That night, the three elders with people quietly left the village, only a few people until the salt mine, other people do not know.

The group of people who followed the three elders were the most loyal to the tribe. They only went to do something very important to the tribe. When they saw the group of orcs, they all looked at the orcs fiercely and were ready to work hard at any time.

The three elders saw this and quickly yelled: "relax, relax, it's OK. We have a cooperative relationship with the people in the dark city now."

"Cooperation? Working with the city of darkness? What's going on? " For a moment, people around asked the three elders what was going on? When did the Daze tribe unite with the orcs?

The three elders quickly appeased the people, saying that the tribe only cooperated with the orcs to mine salt mines this time, and it did not mean that they were united with the people of the dark city.

When people heard this, they nodded. However, these people usually reject orcs. Even if they cooperate, they don't mine with orcs. The people in the dark city were full of enthusiasm. They always thought that Yin Zhu's people should be different. Then reality hit them hard.

Since the people of daze tribe don't want to contact with them, they are not rare. Yuge is a group of orcs, and daze tribe is a group of people. Seeing this, the three elders can't help but scold them. These little kids are really not sensible. He half smiles at Leihe, saying that they are cooperating. If you say something ugly, it's baigei. It's for the sake of Yinzhu, Yinzhu That girl is really a treasure of the tribe.

Although Leihe is very kind to the people of the tribe now, the Lord of the dark city is not a good friend. He'd better respect him. When the three elders are ready to go back, they will talk about that group of guys. Even if they don't like the orcs, they have to laugh at him. After all, they get the benefits of others, don't they?

Leihe doesn't expect everyone to have the same prejudice against orcs as Yin Zhu. If he doesn't like them, he doesn't like them. That's it.

Montaigne thinks about Leihe's cooperation with his tribe and decides to tell Jono. It's Jono's business whether Jono tells Yinzhu or not.

When he heard that Leihe was willing to give three tenths of the salt mine to his tribe, Jono was grateful to Leihe for this, but he was afraid that Leihe had a heart for Yin Zhu, and he was most afraid of the people who had a heart.

What's more, Jono thinks that Reich is not so easy to talk about. Besides his status and strength, he is also perverse.

Jono thought about it for a moment, and thought that he would tell Yin Zhu about it later. After all, this matter can't be concealed. He doesn't know it now, and he will know it later.

Of course, if you want to figure out how to say what you say, you can't help Leihe.

It will be the market in two days. This time, Montaigne is going to let Jono lead the team. This time, the main products of the tribe's trade are animal skins, dried fruit snacks made by Yin Zhu, sauerkraut and so on. In addition, there is spicy sauce. Montaigne has carefully considered these things. These things are novel and good. They should be exchangeable It's not necessary to order good things back, and it won't attract people to snatch them.

As for Tengxiao, he has to stay in the tribe. After all, he has taken 80 people to mine. It can be said that half of the young male orcs in the tribe have gone. Tengxiao should come back from the beast mountain in two days. He has the highest strength and stays in the tribe.

Montaigne explained his arrangement and left.

Yin Zhu is very happy to know the news of the market. She has long wanted to go to the market.

Here, Yin Zhu discussed with Qiao Nuo, "dear good Qiao Nuo, take me to the market this time. I haven't been to the Juque tribe since I grew up." Yin Zhu said that he was very happy. The biggest tribe around the Juque tribe didn't know what it was like. Because he was lazy and didn't ask to go, he didn't go out of the gate of the tribe.

Yinzhu has long wanted to go to the market to see what's new. Jono originally said that he would take Yinzhu, but now Yinzhu is pregnant, and Jono is not going to take Yinzhu.

"Yin Zhu, you are pregnant with a baby. Although there is no danger along the way, you have to run around. If you have a baby, none of us can guarantee it. If you stay in the tribe for a few days, I will buy you what you want." Jono tried to persuade.

"Look what you said, you can't go out with a baby? I'm in good health. It's OK. Besides, I believe you can protect me. " It's only two or three days' journey from daze tribe to Juque tribe. It's not too far. Moreover, daze tribe has walked many times, so it's not dangerous. It's just that they have to stay out at night. They're tired, but it's not a big deal for orcs.

"I'm afraid you're tired." Qiao Nuo still doesn't want to take Yin Zhu to the Juque tribe. The people of the Juque tribe are playing with Yin Zhu's ideas, and it's hard to get rid of them. When Yin Zhu goes to the Juque tribe, what should he do if he is taken away? Moreover, Jono is really worried about Yin Zhu's health.

"No. Jono, don't make excuses. In a word, will you take me Yin Zhu wants to go to the market to see if there are things he is interested in.

Moreover, she doesn't take advantage of the time when she is still small, and can't walk when she wants to. Orcs are pregnant in October, but they have several babies. When their stomachs are big, it's much harder than humans. It's hard to walk when they are about to have a baby.If you can walk now, walk more. If you don't, you won't be able to walk any more.

"Will you take me? If you don't take me, I'll go myself. " No matter how to persuade, it doesn't work. Yin Zhu directly takes out his mace, but Yin Zhu doesn't believe it. In this way, Qiao Nuo doesn't take himself.

Jono looks at Yin Zhu with a headache. Yin Zhu is good at everything, but sometimes he has too many ideas.

"I'll take you." What else could Jono say when he heard this, he could only promise it.

"Thank you, Jono. I knew you were the best to me." Yin Zhu smiles and throws himself into Jono's arms.

When Jono heard this, he had no choice but to pinch Yinzhu's nose. There was no way to meet such a girl.

"I promised you that you would go, but you should listen to me all the way." Qiao Nuo thinks Yin Zhu is in good health. It's OK to take her to Juque tribe. Just be careful on the way.

"Well, I'll listen to you." Yin Zhu is not a person who doesn't know heaven and earth. She doesn't know anything in the wild. For safety, of course, she listens to Jono.

"I can't help you." Qiao Nuo dotes on Yin Zhu's nose. Yin Zhu smiles.

On the other side, Sophie is saved by daze and brought back to Juque tribe. After being saved, Sophie cries when she sees Baize. Fortunately, along the way, she makes Du Nian's orcs relax their vigilance. Otherwise, she can't leave a signal waiting for Baize to save herself. Sophie resented the thought that daze tribe didn't send anyone to save her.

But she is also a blessing in disguise. This time, Baize saves her, and she can take this opportunity to leave daze tribe. Besides, her sacrifice is not without harvest. Sophie can't help but feel proud when she thinks of the news she got from the orcs.

Of course, Sophie won't tell bazaar about such an important thing. In Sophie's eyes, bazaar is just a little boy. Although she likes herself and can make use of it, she is not a good trading partner. This guy has limited help for her.

After arriving at daze tribe, Sophie goes directly to find Baize's father. Wu Ming, the three elders of Juque tribe, sees that Sophie just laughs with disdain. Sophie's eyes are not secure. Her son is an honest man. I'm afraid she can't keep her.

However, his son is not afraid of Sophie, a little female. Even Sophie has a good idea, and doesn't dare to play tricks on Baize.

When Wu Ming heard that Sophie was going to trade with her, Wu Ming was still amused. What kind of technology could this female have to trade with herself, the Daze tribe? Montaigne, the head of daze tribe, is a smart man. Aiya has said that Montaigne has traded everything he can, so he doesn't think there is anything good in Sophie.

But you can still meet the female and see what she can say.

However, when Sophie said that she knew the whereabouts of a salt mine, Wu Ming was really surprised. The Juque tribe controlled the salt trade of the nearby tribes, but the salt of the Juque tribe was also transported back from the distant seaside, just because they had a road to the sea in their hands. Although the Juque tribe made a lot of money because of the salt, it also made a lot of money every year Many people died and injured because of the transportation of salt.

If there is a salt mine nearby, it's a lot of money to go to the distant sea.

"Where is the salt mine and what do you want?" Wu Ming is not afraid of Sophie's deception. If there is any salt mine, just go to the actual place.

"The salt mine is now in the hands of the orcs. Rehe, the Lord of the dark city, is guarding there and mining. What I want, as a female, is to find a good male to marry." Sophie said she had no ambition.

Wu Ming laughs when he hears this. It's the most difficult thing to do without conditions. Besides, what's the name of a male with good conditions? His son Bai Ze is not bad, and there are a lot of things at home. Obviously, Sophie doesn't like his son. What kind of male does Sophie want to be a partner? The son of the patriarch? Or the first warrior of Juque tribe?

"It turned out to be a salt mine with a master." Wu Ming Leng hum, this Orc is not easy to deal with. Lei he has high strength, and the orcs are basically lunatic and fighting lunatic. It's really difficult to seize each other's salt mines. Sophie is a fierce one. She was captured by the orcs and tried to leave a message to save herself. She also gave such powerful news. She is a character. No wonder she doesn't like her son.

The Juque tribe is not afraid of the dark city, or the salt mine doesn't know how big it is, and it's worth the price to rob it.

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