Tengxiao goes away and takes all the sugar from the tribe. Yin Zhu and Qiao Nuo are going to visit the Juque tribe.

There are ten males and three females going to Juque tribe this time. In addition to Yin Zhu, there is another female named Lina, and another is a middle-aged woman named Hualian. Hualian basically goes to this tribe's business every time, because Hualian is good at bargaining.

If it wasn't for Qiao Nuo's saying that Aunt Hualian was good at this, Yin Zhu didn't find that his tribe had such a number one character.

Yin Zhu went to Juque tribe this time to see if there are any good things. All the tribes around the Juque tribe have to come. There must be some good things.

"Aunt Hualian, if I want to go shopping later, I'll ask my aunt to help me." Yin Zhu said hello with a smile.

Hua Lian laughs when she hears this. She likes Yin Zhu. After all, she is so smart and thinks about the tribe. Who doesn't like him.

Lina is to follow to see, Yin Zhu and Lina know each other, the three females along the way is talking and laughing, the atmosphere is very harmonious.

This time, Yage and muxing also went to Juque tribe, because they heard that Sophie was in Juque tribe, so they planned to go there to bring Sophie back.

In addition to animal skins, the goods that daze tribe brought this time included pickled vegetables and dried fruits from Yinzhu, as well as some seasonings made by Yinzhu. Yinzhu kept identifying with Yinxing in the forest before, but Yinzhu made several kinds of spices. The edible things Yinzhu asked the tribe people to collect. This time, Yinzhu also made several kinds of spices to prepare There are barbecues and soups. People in the tribe say it's very delicious, so they don't know whether it's good to sell. After all, Yin Zhu's price is a little expensive. After all, rare things are more expensive.

In addition to these other things, Yin Zhu didn't move, vermicelli and bacon are very good. Yin Zhu didn't move, bacon has a lot to do with it, and hasn't moved for the time being. As for vermicelli, the Juque tribe knows about it, but the quantity is limited, so it can't impact the market.

Because of the rush, fortunately Yin Zhu's health is very good, plus Jono is very careful, but there is no discomfort.

It was the afternoon of the third day when she arrived at the Juque tribe. However, after staying outside for three days, Yin Zhu was a little tired. Although there were sleepers outside at night, she didn't dare to sleep to death. After the people of the Juque tribe had arranged their residence, Yin Zhu went to bed directly. She was ready to go shopping tomorrow and promote her own things.

When Yin Zhu has a rest, Jono naturally doesn't go anywhere to accompany Yin Zhu, but Yage finally comes to the Juque tribe. After Sophie has been away for so long, he wants to run to Sophie immediately.

Yage wants to find Sophie, but Jono doesn't stop him. Qiaonu asks people to put away the materials brought by the tribe, and then let those people go out for a stroll and come back at night. There's no need to worry about their accidents in Juque tribe. Juque tribe earns a lot of stall fees every year, which will ensure the safety of people who come to trade.

When Yage and muxing got out of their residence, they immediately inquired about Sophie. This inquiry really made Yage get a lot of information. Sophie people are not bad looking. In addition, they linger in the Juque tribe. There are some male creatures who are not beautiful. Of course, they are smart. Besides, they find partners to win the battle. Sophie immediately finds some new targets One of them is the eight elders of the tribe. Don't listen to the elders, they think he must be very old.

The eight elders of the Juque tribe are called Zimo. They are not very old. They are only twenty-seven or eighty-eight. They are a little older. The reason why Zimo can be ranked as the elder is that Zimo is in charge of the external caravan of the Juque tribe. It can be said that the richest man in the tribe can become the manager of a caravan. Of course, his own strength is not very poor. Zimo is not always here This is not just this time back, and then Sophie was entangled.

Zimo has been doing business outside all the year round. It can be said that he has never seen any kind of female. Sophie is beautiful, but the beauty lies in her skin. It's too bad for him to see her inside. Just a few lengtouqing in the tribe follow Sophie like Baise and offer her up as a goddess.

Yage and muxing are sure that Sophie is in the Juque tribe. However, in addition to Baize, Sophie has a lot of admirers. It is said that Sophie is now with the elder of the Juque tribe.

When Yager arrived, he saw Sophie working in front of Zimo's cave with a smile. She helped clean the cave, served tea and poured water. She was very attentive. Yager was in a trance. When did Sophie work like this? Didn't Sophie want to keep her fingers clean all the time?

But the expression on Sophie's face is very familiar, just like the way she used to see Tengxiao. Sophie likes someone again.

Yage's face is very bad. Although Sophie promised that she would choose him as her partner, they also got together early. They thought that Sophie would never like someone so much after Tengxiao. As a result, in a short time, Sophie quickly fell in love with someone again.

"Sophie." Yager cried out.

Here, Zimo is worrying about Sophie. Sophie's eyes are dribbling. She is not a person with a good mind. Zimo will be more tolerant of women who just like her. But Sophie doesn't just like herself. He doesn't want to provoke such a utilitarian woman, but he won't refuse Sophie's kindness. Anyway, he doesn't lack a piece Meat or something. On the contrary, he disdains Sophie's behavior.But he can't belittle women like Sophie, especially how Sophie joined the Juque tribe. Such people, willing to give up their face and stature, are often fierce. Maybe they have a day to ask for help. So for people like Sophie, he entertains them with a smile. Anyway, he doesn't leave any bad impression on others. Of course, he won't give any bad impression to Sophie Every chance is a chance.

Anyway, it's very easy for Zimo to treat such a thing as entertaining an ordinary businessman. It's hard for him to go back to the tribe to have a rest and pretend to be a smiling face. It's really tiring.

Sophie thinks that her recent luck is very bad, super bad, and there is no shortage of flower protectors around her, but those people are too low-end for Sophie. She doesn't like any of them. She didn't dislike winning battle before. As a result, people turn their eyes and have a partner. Zimo Ba smiles all day long, which is good for her, but it's not smooth I don't understand what this person thinks. But the useless guy Baize forces her to hold a partner ceremony all day long, which is very annoying. Of course, she is saved by Baize, which is one of Baize's spoils. She wants to join the Juque tribe, so Baize must marry, but Baize is not the main one, OK? Sophie doesn't want her first husband to be a useless booze.

The result is better now, the two idiots of face Yager and muxing also come.

"Sophie, you're fine. It's great to finally meet you." Mu Xing is very happy to embrace Sophie.

Sophie see this face is not good, directly a slap to the face of Mu Xing, "Mu Xing, what are you doing? Let me go."

"Zimo." Sophie Jiao cried, afraid that Zimo would have any bad impression, but she managed to brush a good face on Zimo's side.

Mu Xing was suffocated by Sophie's slap. He looked at Sophie foolishly, "Sophie, did I do something wrong?"

"Sophie, I'm here to take you back to the tribe." Yage glanced at muxing coldly. Muxing was nothing. He was not recognized by Sophie at all. He thought that the asshole had been strong to Sophie before. He slapped Sufei lightly and dared to hug her.

Sophie's face sank when she heard Yage's words. She said simply, "Yage, I won't go back with you. You know that I was abducted and rescued by the people of the Juque tribe. I have decided to join the Juque tribe."

"What? You're not going back to the tribe? " Yage looked at Sophie in shock. As early as before he set out, the patriarch told him that Sophie and Baize were the two people who had been abducted. Sophie wanted to leave the tribe for a long time. At that time, Yage didn't believe it. He thought Sophie would never abandon her tribe. As the patriarch said, Sophie wanted to join the Juque tribe for a long time No way.

Thinking of this, Yage grabbed Sophie's arm and said, "Sophie, you and I daze tribe, let's go."

With that, Yager drags Sophie to leave.

Sophie saw this and struggled, "Yage, you let me go. I can't go back with you. I'm from the Juque tribe now."

"Well, even if the Juque tribe saves you, it doesn't matter. The tribe will pay you to go back. You should go back with me first." Yage firmly does not give up said, Mu Xing again at this time also hurriedly thousands of persuasion: "Sophie, you don't go back to the tribe, how can I do?"

He has lost Miao Ni for Sophie. Even the females of the tribe have seen through him now and will not marry him. If Sophie doesn't go back, what will he do? It's hard for him to join the Juque tribe. Even if he wants to, the Juque tribe won't spend money on him.

"It's none of my business." Sophie, who is in a bad mood, is angry and scolds her. She is still a little embarrassed to refuse Yage. After all, she and Yage have something to say. What is muxing.

Mu Xing was silly when she heard this. Sophie couldn't break free at this time. She anxiously called to Bai Ze beside her, "Bai Ze, please help me quickly."

Originally see silly white Ze, rushed forward to help, "Yage, you quickly let go of Sophie, you will hurt Sophie, what can't discuss?" Baize knows that Yage and Sophie have a relationship. He thinks that if Sophie really can't let Yage go, he has to find a way to get Yage to Juque. He thinks that he may be brothers with Yage in the future. Baize has a good attitude towards Yage.

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