At this time, Mengtai collected all the salt, and then arrested all the people who came back from the salt mine. They told them not to let slip. Anyway, if someone asked, even close relatives asked, they said that the tribe had found a small salt mine and secretly mined it. Now it's just finished.

The highest level of such a thing as a lie is to convince yourself that if you talk too much about it, everyone will believe it.

The people on the scene nodded and agreed. After unifying their words, Montaigne asked the host to go back to rest.

These miners have been working in the salt mine for more than a month. In order to exploit the salt in recent years, we all try our best to exploit it. As long as we wake up, we go to work.

The people of this era are quite United. There are basically no people who cheat and cheat.

The common people have been sent to rest, but several elders of the tribe are very unwilling. Yujia thinks that although there are not many salt mines, the Daze tribe can share dozens or hundreds of baskets of salt. Now because the Juque tribe is gone, it's all because of the Juque tribe. Of course, the three elders hate Sophie even more. Sophie's parents are honest people, and they know Sophie's choice When they chose to stay in the Juque tribe and didn't come back, the two guys were still in a hurry and wanted to go to the Juque tribe to get the people back. As a result, Mengtai stopped them.

What do people like Sophie do when they come back? Even if there are fewer females in daze tribe, don't be such a bad hearted female.

But we all know that the couple are honest, and no one blames them, but they feel guilty and owe the tribe.

The two elders hold their precious grandson Ivan, which is very rare. Although Ivan comes back well, it hurts to think of Ivan walking alone through the beast forest in the dark.

"All the people of our tribe have come back, but reher's people are still in the beast forest, and I don't know what's wrong with them. This time, although the two sides are mutually beneficial, it's actually the orcs who sent us salt. The food we sent is not worth much money at all. Now, in the event of such a thing, we say we'll quit on the way, but it's really not in my heart Taste. " Yuga said glumly, and those people and orcs have been together for such a long time, but also have feelings.

"I know that we are sorry for Leihe's people. They are affectionate and righteous. We are forced to leave. We are sorry for them, but we can't do anything to Yuansheng's people, but we can pit them behind their back. I believe Yuansheng will send people to Wanshou forest. Tomorrow is fine, and the whole tribe will go hunting in Wanshou forest. It's lively." As a clan leader, he can't protect the interests of the tribe, so he always has to be angry with the people of the tribe, otherwise he will really become a fool to be bullied.

"Yes, I'll arrange it tomorrow." The elder said happily.

"Of course, let those who start to pay attention to it. Don't get caught." Montaigne said with a smile.

"Be careful, patriarch. I promise people in Juque tribe can't say a word." The elder said with a smile.

"OK, go and do something." Although he said that his tribe had been picked out, Montaigne was still in a bad mood. The beast forest was so big that even if he ordered to make trouble, he could only delay Yuansheng's steps for fear that they would be found sooner or later.

Although the orcs speak very well with the people of their tribe, it's because of Yin Zhu. Once they change to another tribe, they are afraid that the orcs and the people of Juque tribe will fight each other to death. Leihe returns to the city of darkness because of Yin Zhu's affair, and the orcs here finally fight with Juque tribe and die. How can he explain to Leihe at that time?

I just hope Leihe and Yinzhu can find something useful in the dark city and come back quickly.

With Reich in town, he would be more at ease.

Yuansheng strengthened his patrol of the beast forest the next day. At the same time, the Juque tribe also received the message from Yuansheng, and then quickly sent a large team to the beast forest. According to the people of the Juque tribe, all the things in the Luoyue mountain belong to the Juque tribe, and the reason why the small tribes nearby exist is the kindness of the Juque tribe.

However, Yuansheng found that the people he sent didn't find the salt mine. The orcs met him, but they couldn't catch him. However, they were teased by the orcs. Moreover, as long as there were people from their Juque tribe, there would always be some people from daze tribe nearby. Although they didn't do anything, they were always the people from the Juque tribe.

Thinking that he has nothing to do with the people of daze tribe, Yuansheng does not believe that this damned daze tribe, because there is no evidence, so he treats himself like this?

Yuansheng's venomous fire is burning more and more vigorously. I wish the black wolf bandits would come and kill the Daze tribe immediately.

On the other side, Tengxiao is safe all the way through the jungle at this time, because if he wants to go through the jungle as soon as possible, Tengxiao is flying directly. His strength is strong, and the strength of fierce birds is higher than that of him, but not much. This way, coupled with his interesting Dodge, he went to the Central Plains peacefully. Of course, in order to exchange for good things, he had better go to the king of beasts city, But he didn't want to go back to that place, and there was still a long way to the king of beasts city. However, it was not so easy to find the white jade. Tengxiao went to Honghe tribe, which was relatively prosperous in the Central Plains, and took part in the tribe's market. Tengxiao inquired carefully and found a white jade seller, who was the lowest grade white jade, and the stone was not big, only to his knee So Gao, Tengxiao uses the sugar he carries to bargain with those people to buy the white jade.After buying the white jade stone, Tengxiao didn't stay much and hurried back. After all, the white jade stone is related to the totem of the tribe. It's the most important thing to let the people of the tribe become totem warriors as soon as possible.

What Tengxiao didn't know was that he bought white jade stone with his front foot, and then he went to the head of Honghe tribe to tell the truth.

"Patriarch, patriarch, someone bought that white jade." Five years ago, their patriarch Hongfei suddenly took out a piece of jade and asked him to put it on every market. This is the whole five years. No one has ever asked the white jade in the past five years. Even he wondered what the white jade is. He can't eat or drink it. He didn't expect that someone would really want the white jade and exchange it with very good sugar I don't understand.

"Who bought it? Bring someone to catch up with me and get them back." Hongfei said excitedly.

In fact, he didn't know what the white jade stone was for. However, a noble man asked him to do it. The noble man not only asked him to do it by himself, but also asked all the large tribes around him to do it. He also said that as long as the people who bought the white jade stone were seized and handed over to them, the noble man would give them a reward.

The noble man is very powerful. Any reward of the noble man can make the people of the nearby tribes crazy. After five years, he is almost desperate. He didn't expect that someone would come to buy the white jade and return it to his tribe. It seems that the Lord is helping himself.

Hongfei once asked people to inform the noble that someone had bought a white jade stone. Once, he rushed to the gate of the tribe to intercept Tengxiao.

Tengxiao doesn't know that he has attracted other people's attention, but Hongfei runs to him with a group of people in a hurry, and doesn't even say anything extra. He points to Tengxiao and orders, "arrest me."

Tengxiao sees that his face is very bad. Do these people want to rob baiyushi, or do they want to know the source of sugar?

Thinking of this, Tengxiao flies high without giving these people the chance to pursue themselves.

Red Fei looks at the man who suddenly turns into a flying lion and flies away. His face turns black with anger. He quickly asks the flying orcs of the tribe to pursue him. However, the flying lion is not only the king in the battle, but also the speed that few people can match. So this individual is left behind by Tengxiao.

Seeing the people who came back without end, Hong Fei was angry and scolded, but he had some useful information. As far as he knew, the orcs of flying lions in the world were only in the orc City, but he had never heard of flying lions in other places.

It's just that the flying lion in the orc city is not a soft persimmon. It's not something he can provoke. Once he tells the noble about it, he'll offend the flying lion family in the orc city. However, he just went to inform the noble. The origin of the noble is very mysterious, but he is very powerful and generous. He also has a lot of ancient knowledge in his hand, which is extremely attractive to him.

Forget it. All the notices have been given. The noble man is not the one he can fool. So let's be honest and let the mysterious man fight with the people in the city of king of beasts. It's good for him to take advantage of the small man. If he can't, he can move with the tribe at most.

Tengxiao was thinking that the head of the Red River tribe was strange. After all, the Red River tribe was a very trustworthy tribe in his memory. However, that kind of tribe robbed him because of the things he traded. Wouldn't the Red River tribe damage its reputation for this benefit?

But Tengxiao can't understand other problems. Unfortunately, he has to go back quickly and has no time to investigate carefully.

On the other hand, with the help of Morrison, Leihe quickly unified the city of darkness, and then Leihe prepared to send Yin Zhu back to Daze tribe.

At the same time, the people of the black wolf bandit group also received the news from Yuansheng. Knowing the wealth hidden in daze tribe, these people are ready to do a big job.

The three sides rushed to Daze tribe at the same time.

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