There are still people around who pay close attention to this matter. They are all curious. They should not be reconciled to see Jono forced to be blocked. Who knows that Jono and Yin Zhu have a good talk, and they are even very happy to see Jono's appearance.

Meili is very happy to see this. Yin Zhu is finally enlightened. She is also such an excellent person as Jono. What's more to choose? This girl's mischief has a good result, and her anxious heart can be relieved a little.

Meng Shao also wondered that he knew something about his son. Although Jono was usually as gentle as jade, he was polite to everyone. In other words, he was rude to everyone. It was only superficial. But now, seeing Jono's expression, it was a smile from the heart. Could Jono be a dutiful son? What did he ask him to do, he was obedient?

But the question is, is Jono that obedient?

In addition, Tengxiao noticed the situation there. As a friend, Charles patted Tengxiao on the shoulder and said, "I think Jono is enjoying it. He was worried that he would be wronged for you. Now you can rest assured."

Tengxiao's face is very bad. Jono looks happy now. Who knows if he's going to swallow his blood teeth and force his face to smile. In a word, it's all his fault.

Tengxiao's other worry is that Yin Zhu doesn't stop. This woman is not so easy to kill.

No, he has to make it clear to that woman.

Here, Jono has already talked with Yin Zhu, "why did you eat that mushroom just now? Why do you want to die? " I always feel that Yin Zhu should not seek death.

Speaking of this misunderstanding, Yin Zhu felt that his face was full of tears, "I can only say that it was a misunderstanding, a big misunderstanding. I didn't want to seek death at all. Life is so beautiful. Why should I seek death?"

"And the mushroom?" Jono asked curiously.

"I'm going to eat that mushroom, but I'm not looking for death. This mushroom can be eaten. It can be eaten. I've eaten it before." In order to increase credibility, Yin Zhu directly said that he had eaten mushrooms.

"Are you sure that mushroom is edible? You know, some people in the tribe died of eating this mushroom. " Jono asked very seriously.

"Not all mushrooms can be eaten, some poisonous ones can't be eaten, and this kind of non-toxic one can be eaten. And this mushroom can be dried and stored in the sun, and can be taken out to eat in winter. " Yin Zhu simply said what he knew.

"Is that true?" Jono is very excited. Any kind of food that can be stored is a kind of wealth for the tribe, because there is not enough food for the tribe every winter.

"So how do you tell a poisonous mushroom from a nontoxic one?" Jono asked curiously.

"Most poisonous mushrooms have bright eyes or colorful designs, while most nontoxic mushrooms are white or light gray or light yellow, but it's better to take them back. I've identified them, and then you can identify them." Yin Zhu is not sure that mushrooms with light color are not poisonous, so the best result is to identify them first.

It's obvious that Yin Zhu has studied mushrooms, and he won't cheat people.

"Yin Zhu, how dare you eat this mushroom?" Jono is really curious.

Of course, Yin Zhu didn't say he had a system, but pretended to be embarrassed and said, "you know I'm famous in the tribe for my delicious food. Then I saw the cuckoo beast eating the light colored mushroom. I thought they were all OK. I'm sure I'm ok. It's very delicious after tasting it, so I became addicted to it."

The Goo Goo beast mentioned by Yin Zhu is similar to the modern chicken in memory, but it's much bigger than a chicken. It's estimated that it's as big as an ostrich.

"You're smart enough to let Goo Goo eat first. But you are too brave to do that again. " Jono didn't doubt what Yin Zhu said.

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