Yin Zhu thought for a while and said, "don't do it for the time being. You can come as you normally live. Just keep this basement for me." Yin Zhu doesn't want to accept it because these people are left to Beina by the beast God, not for herself. Beina doesn't want to accept the truth now, and doesn't want to take over the burden, which doesn't mean she can't do it in the future.

Besides, Beina used to be a real person. Yin Zhu is not going to tie people in the system for a lifetime. Yin Zhu also wants to find a way to let Beina unbound the system and make Beina a new person. By that time, these people will be Beina's.

The reason why he didn't make it clear to Morrison now is that he was afraid to say that he was not Bena, but a person who controlled Bena's soul. Yin Zhu was afraid that he would tell the truth, but that Morrison would kill him directly.

What's more, daze tribe is too weak, and she is in crisis now. It's better for the city of darkness to protect itself in the dark. If Morrison turns into an enemy, Yin Zhu can't imagine the consequences.

So it's better to misunderstand first. She will explain to Morrison and his party in the future.

Morrison frowned at this. "How can this work? We can't do nothing. It's our duty and mission to protect you. You can't deprive us of our mission and honor. "

Hearing what Morrison said, Yin Zhu shook his head. "Morrison, you misunderstood me. I didn't say that I would never use you, just for the time being. After all, the words I use now are too eye-catching. When I need you, I will command you impolitely." Yin Zhu knows what he is going to face. The orc is the most powerful force in his hand. Yin Zhu will not say no foolishly.

Besides, she also wants to lift the curse on the orcs, so even if she drives them, Yin Zhu will not feel guilty.

"Why didn't the young lady see the people?" Asked Morrison, puzzled.

"Because the orcs are not united." Leihe said coldly, for the sake of Yinzhu, he must take over the whole dark city and become the unique Lord of the city.

Morrison heard this silence, and then said: "Reich, you want to unify orc, I will fully support you." Morrison knew very well how powerful the man who would give orcs hope in this prophecy was.

The Morrison clan is strong because of the high priest's Secret blessing, similar to the half totem of the orc City, while reher is strong because of his own strength.

"Good." Leihe didn't say much, so he responded directly.

The next step is to discuss how to unify the city of darkness. Yin Zhu doesn't intervene in the process. After all, she is not familiar with the situation of the city of darkness. Leihe and Morrison know better how to manage the city of darkness. Now Yin Zhu has to make good arrangements.

She knows that the city of darkness can definitely find something, but she never thought that the amount of information is so large. Now Beina doesn't care about all this and throws it to her. Yin Zhu wants to say that she is an ordinary weak woman. She can't be the successor of any animal God, and can't bear the prosperity and decline of a world. This task is too arduous for her.

Moreover, Yin Zhu is also a little afraid. Whether he is a beast God or a high priest, Yin Zhu always feels that he is being used and controlled. The high priest, who can predict the future, is terrible.

"What do you think of the beast God, Bena? Do you think the beast God is really dead? When the clouds are gone and the soul is gone Yin Zhu asked quietly. According to the high priest, the beast God should be spirited to death, but Yin Zhu didn't believe it. After all, the beast God is the most powerful or the only God in the world. Yifeng can escape with the souls of Qingling. What's more, the more powerful beast God should not be spirited to death.

"What do you mean?" Asked Bena, hesitating for a moment.

"You should be the weakest one among your master's disciples. You say that even you can keep your soul alive, not to mention being a beast God." Yin Zhu always thinks that there is something wrong with this.

"The reason why I can keep my soul alive is that Shifu gave me yanghun jade, and Shifu, who was seriously injured and punished by God, could not support it." Said Bena, hesitating for a moment.

"No, No." Yin Zhu shook his head and said.

At the beginning, the beast God had already felt the thoughts of several disciples and had prevention, so he chose Beina as her successor and arranged for Beina's way back. It's reasonable to say how such a person could not protect his disciples and the consequences of God's punishment. I'm afraid the beast God also knows, so how could the beast God not prepare his way back? Even if you can't go to another big world, it should be possible to guarantee your reincarnation. How can you get such a result?

Beina soon felt Yin Zhu's idea. Thinking of this, Beina said with a bitter smile, "is it difficult for Yin Zhu to succeed? Do you still doubt the master?"

"Shifu has no reason to do that. Who will let himself die? Besides, this world can be said to be Shifu's world. Shifu's favorite is the people. Shifu won't see the whole Orc world like this, so he can't be Shifu. He can't be Shifu." Beina is very sure to say, Yin Zhu doubt anyone can, but can't doubt the beast God.

Yin Zhu thinks about it and thinks that he thinks too much. Yes, he is an ordinary girl. He has something worth calculating with the beast God. Maybe that's it. The beast God died like that, and then he arranged for his beloved little disciple."Bena, can you tell me what kind of person your master is? And some of your elder martial sisters. " Yin Zhu directly asked, Beina's things and memory, she just swept by, know a general, this everyone's character how really don't know.

Now these are all potential enemies. It's better to know them in advance.

"My master is a very kind God. When I was very young, I was sent to the holy mountain because of my outstanding talent. My master is in charge of the whole Orc continent. Every day, many orcs pray to my master for happiness and health. My master agrees every time. I remember once again I caught a long haired beast to play with, but I was severely criticized by my master. My master said that the beasts are also good A life is not for me to play with. You say that master has so much pity on a little beast without wisdom. How can he give up the thousands of orcs to live in deep water? " Beina said affectionately in her memory, and tried again and again to persuade Yin Zhu.

The beast God in Beina's memory is God. She is not perfect like human. She is beautiful, dignified, loving and kind. It can be said that any beautiful word can be hung on her. But the more perfect she is, the less Yin Zhu believes that if the beast God is really so perfect, how can she want to enter a new world without desire.

Beina's memory can't dig out much of the beast God's things. Besides, the beast God is basically very busy, and she doesn't have much time to discipline Beina. Beina's life depends on her two maids, Yi Feng and LAN Shuang. As for knowledge, it's taught by several elder martial sisters. Of course, the beast God occasionally checks her homework. It can be said that Beina has more teachers in her memory I still have the memory of the maid.

It is because she respects and respects her master and treats several elder martial sisters as her own. That's why Beina is so hard to accept the truth and is not willing to take over the responsibility that belongs to her.

Then Yin Zhu asks Qingling about some news. She thinks that there are many doubts. According to Beina, Qingling should be a person with all aspects, while Beina is heartless. Qingling doesn't need to fight with the beast God at all. She can wait for the beast God to leave, and then coax Beina. At that time, Beina is afraid that she will directly agree to this matter, so she can finish It doesn't take any effort.

Qingling should also know Beina's temperament very well, but why does she do such a dangerous thing.

No, there are a lot of mistakes in this. Yin Zhu thinks about it by herself and doesn't tell Beina. Yin Zhu knows very well that Beina will never doubt the beast God. Now the most important thing for her is to learn quickly and accumulate strength. Only by mastering the absolute strength in her hands can she be qualified to speak.

Yin Zhu originally wanted to come to the dark city to find out the truth, but now he found himself in a mess, more complicated.

What can I do if I don't have enough intelligence to play tricks? Online, etc., urgent.

Leihe and Morrison have discussed how to unify the city of darkness at this time. Of course, Yin Zhu's affairs should be concealed first. Morrison expresses his understanding and support.

Leihe took Yinzhu back to his residence. At this time, Leihe looked at Yinzhu seriously and said, "Yinzhu, I think it's something wrong. Morrison can't completely trust it, but it doesn't affect my rule of the dark city. Give me some time, I can hold all the orcs in my hands. At that time, they are the people in your hands."

Yin Zhu heard this and nodded, "Leihe, thank you, thank you, and you don't have so much pressure, you should be more careful, you must protect yourself."

Leihe heard Yin Zhu's advice and laughed so much that he was very happy. "Don't worry, no one in the orcs is my opponent."

He has always been fiercer than anyone else. No one in the half beast City dares to be fiercer than him.

"I know you're very powerful, Reich, but I'm afraid those people will not come with you aboveboard, but play tricks behind your back." Yin Zhu couldn't help nagging.

"Don't worry, it's not so easy for those people to calculate with me, Yin Zhu. I promise I'll protect you." Reich swears.

Even if those people calculate that they will take Bena to the city of darkness, do they know the existence of Yin Zhu? Leihe believes that Yinzhu should be the breakthrough point of these things, so we must protect Yinzhu.

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