Jono knows that Beina and Yinzhu are tied together. This matter can't be ignored. Besides, once Beina's enemies know about Yinzhu, they are afraid that they can't wait to kill Yinzhu.

That's a character that can make the beast God eat. Jono doesn't think that those people will die so easily. Even if many people died in the catastrophe five thousand years ago, Jono thinks that those people should not die. After all, there are so many plans and arrangements, how can they die, right?

As for why there has never been a miracle of the beast God disciples for so many years, those people should have been hiding for some reason. These people hold 5000 years of precious technology in their hands, and they are afraid that daze tribe can't resist it at will.

Although Yin Zhu said that he would not act rashly, the development of daze tribe and so many novel things of daze tribe always attract people's attention. They need to develop the tribe quickly when those people don't know the existence of Yin zhubeina. Only when the tribe grows up can they be qualified to talk to those people.

Qiao Nuo called several elders of Tengxiao and Mengtai tribe to discuss how to do this. As for Beina, Qiao Nuo and Yin Zhu had a good discussion, and they directly said that Yin Zhu had been inherited by Beina, but not the so-called system.

Yin Zhu also chats with Beina about how to develop the tribe quickly. Beina has no memory before and doesn't understand many things. Now Beina who remembers the past is different.

"Yin Zhu, now that your tribe has made bacon, your tribe's eating problem has been solved. Now the most important thing is to enhance the strength of the tribe. If you don't have the strength, no matter how many things your tribe has, you don't dare to take them out." Bena said to the point.

"Yes, but I don't know how orcs can improve their strength. It's up to them." Yin Zhu said helplessly.

Bena said directly at this time: "totem, your tribe lacks totem."

Totem? Yin Zhu was stunned when he heard this. He knew what totem meant, but the orc world didn't seem to say where there was totem.

"There is no totem in the orc world now, but almost all the Orc tribes five thousand years ago have totems. Except for a few small new tribes, most of the tribes have totems. Priests can use totems to collect beliefs and enhance the loyalty and strength of the tribe people. Today, without totem and belief, the orc's strength is greatly reduced Because they don't even have the most basic path to promotion. Today's orcs are just ordinary Orc soldiers. However, as long as there is a totem, many people can be transformed into one star totem soldiers, and the strength of the tribe will be greatly improved. What's more, one star totem soldiers can be promoted until nine star totem soldiers. " Beina light said, now the orc strength is too low.

"What about the totem?" Yin Zhu asked in a hurry.

Since Bena said this thing, naturally she can do it. "The totems of each tribe are different. It depends on the priests of your tribe to think about what the totems look like, and communicate with the beast God. The totems belonging to your tribe will naturally show up. Of course, in addition to this, you have to find jade. Only jade can afford it The power of totem is the worst is white jade, the better is Jasper, then ruby, the best is purple jade. But now for your tribe, don't think about red jade and purple jade, and try to get a jasper. It's no good, only white jade. The better the jade is, the greater the power of Totem will be. "

Jade? Yin Zhu wanted to say that she didn't see jade here. She asked Jiu Yue and Meng Tai about it. They should know.

"You don't have any jade here. If you go to the plain or the seaside, the rich generation should be able to find it." Daze tribe belongs to the barren Luoyue mountain range, and the plain and seaside are rich in products. The life of orcs there is much better than that of the Luoyue mountain range.

"Well, we will find the jade." After listening to Beina's words, Yin Zhu vowed to get this totem out.

"In addition, from tomorrow on, you can learn from me and strive to be a great priest." Bena said directly.

Yin Zhu was stunned when he heard this, "no, our tribe has a priest. It's Jiuyue. I, I don't have the talent of a priest. How can I be a priest?"

Beina rolled her eyes when she heard Yin Zhu's words, "who said that a tribe can only have one priest? A large tribe usually has three or five priests, one chief priest, two deputy priests, and apprentices. The priest of your tribe can not be called a priest, but he can only be regarded as an apprentice. Also, your tribe is too small, and there are few people with priestly talent. It's all because of the death of the former priest, and it's only by gathering the spirit of the tribe that a new priest comes out. As a result, you will think that a tribe has only one A priest, those are all wrong. "

Yin Zhu can only be speechless when she hears this. Well, she has no insight.

"But I don't have the gift of a priest." Yin zhuruo said.

"With me, you can become a priest even if you are a fool, so you should learn from me seriously. Besides, don't you want to learn something to protect yourself? Is it difficult for modern independent women to become a dodder flower relying on men? If so, I advise you to do as the Romans do and find more partners. A Jono can't support you. " Beina looks at Yinzhu sarcastically.Beina said that there are no students she can't teach. She said that she can turn Yin Zhu into a great priest. Yin Zhu is tied to her. If Yin Zhu's strength is too weak, she can't do many things in the future, so she has to train him anyway.

I have to say that the last few words of Beina moved Yin Zhu, "OK, I'll learn from you."

"By the way, does academic method have any effect on the pups in the belly?" Yin Zhu asked in a hurry.

"Don't worry about you. There are only advantages but no disadvantages. Therefore, for the sake of your cubs, you have to study hard for me." Said Bena seductively.

"Well, I was admitted to university in my last life. My IQ is still excellent. I'm sure I can learn." Yin Zhu cheers himself up.

"By the way, can you teach Jiuyue by the way?" The strength of a tribal priest is related to the strength of the tribe. Even if he becomes the chief priest in the future, it's always good to learn more in September. I don't know if Bena is willing to teach.

"You let her learn together at that time. If she is surpassed by a little girl, you will tighten the skin for me at that time." Beina thinks it's good to make more people to stimulate Yin Zhu, so that Yin Zhu won't be competitive at all. Besides, Jiuyue can help Yin Zhu after his strength is improved.

Of course, it's impossible for Yinzhu to surpass Jiuyue in a short time. Even if Beina despises Jiuyue, Jiuyue still has the power of the first few priests, which is not what Yinzhu can surpass in a short time.

"Thank you, Bena." Yin Zhu sincerely thanks.

"Don't thank me. I do it for myself." Beina calm voice said, can say suddenly betrayal hurt let her grow up.

Jono has also called several senior members of the tribe to discuss the development of the tribe.

As soon as Yin Zhu said something about the totem, Tengxiao's face changed. As for the other members of the tribe, they were very curious. They never knew that there was a totem.

Tengxiao's expression is not missed by Mengtai.

"Tengxiao, do you know totem?" Asked Montaigne.

Tengxiao nodded, hesitated for a long time and said, "I used to be a totem warrior, a two-star totem warrior, but later I left that tribe, and my totem disappeared."

"Totem, you used to be a totem warrior. No wonder you are so powerful." Jono said in surprise.

Then Jono thought it was wrong, "no, you said you were a totem warrior, but there was no totem on the mainland for a long time? You, where on earth are you from

Meng Tai looked at Tengxiao with bright eyes, waiting for Tengxiao's answer.

Tengxiao saw this and said with a bitter smile, "I'm from the king of beasts city. I'm from the flying lion." When it comes to his identity, Tengxiao smiles bitterly.

The orc City, Tengxiao, is actually from the orc city. It's the same vein of the four Orc kings. Such people are recruited into the tribe by themselves. Mengtai wants to say that he has a good eye.

"There is a totem in the city of king of beasts, but why have you never heard of it?" Meng Tai asked curiously. Although he said he had never been to the king of beasts City, he always inquired about the information about the mainland. After all, totem is so important, but they had never heard of any relevant information.

"Yes, there is a totem in the orc city. The four Orc kings in the orc city all hold a incomplete totem, because the totem is incomplete. Only some people with special talents can activate the power of the totem. No one has many totem warriors in his hand, which can be regarded as the hidden power of the orc city. Because of this, the news that the orc city has totem has not been revealed. ”Tengxiao explained.

"No, you don't say there are many totem warriors, so as a two-star totem warrior, you should be very noble in the orc City, but how can you be expelled?" Asked jonona dully.

Tengxiao heard this, his face didn't even smile bitterly, "offending the people who shouldn't be offended, it's useless to have some strength, but he finally saved his life."

Jono also knows that he asked what he shouldn't ask, which should be Tengxiao's privacy.

"I'm sorry to make you sad, Tengxiao. In fact, you can't tell us." Jono's sorry smile.

"It's nothing sad. It's been many years, and I've long forgotten. Besides, daze tribe is my home. I'll take care of jade. After all, it's a long way to go to the Central Plains. I'll go at least once. I'm more familiar than you." Tengxiao directly takes the task of finding jade.

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