When sweet night, daze tribe raised a pile of bonfires. The altar of the tribe was full of offerings. The white jade was placed in the center of the tribe at this time. Yin Zhu changed into the traditional costume of daze tribe, that is, a few bird feathers were inserted on his head, and a few strings of animal teeth were hung on his body. But not to mention, it looked a little bit of Orcish and a bit more solemn.

Yin Zhu was very nervous at this time, holding Jono's hand, "Jono, what if I can't communicate with the beast God and get the totem?"

Although Yin Zhu spoke very well when talking with Meng Tai before, now she is a little worried. After all, this is all the hope. She has learned the so-called magic from Bena for some time, but what's the effect? Yin Zhu really doesn't know. Although she has communicated with Bena again this afternoon, including how to communicate with her mind to get totem, Although he has previewed it many times, Yin Zhu still has no absolute confidence.

When Jono heard this, he hugged Yin Zhu's shoulder tightly and said with certainty, "you can do it, Yin Zhu. I believe you."

Qiao Nuo knows that Yin Zhu is under a lot of pressure. If he can, Qiao Nuo really doesn't want Yin Zhu to bear such a fate, but Yin Zhu is chosen by God.

Soon Mengtai had already worshiped heaven and earth. Jiuyue was singing hymns on it at this time. Yinzhu walked towards the altar step by step under the gaze of the people.

"Don't worry, Yin Zhu. I'll help you." Beina saw Yin Zhu's nervous appearance and quickly comforted her.

"Well, Bena, remember to help me." Yin Zhu said anxiously.

Yin Zhu looks at the white jade stone in front of her. The white jade stone is full of white gas now. Yin Zhu sits cross legged in front of the white jade stone, and then puts her finger on the white jade stone. She begins to pray in her heart.

The content of the prayer is very simple. Beina said that each tribe has its own faith and strength. Yin Zhu's Prayer represents the wishes of the whole tribe.

Yin Zhu's wish is very simple. She hopes that the people of daze tribe can live in peace and happiness. At this time, the people of the tribe knelt down around the altar and prayed together.

Yin Zhu prayed over and over again. The white gas from the altar was absorbed by the white jade stone bit by bit. Slowly, a little red appeared on the white jade stone. Montaigno stood beside the altar, breathing tightly, and the atmosphere did not dare to come out.

Slowly, there are more and more red spots on the white jade, and then a cluster of red flames appear on the white jade, and then burn more and more vigorously, and finally freeze into a flame pattern.

Seeing the pattern, Tengxiao can't help clenching his fist. It's a totem.

Just at the moment when the pattern was formed, there was a bang bang sound inside the white jade, and then the pattern suddenly flew into the sky, and then burst open. The burst patterns fell on the warriors of daze tribe, and one after another flame patterns climbed into the corner of the eyes of the people, and then a strong force burst out.

At this time, Yin Zhu slowly took back her hand. Her face was a little white, and her face was covered with sweat. She finally succeeded.

Yin Zhu has a general look at this prayer. More than 30 of the tribe's people have become totem warriors. Among them, Tengxiao has directly become a level 3 totem warrior, which can be said to be the most powerful person in the tribe. However, Tengxiao was a level 2 totem warrior many years ago, and now level 3 is normal.

The more than 30 totem warriors in the tribe are now holding their fists excitedly for a fight. They feel that their strength has doubled. Who dares to say that daze tribe is weak in the future.

Montaigne was also very satisfied at this time. He got more than 30 totem warriors in his first prayer. Will there be fewer totem warriors in the future? With them, he won't have to worry about dealing with the bandits in a few days.

Jono also became a totem warrior. Jono picked up Yinzhu who came down from the altar. "Yinzhu, you've made it. You're great."

"What are you holding me for? Let me down." Although he has already advertised with Jono, Yin Zhu is not used to showing his love in public.

"You're tired. I'll hold you." Jono doesn't care what others think, and the people in the tribe understand him very well.

At this time, Montaigne directly waved to Jono and said, "OK, take Yin Zhu down to have a good rest."

Leihe was watching the process of the formation of the totem. The totem used to play such a role. It seems that it is necessary for the dark city to make a totem. After all, no one will dislike the power.

Yin Zhu successfully opened the power of totem. What Yin Zhu didn't know was that when Yin Zhu opened the power of totem, the totem stone of the dark city sent out a red light towards the Luoyue mountain.

Under the iceberg in the extreme north of the orc world, a woman in a long robe looked up at the night sky, and then told the people below, "the person I'm looking for is in the southwest. Go and help me find out the person. If the person can't be found, don't come back."

Soon someone went down to do this thing, the woman was still staring at the sky, and then murmured a few words, but no one could hear what she said clearly.The next day, the people in the tribe were busy with what they had to do in an orderly way. The whole tribe knew that there was a bandit group coming to rob their food and the females. Daze tribe had a better life and could not let outsiders destroy their happiness.

In addition to making simple bows and arrows, Yin Zhu also had people dig a long gap around the tribe. There were many long spines buried in the ditch. Then they covered it with simple thatch and sprinkled some dust on it. When Yin Zhu proposed to dig a trap, everyone in the tribe was very curious. Only then did Yin Zhu know whether the orcs were hunting or fighting They don't know how to dig traps.

Knowing that there are no traps in this world, Yin Zhu once again instructed people how to make simple traps, and told them that if they encounter fierce wild animals and can't beat them, they can also use traps. Besides using tools, traps can also use some other things, such as various herbs. Sometimes they have special effects in some special environments or for some animals.

It's a pity that people in the tribe don't know much about herbs. Yin Zhu thinks that he has identified so many things and should popularize them well.

More than a dozen simple bows and arrows were made, and then some of them were not satisfied. But for the Daze tribe, who had never used weapons, this means of long-range attack is a miracle. The most common thing they have done is to throw stones and spears, but these things are too heavy. The attack distance is relatively short, and bows and arrows are used by orcs with infinite force Even the bamboo arrow can easily shoot through the orc's body.

"Well, it's really good." Montaigne was very happy. With these things, he promised that the robbers would never come back.

As for the Juque tribe, they have no way to deal with those people for the time being. The enemy can only be remembered first. As for Yuansheng, Leihe said that it was better for him to deal with them than daze tribe.

Mengtai is very grateful to Leihe, and now the orcs have become the vassal of Yin Zhu. Their daze tribe is destined to contact Leihe in the future. Mengtai directly discusses with Leihe about planning two tribal alliances. Of course, this matter can't be put on the surface, even if the alliance can only be done behind the scenes, it can't be said.

It can be said that this alliance is good for daze tribe. In addition, the reason why it is not mentioned is that some of the people have prejudice against orcs. This can not be done at once. Mengtai plans to take it slow.

Fortunately, Leihe doesn't care about these. He is happy as long as he can help Yin Zhu.

Daze tribe can say that everything is ready, just wait for the bandits to come. Montaigne says that this battle does not need the help of reih's orcs, but Montaigne asks reih to guard the surrounding areas during the battle, and do not let the runaway bandits escape. None of them can do. In addition, if there are any spies, reih can help wipe them out.

Leihe nodded and agreed. Of course, the premise of this agreement is that Yin Zhu is OK. He will naturally wait and see. If Yin Zhu is OK, he will rush in whatever he says. He also wants to see how the Daze tribe's fighting power is after having the totem.

After Montaigne's arrangement, he arranged for the tribe's cubs and females. Even if Montaigne had 70% or 80% confidence in the war, Montaigne would not let the tribe's cubs take risks. He gathered the tribe's cubs and females in a cave in the back mountain of the tribe. There was a big stone in the cave, and the cave had a road to the outside. On weekdays, there was a mountain The cave is used to store some food and water, and the other exit is also sealed. However, once the Daze tribe is defeated, Montaigne will arrange for people to send the tribe's cubs away.

All the things are ready. The informants have found the trace of black wolf bandits fifty miles away. Naxi people will arrive at daze tribe in two or three hours. However, when those people are ready to arrange Yin Zhu to go to the cave, Yin Zhu refuses. She has made many traps, including poison plan. She has to watch them here. Besides, it's a small one Nine Yue are standing on the battlefield, what qualifications does she have to avoid? If nine Yue is because she is a priest, then she is also a priest, and she started the totem.

Montaigne Jono couldn't persuade Yin Zhu. Of course, Yin Zhu also said that she was here to see how the war was going. If there was any danger, she would go directly into the cave. She would not make fun of her own safety, and would not drag them down.

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