Leihe coldly looked at kneeling in front of his hands, "dunian, what's the matter? How many of you males can't see a female? "

When Du Nian heard this, he lowered his head in shame. As for the next few people, they knelt down there with guilt and did not dare to say a word.

It can be said that Sophie was knocked unconscious and taken away when she was happy. Du Nian was preparing to take people to the dark city at the beginning.

However, when Sophie was sober, she knew that she had been captured by the orcs. At the beginning, she cried and begged them to let her go. However, Sophie was the one Leihe wanted to capture. How could dunian let Sophie go because of this? Besides, the city of darkness is short of females. They would steal females from other tribes on weekdays, and all of them were in their own hands It's too late to let people go.

When Sophie saw that her plea was useless, she began to seduce Du Nianji. Du Nianji also knew that it was the same thing for Sophie to go back to the dark city. Moreover, they had long wanted to find a female to vent her anger. In addition, Sophie was not ugly and could be seduced, so they all took the bait.

It's nothing. Sleeping a female means sleeping. Anyway, as long as the goal remains the same, it's not good. Du Nian knows the purpose of Sophie's doing this. Anyway, if Sophie is cheap, she won't be free. Can Sophie escape from them?

They didn't go into the tribe all the way, and they all kept away from each other. If a female Sophie left them in the deep mountains and wild forests, the end would be very miserable. Even if she let Sophie go, Sophie didn't dare to walk around.

It's true. Sophie knows very well that in the deep mountains and wild forests, a female of hers will soon become a dish of beasts, so even if she hates these orcs, she has to pretend to be good with them. That's Sophie. She knows what's best for her at present, so she doesn't resist at all. Instead, she follows junian carefully.

Along the way, seeing that the journey is more than half way to the city of darkness, Sophie is also very good, and they serve several men well, so they relax their vigilance. As a result, they don't know what Sophie has done. Bai Ze of the Juque tribe unexpectedly catches up with people who don't know how.

In fact, even if there is Baize, dunian should not be afraid of it. After all, if you want to fight, the orcs are good at fighting. However, Sophie actually tampered with the food they ate. Then they were poisoned one by one. If they were not strong and didn't eat a lot of food, they would die one by one. Fortunately, they didn't find it at the beginning When he was right, the first time he took people to escape, not fight. However, because of this, he lost Sophie.

Du Nian knew that it was all his fault this time. If it wasn't for his carelessness, Sophie would never run away.

"It's stupid to be trapped by a female. It's useless." Leiheleng hum, that damned Sophie hurt Yin Zhu. He also taught that Sophie a good lesson. As a result, she ran away.

"You guys are so stupid." Tang Zhuo said while hating the iron.

Du Nian was also a little expert in the tribe. As a result, a Sophie played them around and almost completely destroyed them.

"Go away, useless things. When you go back to the dark city, go to heifengjian and have a good practice." Leihe said angrily, heifengjian is a dark city, which is specially used to punish the orcs for doing wrong. It's windy and cold, and the orcs don't like it.

Du Nian didn't stand up when he heard this. Instead, he knelt there with more guilt.

Normally speaking, the punishment has been said. At this time, Du Nian should get up and run away. How can he stay here.

"Say, what else have you done? I'll take your lives if it's too late. " Reich didn't understand when he saw it. These idiots probably did something else.

"We accidentally told the story that there was a salt mine here." Du Nian said that the whole person was lying on the ground and did not move. He felt that this time he would not die and he would peel off his skin. Even if this matter was not said by him, it was also said by the people under his hands.

At the beginning, Sophie inquired about what they were doing here, because she was sure that Sophie couldn't escape. She was from the dark city. The excited people didn't stop. They thought it was OK to tell Sophie about the salt mine. Who would have thought that Sophie had escaped.

"What did you say? What the hell are you doing Reich was so angry that he kicked the man off.

This damned son of a bitch. "Are you fools? Take this as an example. " Tang Zhuo trembled and pointed to Du Nian. He was really angry.

That damned Sophie is a real disaster. She should have killed the female at the beginning, instead of becoming a trouble now.

"We only said it was on the side of the beast forest, not the specific place." Du Nian whispered.

"Tell them to increase their efforts to start production and not to stop. All the people in the neighborhood will be transferred back. Except those who hunt and collect food, they will all produce salt for me. In addition, they will call all the people who can move in the dark city for me." Even if Du Nian didn't say the specific place, the beast forest is very big. As long as you have the heart, so many orcs will be found by those people sooner or later."Lehe, this salt mine is quite large. Even if we increase our efforts to start production, I'm afraid we can't finish it." Tang Zhuo has a headache.

Reich nodded and said, "I know, so I'm going to find myself an ally."

Looking for allies? "To whom?" Don Zhuo is puzzled to ask, have Orc can cooperate with half Orc?

Leihe thinks of Yinzhu, the Daze tribe where Yinzhu lives. Leihe thinks that the orcs will not like the orcs, but it doesn't matter whether they like them or not. The most important thing is the interests. As long as there are enough interests, the Daze people will not be attracted?

In fact, Leihe thought very clearly that it was better to give benefits to Daze tribe than to find allies. Anyway, he didn't want to take advantage of Juque tribe.

"You manage this side first. I'll talk to the chief of daze tribe." Reich said simply.

Tang Zhuo looks at Lei he, who is in high spirits. He wants to see the head of daze tribe. He probably wants to see Yin Zhu. It's hard for him to find an excuse.

This salt mine is good for daze tribe. After all, what Yinzhu taught them can bring new life to the whole dark city, so it's good for Yinzhu. However, don't make it clear to Daze tribe people. Even if you give it, daze tribe people should remember that Yinzhu brought it to them.

Leihe said that he knew better than Tang Zhuo. He only chose daze tribe because of Yin Zhu. He didn't like orcs.

Leihe is very fast. He turns into a beast shape directly. After walking around, he finds the river that goes downstream to Daze tribe, goes directly into the water, and soon arrives at daze tribe.

Leihe arrived at night, which was very convenient for him to sneak in. However, daze tribe was under martial law because of Yinzhu and Sophie's affairs. However, for others, Leihe came in directly by the water. No one found him at the entrance of the village. He had already entered the village.

Leihe has been to Daze tribe and knows where the leader of daze tribe lives. Of course, Yinzhu knows better where he lives. But at this time, Yinzhu should be making out with her new partner. Thinking of this, Leihe feels very sad. He tries to shake his head and not think about it.

Leihe goes directly to Mengtai. Mengtai is scared to death when he sees Leihe in his own home. After all, a Orc suddenly appears in his own home quietly. Can he not be afraid?

However, Montaigne was calm and didn't scream. He also understood that such a man who could run to his home quietly must be a master. If he wanted to hurt him, he would not wait for his reaction.

"A little bit of courage." Reich snorted and sat down at the stone table.

Amy trembles at reih's long tail. He doesn't know what to do. Montaigne smiles and pats Amy on the shoulder. "Don't be afraid. It's OK."

"I don't know what the Leihe clan leader has to say to my small tribe." Although he has never met Reich, his outstanding appearance has made Montaigne understand who is coming.

"Advice? I want pure food from your tribe. What if it's female? " Leihe reminds the evil spirit of group horn to smile, and the long and narrow Phoenix eyes are full of ridicule.

As for the small tribe of daze, if he really wants to rob the food of this tribe, there are still females, the people of daze tribe can't stop him.

Hearing this, Montaigne turned black. "Our tribe didn't provoke the people of the dark city, did it? Why do you do this? Is it not enough that you robbed a Sophie before? "

Montaigne remembers that although the orcs in the dark city would come out to grab food, they usually did it in winter when there was no material object? Why do you come out and grab food at this time? Isn't it all special things that are snatched at this time? Why do you focus on daze tribe? Is it because of bacon and sugar?

The rumor didn't spread that way.

Looking at Montaigne's uneasy appearance, Leihe said with a disdainful smile, "OK, don't be scared to death. I don't like your tribe's materials. If you want to rob big tribes, you should also rob them."

Hearing this, Meng Tai's heart was just down. "In this case, what's Leihe clan chief doing here? You don't mean to scare my old man, do you

"I don't like you. I'm kidding you." Leihe said unhappily, thinking that Yinzhu's partner is Mengtai's son, Leihe is not happy.

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