At this time, hongsai just looked at Nantes in disappointment, then turned to the saint and said, "the saint may not be any child, after all, he is not strong, and it should not be him."

Hongsai is very clear about the influence behind the saint. It's because he understands that he has to explain it more clearly, because once he is targeted by the saint, the child will not die and will be disabled. It's useless to avoid poison.

The saint understood what hung Sai was thinking. She pointed her finger at Nantes and asked with a smile, "Nantes, please tell me about your brother."

Nantes is naturally willing to, and this so-called saint is one of those powerful. As long as he climbs up to her, is he worried that hongsai will pass on the throne to others in the future?

Nantes said what she could and what she knew.

After listening to this, the virgin pondered for a while, then asked with a smile, "Nantes, you are very good, or how about you just follow me?"

Nantes hesitated when she heard this. The saint is very important, but it's a multiple-choice question. If she wants to be a servant dog, why not? He's the heir to the lion.

The saint probably wanted to understand Nantes idea, and then said with a smile: "Nantes, I just casually give you a hexagram, you are afraid that you will not be the king of beasts in the future, why don't you just follow me?"

"Nantes, I don't mean to deceive you. I don't mean to deceive you in terms of my identity. I don't know how many people in the world want to ask for my divination but can't. You can think it over." Saint said with a smile, and then went to rest.

Anyway, it has been made clear that the man of the flying lion is probably the son that hongsai was expelled from. According to Nantes, it is interesting that even hongsai does not know where his son has gone.

Hongsai looked at Nantes and said coldly, "Nantes, how does it feel to sell your own brother?"

Nantes looked at him angrily. "He's not my brother." When it comes to Tengxiao, Nante is angry. Even if hongsai is the king of beasts, he can't betray his partner. Tengxiao was born by Nante and other females, which is the evidence of crime. When he thought of his mother's shame and finally depressed, he hated it.

The more Hong Sai loves Tengxiao, the more he hates him. It's clear that he has lived in peace for several years. Why does Tengxiao appear again.

"Nantes, can't you let Tengxiao go? You have driven him out of the orc City, and he will not threaten your position. Why do you want to kill him? " Hung Sai asked Nantes heartache.

"What do I do to him? He's the one who killed himself and provoked the saint." Thinking of Tengxiao provoking those who couldn't, Nante felt very comfortable.

"Nantes, I know I'm wrong, but I've done this to you. Why don't you get rid of it? Why? " Hongsai asked very sad.

"What have you done to me? Are you good to me? " Nantes looks at her father sarcastically.

"Nante, I'm a failed father. I'm sorry for you, and I'm even more sorry for Tengxiao. I knew from a very early age that you bullied Tengxiao. Because of my guilt, I didn't dare to blame you. I had to be good to Tengxiao to compensate Tengxiao. But because of my love, you made Tengxiao worse. Later, when you calculated Tengxiao, I chose to let go and pretend Deaf as mute, let you drive Tengxiao out of the king of beasts city. I chose you from the two children. I thought you could not hate it. I thought you could make an end between Tengxiao and Tengxiao. I can't forget that. Forgive me. " As he said this, he was very sad.

When Nantes heard this, he looked at him in shock. "What did you say? You chose me? Do you know I framed Tengxiao? "

"Well, I know you may not believe me, Nantes. I just want to say that as a father, I'm not sorry, I'm not." After a long time, Hong Sai said, "I know you want my position. I'll give it to you. I suggest you contact less with the saint. I don't know what kind of person the saint is. It's unpredictable. I'll give you the throne in a few days. Of course, I'm sorry for Tengxiao. I can't let you kill him. I'll give Tengxiao my right men to protect him. Anyway, you can't help me People who may not believe me, you have your own followers, that's it. " Hongsai said that the whole person would grow old. He walked out slowly.

When Nantes heard this, he was silent for a long time. Then he became ecstatic. He became one of the rulers of the orc city.

As for hongsai's words, Nante didn't want to pay any attention. Even if hongsai finally chose him, he could only say that he was better than Tengxiao and more suitable to be an heir.

When Hong Sai returned to his own materials, the first thing he did was to gather his men.

There are several people under hongsai's command. Apart from the guards, Bai Kun, the counselor he invited in person a few years ago, is his favorite. Bai Kun is not a member of the flying lion family, but a member of the Fox family. Bai Kun has the unique treachery and beauty of the Fox family. Hongsai is not sure about his attitude. On weekdays, he is very loyal and respectful to himself Bai Kun never cares about anything. He doesn't know how to take this man in."Bai Kun, I've decided to pass on the position of king of beasts to Nantes, and Nantes has never been close to you, so I want to give you to Tengxiao. Of course, everything depends on your own meaning. If you don't want to, I won't force you." Hongsai knows that once he takes off the position of the king of beasts, these people may not be as obedient as they are now, especially when the target is Tengxiao, the hopeless master who has been driven away, so it's better for the people below to choose this kind of thing.

Sure enough, several people on the scene frowned when they heard this. Among them, Milo, the captain of the guard, frowned and asked, "I understand what you mean, and I'd like to listen to what you mean, but where is master Tengxiao now? Is he going back to the city of the king of beasts? "

When Hong Sai heard this, he shook his head. "I don't know where Tengxiao is, and I think the next saint will go to find Tengxiao. I owe this child a lot, so I want you to protect him. You are the people I trust most."

Milo's brow became a Sichuan character when he heard this. He is loyal to hongsai and willing to follow Tengxiao, but Tengxiao doesn't know where he is now. The world is so big. How can he look for it? What's more, he still has friends and cubs. Is he going to leave these people behind and do nothing to look for Tengxiao all over the world?

"Wang, I know what you mean, but now we don't know where master Tengxiao is. If we are looking for him all over the world, we are afraid that it will frighten the snake. Besides, we all have partners. It's hard to find someone. Do you think we can find someone, and then the whole family will go over?" Milo asked carefully.

Hongsai sighs when he hears Milo's words. He knows he's worried, but Milo's words are also true. After all, he doesn't know where Tengxiao is. It's unrealistic for Milo to lead his family to wander aimlessly. It's comforting for Milo to go to Tengxiao. At that time,

suddenly said, "no, I'll go and look for it. Anyway, I'm very busy with no family."

When Bai Kun opened his mouth, Miluo looked at him gratefully, "Bai Kun, if you find master Tengxiao, you will send us a message. We will go to him."

"All right." Bai Kun promised, but at that time, could he still send a message back? Bai Kun is very suspicious.

Seeing that Bai Kun was the first soldier, Hong Sai called all the people beside him away, and then stared at him for a long time. "Bai Kun, I don't know if you are bored or for other purposes. I'll ask you a question. Will you hurt Tengxiao?"

"No Bai Kun says very simply that he has nothing to do with Tengxiao. How can he hurt him? As for the purpose, I don't know now. Let's see.

"Well, as long as you don't hurt Tengxiao, I'll be satisfied." Hongsai said happily.

"Where did Tengxiao last appear?" Bai Kun asked directly.

"It is said that the Honghe tribe bought white jade and then attracted the attention of the saint." Hong Sai is also one of the controllers of a city. He has already inquired why Tengxiao attracts people's attention.

This ordinary Orc doesn't understand the function of white jade, but hongsai knows it. Besides making ornaments, the most important thing of jade is to make the cornerstone of totem. Totem, you know, the city of the king of beasts is only half a disabled totem. It seems that Tengxiao has his own fortune. It's just because of this that he can make a group of baikun If Tengxiao is just a common Orc of the tribe, hongsai won't do it.

"I don't know if you have a way to look for Tengxiao, king of beasts?" Bai Kun asked directly that there might be no way for others. Hongsai should have a way.

When Hong Sai heard this, he was silent for a while and said, "I have reserved a drop of blood left by Tengxiao. If you take it, it will guide you. However, this blood donation can only guide the general scope, and you have to find the rest yourself." At the beginning, he would leave such a drop of blood, just want to see if Tengxiao is still alive, just like this.

Bai Kun laughs at this and reaches out his hand directly, waiting for Hong Sai to give him something.

Hongsai used to love Tengxiao. Everyone said that he loved Tengxiao. As a result, Nante directly framed Tengxiao and drove Tengxiao out of the king of beasts city. You should know that Tengxiao at that time was only half a boy, not yet an adult. Hongsai's heart was really cold. He didn't think Tengxiao was alive enough, but he left such a drop of blood to show his love. Now it's time So I will give my people to Tengxiao. I want to invest on both sides. I think the tribe that can use white jade is not bad.

As for why he is willing to leave the orc City, it is because there is nothing that can attract him in the orc city. In addition, he has an intuition that the orc city will be in chaos next time, and what he will do next will be right. Since he was a child, his intuition has been extremely magical, and he has been following his intuition.

He also wanted to see what kind of person Tengxiao was and whether he was worthy to be his master.

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