No matter Leihe cheated himself or injured Tengxiao before, Leihe saved Yinzhu and sent Yinzhu back. He would be very grateful. Without Leihe, I'm afraid Yinzhu would not stay in the forest all night.

They all say that the Lord of the dark city is gloomy and uncertain. It seems that he is. Even he can't think of the reason why Leihe deliberately injured Tengxiao before and sent Yinzhu back now. It's reasonable to say that he knows Yinzhu's ability and shouldn't send Yinzhu back. Besides, the dark city should be short of females.

Forget it, it's no use thinking so much. It's good for Yin Zhu to come back. Besides, according to Yin Zhu, Leihe is still very kind to her. I don't know if it has anything to do with Leihe that Sophie was taken away by orcs. Jono thinks Leihe probably did it.

Yin Zhu said the general things for a while, and then touched Jono's haggard face with some heartache, "well, I've finished. Now you have a good sleep, and I'll accompany you."

When Jono heard this, he nodded. He held Yinzhu, probably because Yinzhu found it, so this time he could sleep at ease. However, he also held Yinzhu tightly.

Yin Zhu is back here, and Yage and muxing are not calm. They are all taken away by orcs. Yin Zhu is back, but Sophie is not.

"Patriarch, you need to help me get Sophie back." Yager stood in front of Montaigne, begging.

Montaigne was silent for a while when he heard this, and said, "Yage, I know Sophie's captivity is very sad for you. I can also send several people with you to find out, but I can't send most of the people to help you find Sophie. Who will hunt for the tribe's people? Even if you don't want to eat, there are still females in the tribe?" When Sophie was captured, there was no one in the tribe, and then the people sent out also helped to find her. But after three or four days, he couldn't let the whole tribe go to find Sophie.

Montaigne felt that what he did was very fair, that is, Yin Zhu was captured. At the beginning, he sent people to look for him, but he gave up if he couldn't find him for three or four days. The only thing he insisted on was Jono and Tengxiao.

Yager knows that Montaigne is right, but it's up to him to find out. It's hard to find a man in the vast crowd. Although he knows that Sophie was captured by orcs, can they still attack the dark city?

"I know the patriarch." Yager gritted his teeth and decided to go by himself.

Mu Xing jumped out at this time, "patriarch, you are partial, because Yin Zhu is Qiao Nuo's partner, you have found people back, but now you don't look for Sophie."

Hearing this, Meng Tai gave Mu Xing a slap and said, "nonsense, since I was the patriarch, when have you been eccentric? How dare you slander me?" What Montaigne despises most is mu Xing. He says that he likes Sophie and seems infatuated on the surface. When he really wants to contribute, he is afraid of death and greedy for life. In addition, he plays with Miao Ni, which is just a scum.

In fact, Yager didn't have this idea in his mind. After all, people would go there to think about it, because two females were captured by orcs, one came back, the other didn't come back, and those who came back had something to do with the patriarch's family. Who wouldn't think that way.

But Yager at least did not say, his strength than Tengxiao and Jono, but his female he will find back.

"Patriarch, you have become angry from shame." Mu Xing covers his bleeding mouth.

Hearing this, Montaigne was so angry that he gave Mu Xing two feet again. "I haven't found your fault yet. Yager said that you brought the orcs here. If you hadn't beaten Yager, the orcs would have taken Sufi away in the village without a break? If you don't look for your own problems when you do something wrong, you'll know that you're going to trouble us. Do you want to be ashamed? "

"If you don't go to Sophie when something goes wrong, you'll know that you're hiding in the tribe and don't dare to go to the orcs. It's because you're afraid that you're not the opponent of the orcs. Bah, what are you doing? No wonder Sophie doesn't choose you. Just like you, now Miao Ni doesn't like you. Roll, roll, roll. " Montaigne was in a hurry.

Yage saw Montaigne's angry appearance and turned to leave. If it wasn't for Sophie, he would not join hands with muxing.

The clan leader can give him so much manpower. He still takes people to find out if there is any trace. If he can't get people back, he can only find a way to move into the dark city. Yin Zhu can meet a kind Orc and send her back. I hope Sophie can have such a good life.

Mu Xing watched that all the yages were gone, and he was so angry that he ignored himself. He was scolded by the patriarch, and he was so angry.

Mu Xing left the patriarch's house in a mess. He was so angry that Sophie was captured by the orcs. He was very sad. He also looked for some of them, but he only looked for them in a safe place. He would not go to dangerous places. Anyway, females would not give birth to cubs. It's the same for another one.

Besides, Sophie has been in captivity for so many days that the hope of saving her is very slim.

It's a pity that when something happened to Miao Ni, the other females in the tribe didn't look up to him. They all blame Miao Ni for the useless thing. Otherwise, how could the people in the tribe look at him with scornful eyes one by one? Now that there are no females, it seems that they have to coax Miao Ni. Miao Ni likes herself so much that he may turn back.Although Miao Ni is punished now, it doesn't matter. Anyway, he is also a member of the tribe. If he can go to find Miao Ni, he'd better have a few cubs. When Miao Ni is free, they can form a partner. Mu Xing doesn't dislike it. Anyway, the orcs have one female and more than one male. Miao Ni is like this, and there's nothing to say about it. She can mainly have cubs.

In fact, Yin Zhu is very good. He has a baby with Tengxiao once and is easy to bear. However, Yin Zhu doesn't think much of him. Besides, in front of Tengxiao and Jono, he doesn't have any sense of superiority. It's estimated that the two men will beat him. It's better to let him go.

Yin Zhu didn't know that Mu Xing wanted to make his own decision.

Yinzhu doesn't know about these things. She and Jono had a good sleep. She didn't even eat lunch and stayed up until the evening.

After a good sleep, Jono's spirit is much better. Yin Zhu and Jono originally had a lot to say, but together they saw that they squatted outside their cave like a door god.

Qiao Nuo sighed and looked at Yin Zhu's disgusted face. He straightened Yin Zhu's face and said seriously, "Yin Zhu, Tengxiao kept looking for you when you disappeared. He even had a fight with Leihe, the dark city master. He thought you were taken away by Leihe and got hurt. Now it's not good."

"Talk to Tengxiao." Jono took a deep breath and went out.

Yin Zhu looks at Qiao Nuo who has gone far away and is a little silly. Does this man just throw her to Tengxiao? It's too generous.

"Well, are you ok? Thank you for coming to see me before." Tengxiao's face is not very good. He looks a little white. Even his eyes look a lot dull.

In any case, Tengxiao is the father of Zizai, and they are only afraid to be close to each other in this life.

"It's OK. Just a few more days off." Tengxiao looks at Yin Zhu sitting in front of him. He doesn't know how to speak. Before, he said he didn't want Yin Zhu. Now the retribution is coming. As expected, he can't say so much.

Looking at Yin Zhu's red face, it seems that she didn't suffer much when she was taken away by the ORC. The orc is very good. If he meets that person in the future, he will be very grateful to him.

Both Yin Zhu and Qiao Nuo are fine, but Yin Zhu's attitude towards him is not very good. Tengxiao is a little irritable and doesn't know how to say it. He doesn't know how to please females when he is so old. Even his plan doesn't include finding a partner at all. It's just that Yin Zhu has a baby, and Tengxiao can't help grinning when he thinks about it.

"How is that cub?" Don't know what to say, Tengxiao can only ask Zizai.

"Very good." Yin Zhu doesn't know what Tengxiao wants to do.

Well, after answering one sentence, both of them were embarrassed. Tengxiao grabbed his hair and murmured, "that, I, I will be responsible for you. Tomorrow, tomorrow we will be partners."

When Yin Zhu heard this, he couldn't help but stare at Tengxiao. If this man wants to say that he has any affection for himself, he has nothing but responsibility. In fact, Tengxiao is not bad either. At least he has a sense of responsibility. He doesn't like Yin Zhu so much. Now for the sake of his children, he still compromises.

Thinking of his missing person and trying to find himself, Yin Zhu said with a smile and shaking his head: "no, this partner is a lifetime thing, and should not be used in person in charge. I know you are a responsible person, but I don't need such a partner. When the cubs are born, if you like, you can come to see them, and you should bring something for them to eat It's right to drink and wear, and I won't refuse it. "

When Tengxiao heard Yin Zhu's refusal, he couldn't help but look pale, "you You don't want me? "

He thought that Yin Zhu liked himself so much that he would agree. Who knows that Yin Zhu refused. Tengxiao's heart suddenly became empty. He didn't know what to say next.

"Yin Zhu, I know I was wrong before. I shouldn't have said that. I apologize. Can you..." The rest of the words Tengxiao can't say, arrogant he really don't know how to beg a person.

Yin Zhu felt a little uncomfortable when he saw this. "You don't have to do this. If you don't want to have a baby, I don't want to either. But the baby is given by God, so I won't blame you. Besides, what happened before is my fault. I'm too demanding. Now I'm open-minded. I have Jono now. Jono will be very good to the baby. You don't have to worry. I hope you can find one in the future I'm really in love with my partner. "

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