu, afraid that Yinzhu will not accept it.

Animal God flower, this can keep the appearance of youth unchanged things, that woman will not, animal God crystal is more precious.

Yin Zhu thinks that it's something Leihe went to the beast mountain in the middle of the night, and then tried his best to get it back for himself. At this time, he is still pretending to be nobody in front of her. Can he sleep all night?

"It's under my control, but you must go to bed immediately. What are you doing here after you haven't slept all day?" Yin Zhu is so angry that he goes to pull Leihe. However, he accidentally sees the scar under the clothes. Seeing that the scar is not right, Yin Zhu quickly reaches for it.

Leihe see this quickly back two steps, "Yinzhu, I'm sleepy, first to rest."

At this time, Yin Zhu lived in Leihe's hand, tears fell one by one, "Silver Star, why do you, why do you want to do this, why do you work so hard, why are you so good to me?"

"And you? Why are you so nice to me? " Reich asked.

"Because you are my Savior." Yin Zhu replied.

Reich was disappointed to hear this answer. Why, sometimes he wondered why he would like a female in just a few days. He thought he would never like a female in his life.

Maybe it's because he's been lonely for a long time, so when he comes across this female who won't discriminate against him, who is kind to him and cares about him, he falls into it.

"Silly girl, you've brought us orcs too many benefits. I'm not sure in my life. I can only repay you as much as I can." Leihe touched Yinzhu's head with a smile.

When Yin Zhu heard this, he shook his head. "I don't deserve what you did to me. I teach you that it's not worth what you repay me. Besides, I owe you kindness." At the beginning, I taught Silver Star how to store food, because silver star was her savior. In addition, the orcs were very kind to her, and she was very soft hearted. She could not see the people she knew were starving and freezing, so she taught them to make bacon and all kinds of food, which was worth saving her life.As for the present necklace, it was because Silver Star accompanied her all day in the mountains to make identification. When things came out, she was still hesitating whether to give them to silver star. It was because silver star was so kind to her that she gave them to silver star. As a result, silver star gave her several times as many as she wanted.

A necklace in exchange for the flower of the beast God and the crystal of the beast God. Yin Zhu thinks that she has made money after thinking about it. She gets the necklace lightly, but silver star has spared half of her life for these things.

"Why are you crying? What are you doing? Food is the most important thing for orcs. Do you want to ask? A lot of people want to know who owes whom what to do. I'll go to have a rest and I'll send you back to Daze tribe later. " Leihe gently wiped away Yin Zhu's tears and turned to leave. He was afraid that he would hold the silly female in his arms and never let go.

Yin Zhu looked at the two small boxes on the table and thought that she had to accept them. She also wanted to try the system with them. She found a piece of animal skin bag and stuffed it on her chest. Because of the urination of the system, Yin Zhu didn't know whether it was safe to put things in her backpack.

"In fact, you don't have to be so wary of me. You can receive the tears and broken Shenjing in your backpack. I can't hurt you, and I can't rob you. I can only exchange them with you." The system is ringing.

At this time, Yin Zhu sat down at the table calmly, and then asked in a calm voice, "who are you?"

After a long silence, the system asked, "who am I? Who am I? I want to know who I am, too? "

"You don't know who you are? When did you follow me? " Yin Zhu asked in a low voice.

"When you make bacon, you wake up, but you can't speak. You can't speak until I saw you take out the tears and broken crystal." The system said quietly.

Wake up? When I was making bacon, wasn't it when I first came to this world?

"How did you get into the little program I wrote? Or are you in me? " Many of the functions of this program are written by himself. Yin Zhu can feel it, but all of a sudden, he doesn't know how to get it if he doesn't know what.

This is what Yin Zhu is most worried about and most afraid of. People will have a fear of completely unknown things.

"I'm in the system, but the system follows you." The system said quietly.

That is to say, this thing followed Yin Zhu.

"Why do you want tears and broken crystals?" The names of these two things are different from those of silver star.

"Because they contain a lot of energy, which can speed up my evolution. I forget a lot of things. If I eat them, I can think of a lot of things." The system recalls the same saying.

Looking at the system, he doesn't seem to be lying, but it's hard to guarantee that others will act, and even he doesn't understand many things. But the more this, the more helpless Yin Zhu is. This thing can't control itself now, and can trade with her, but what about in the future? It seems that the more you identify something, the faster you will wake up. Thinking of this, Yin Zhu doesn't dare to use the original golden finger in his hand. Of course, he will try it.

"Host, I know what you are worried about. I won't hurt you. I promise that after I have the energy, I can think of my past. I always feel that I have forgotten something, something very important." The system emphasizes.

"I know, but God tears and broken God crystal can't give you, because these two things are very useful to me." Yin Zhu did not refuse to go to the end, but said that he also needed these things.

Yin Zhu knows that she is not a very smart person. She doesn't want to be used by others. She will definitely understand what's going on in the system, but she doesn't know how to say this kind of thing when she wants to talk to others. She looks at her little belly, and Yin Zhu decides to have a good baby when she goes back. Anyway, there is food and drink in the tribe. Besides, the tribe can make bacon, so it's better in winter She should not be hungry. She'd better think about the rest of the problems slowly. There's nothing wrong with being more careful. Let's wait until we have a clear idea.

Probably the system also knows that Yin Zhu won't give the tears of God and the broken crystal of God to himself for a while. He doesn't persuade him any more, but sighs heavily and doesn't say anything any more.

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