Tengxiao's departure and return is only known by Montaigne and Jono. Seeing Tengxiao coming back intact, Jono can't help but give him a punch, "it's very powerful."

After all, the tribe suddenly lost dozens of people. They knew that the tribe had secret tasks, and they thought Tengxiao was going with them. Yin zhupingri didn't pay attention to Tengxiao. Tengxiao didn't sway in front of her eyes, and she didn't bother herself. She was more happy. She was Yage, so I didn't think that Tengxiao was for her.

"What's the clue?" Jono asked anxiously.

Tengxiao nodded, "let's go in and talk." This matter is related to Yin Zhu. We should always talk to him.

Yin Zhu can't help frowning when she sees Tengxiao walking into her cave. She doesn't like Tengxiao's strong intrusion into her life. What happened before is her own fault. She doesn't blame Tengxiao. However, she doesn't want to make it clear, but Tengxiao doesn't care to disturb her life, which makes her dislike. This man is too strong and too strong I didn't give him a chance at all. I haven't seen Tengxiao for many days. I thought this man gave up because of his coldness. I didn't expect that he came back in a twinkling of an eye.

Yin Zhu doesn't think about it. Tengxiao is her guardian now. It can be said that Tengxiao is loyal to nobody else in his life. How can he give up on her?

Tengxiao had some cheering heart. Seeing Yin Zhu's deep frown, he couldn't help stopping.

Tengxiao really didn't expect that Yin Zhu would hate himself so much, even in his face. He didn't know how to please a female. He thought he had put himself down and was willing to care for Yin Zhu. But Yin Zhu's attitude of resisting others made him very sad.

When Jono saw this, he could not help sighing. He came forward and grabbed Yin Zhu's hand. "Yin Zhu, what's the matter with you? What's wrong? "

Yin Zhubai takes a look at Jono. She doesn't believe Jono doesn't understand her meaning. Is this playing a fool with her?

Qiao Nuo is very helpless looking at Yin Zhu, he is sorry to look at Tengxiao, "Tengxiao Leng why, come in quickly."

Tengxiao saw Jono's face with a bitter smile. He couldn't help but walk into the cave.

Seeing that Tengxiao is still coming in, what else can Yin Zhu say? Besides, he has to give Jono some face.

After Tengxiao sat down, Jono clenched Yin Zhu's hand and solemnly said, "Yin Zhu, I don't care whether you like Tengxiao or not, but you can't continue to give Tengxiao a look."

Seeing that Yin Zhu's face was very bad, Jono grasped Yin Zhu's hand that he wanted to take out, "Yin Zhu, can you stop like this, just listen to me, and don't listen to me half of it? Will you listen to me carefully? "

Yin Zhu thought that Qiao Nuo was going to persuade her to accept Tengxiao. Her face changed greatly. She said it so clearly, but Qiao Nuo didn't understand? Or a trial?

"Yin Zhu, I don't want you to show your face to Tengxiao. I don't want you to accept him. It's your intention to accept him or not. I will never interfere in this matter. But what I want to say is that Tengxiao is your guardian. He is destined to be tied to you all his life. Do you see that he has to suffer every day? You want to be unhappy because of him every day? What am I going to do? I hope you have a good time Jono gently rubbed Yinzhu's head.

Mingming is kind-hearted and wants her to give Tengxiao a good look, but she is glib and eloquent for her sake, but it doesn't sound so angry at least.

"Whoever wants to be tied to him, he can go away a little more magnificently." Yin Zhu says impolitely that Tengxiao has to stick to her since she died, so don't blame her for being too hurtful.

"Well, regardless of Tengxiao, what about the cubs in your stomach? Even if they call me father, but you promise that the people in the tribe won't say it. After that, Zizai will see that you look at their father every day. What do you think of them? " Jono persuades.

Yin Zhu was silent when he heard this. He didn't care about the babies in his stomach at first, but now he looks at the marks on his arms and says hello to them every day. It's really emotional. Parents are the best role models for children. If he leaves something bad for them at that time, what should he do when the children grow crooked?

Qiao Nuo saw Yin Zhu's meditation and knew that Yin Zhu was listening. His Yin Zhu was actually very kind.

The reason why Qiao Nuo wants to set up Yin Zhu is that he doesn't know whether he can come back safely after going to his ancestral land. If not, Tengxiao can take good care of Yin Zhu, so that he can rest assured.

Besides, Tengxiao's character is good, and he has children with Yin Zhu. Jono doesn't forget that there is Leihe who is thinking about Yin Zhu. Tengxiao is much better than Leihe.

However, when he thinks of what Leihe has done, Jono hums coldly. A person who doesn't dare to say his real name still thinks about Yin Zhu. He dreams that even if Leihe gives benefits to Daze tribe, he will return them in his own way and never let Yin Zhu appreciate him.

"Well, I know. I won't look at him in the future, but don't expect me to look good on him." Yin Zhu said angrily.

"Yes, you can take him as your servant. If you have anything to do, just ask him to do it. Who told him to be your guardian Jono smiles and pinches Yinzhu's nose."Jono, it's too obvious for you to go too far?" Yin zhuleng hum.

Looking at Yinzhu and Jono flirting, Yinzhu is very lively and playful, and there is a bit of female coquettishness that he has never seen. Yinzhu is smart, kind, sensible and gentle outside. As for Yinzhu in the past, people in the tribe probably forget about it.

Tengxiao suddenly thought, if he didn't refuse Yin Zhu's marriage at the beginning, would Yin Zhu be so charming around him now?

And then they'll have three cute pups at the end of a few months?

Can see Yin Zhu that indifference looking at their own appearance, Tengxiao like was poured a basin of cold water, cold from head to foot.

"Tengxiao, tell me about your discovery." Jono asked Tengxiao to sit down and talk.

After hearing what Jono said, Yin Zhu knew that Jono was going to tell Tengxiao something serious, so he stopped making trouble. However, when the three people sat like this, they always felt embarrassed. Yin Zhu stood up and prepared to go out for a walk.

But Jono stopped Yinzhu, "Yinzhu, where are you going? What Tengxiao wants to say has something to do with you. I asked him to check it. Don't you listen? "

Yin Zhu was stunned? Your own business? What's the trouble with her?

Tengxiao is sad to see Yin Zhu's attitude, but isn't Jono helping him? All this is temporary. He will move Yin Zhu one day.

"This is the reward I got from the beast mountain. Here you are." Tengxiao thought of what he had brought from the beast mountain and quickly handed it to Yin Zhu.

Beast mountain? It turns out that the Sanskrit sound appeared in the sky a few days ago was because Tengxiao had passed through the beast mountain. Now Yin Zhu knows that the rewards of the beast mountain are very precious treasures. Tengxiao even said it to himself without blinking an eye.

However, the more this, the more can not accept, but these things system should want it.

"Is this the crystal of the beast God and the spring of moonlight? It's a good thing. Put it away, Yin Zhu. " Jono impolitely scraps all the things to Yin Zhu.

Yin Zhu looked at the things in his hand awkwardly, and Jono said with a smile: "Yin Zhu, the crystal of the beast God is not for you. The crystal of the beast God can enhance the potential of the cubs in your stomach. It's for the cubs. You should take it even if you take it. As for the moonlight spring, it's specially used to treat people. We have high strength and can't use it. It's most suitable for you It's all right

Yin Zhu looked at the things in his hand, thought about it and said, "I'll put away the crystal of the beast God, but I don't need the moonlight spring. I can't use it in the tribe all day. It's a life-saving thing in your hands. Put it away yourself, Tengxiao."

Yin Zhu pushes the moonlight spring back to Tengxiao. Tengxiao takes a look at Yin Zhu, but he doesn't shirk it. Instead, he puts it away. Anyway, if Yin Zhu wants to use it in the future, he will give it to Tengxiao again. Now, don't let Yin Zhu get angry.

"Jono Yinzhu, what I'm going to say next is very important. You must not pass it on, or we can't bear the consequences, you know?" Tengxiao said very seriously.

When Jono heard this, he nodded solemnly, "you say, I'll listen."

Tengxiao then said what he had done in the animal god mountain, including nearly demolishing the animal temple, and then led to a trace of the spirit of the animal God. Then he knew that the animal God had died in the five thousand year catastrophe.

The beast God is dead, the God of their world is dead.

Qiao Nuo looks at Tengxiao foolishly, but Yin Zhu doesn't feel much about himself, but the system breaks down.

"It's impossible. The beast God won't die. It's impossible. It's impossible." The water spirit cries desperately.

"It's impossible that the beast God won't die, and it's impossible to die, no, No." Shuiling's voice was so sad that Yin Zhu's eardrum would crack.

Yin Zhu tightly covered his ears and cried out: "shut up, you shut up."

However, Shuiling couldn't hear Yin Zhu's words. He kept saying that it was impossible, impossible.

The system seems to have broken down. Yin Zhu listens to the repeated sound in her ears and feels like she's going to break down too. This golden finger's system makes her feel crazy for the first time. Who will tell her how to shut down the system.

"Shut up, please. Stop yelling." Yin Zhu covers his ears sadly.

Yin Zhu's abnormality made Qiao Nuo and Tengxiao stand up in a hurry, "Yin Zhu, what's the matter with you?"

Yin Zhu's ears are tinnitus and fireworks are made by the system. She looks at Qiao Nuo like asking for help, and then she faints.

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