"Mother, I only want Jono all my life." Yin Zhu shows his friendship.

Mei Li rolled her eyes when she heard this. "Yin Zhu, I'll ask you, Tengxiao will follow you all his life. He can't have other females. Are you ready to spend his whole life like this? What's wrong with him? "

"It's his own fault. I can't blame him for that." Yin Zhu said that he was innocent.

"Yinzhu, my mother really doesn't know what you're thinking. My mother also knows that you have an adventure. You have your own idea. Even my father can feel it. The patriarch and several elders of the tribe are very optimistic about you. I don't know what you're carrying. But my mother wants to say something heartfelt. Jono can't protect you alone. Tengxiao is very powerful You have children again. You are bound together in your life. Since you used to like Tengxiao so much, why can't you continue to like it now? If you think about it, you can see that once you have something, Tengxiao is afraid that he will try his best to help you. Do you think you can live up to this feeling? Or you can continue to do it now. When the sky is gone, you will regret it. " Melly sighs.

Meili doesn't feel that her daughter has changed a lot. However, people in this era have never thought that someone can change the core. Meili just thinks that miracles, together with Yin Zhu's contributions to the tribe, make her respect Yin Zhu more and less intimate. In addition to Yin Zhu's deliberate alienation, Meili can say that there are few such miracles What kind of opportunity to have a heart to heart talk with Yin Zhu.

In fact, she had long felt that Yin Zhu's attitude towards Tengxiao was inappropriate. She didn't know how to persuade him. She thought that Yin Zhu was just twisted, and she just put on a show of face. Who knows that after a long time, Yin Zhuming has not yet solved this knot.

Yin Zhu is silenced by Mei Li's words, but she can be told to accept the lives of several men, which is against her educational thought and moral desire since childhood. She can't do it, but as Mei Li said, if Tengxiao keeps paying for herself, she feels very fake and really hates contradiction.

"What do you say you want to do so much? Jono has agreed to it. Do you think Tengxiao can take care of you without Jono's consent?" Melly said one more thing.

"Mother, are you nagging me here because you want to take care of me and are in a bad mood?" Yin Zhu is said by Mei Li to be two big.

"Do you think I will? Tengxiao was worried. He had to get me out of bed. " Meili sighs. In his opinion, Tengxiao is a very qualified partner. She has strong strength and a sense of responsibility to take care of her children. That's enough.

The tribe doesn't know how many females like Tengxiao. If it wasn't for Yin Zhu's contribution to the tribe, any female would be afraid to be thrown rotten leaves when she treats Tengxiao like this. Yin Zhu is in the middle of fortune.

"In fact, I'm in good health. I don't need you to take care of me. He's just making a mountain out of a molehill." Yin Zhu said he can take good care of himself.

"Why do people make a fuss? It's not about you. If you don't worry about it, who cares what you do?" Melly rolled her eyes.

"I tell you, you will continue to toss, believe it or not, this time I come to do ideological work for you, believe it or not, next time it is estimated that it will be the patriarch, and then the rest of the tribe?" Yin Zhu's attitude towards Tengxiao, many people in the tribe have their own words, but they just don't say it in front of Yin Zhu.

"As for that? Is Tengxiao that good? " Yin Zhu thinks Mei Li is exaggerating.

"If you don't believe it, just wait." Meili sighs. It doesn't make sense. It's not that she doesn't want to take care of Yin Zhu. It's that this matter has to be solved sooner or later. She doesn't understand what Yin Zhu is worried about. Even Qiao Nuo agrees. Why doesn't she agree.

"Well, I don't ask you to accept Tengxiao. At least don't treat Tengxiao like that. Don't give people face while enjoying others' care. They don't owe you anything." Meili said that she liked Tengxiao very much, but now Yinzhu didn't like it.

"I know, I know." Yin Zhu said that he really has to deal with the relationship between himself and Tengxiao.

Mei Li sighs when she hears Yin Zhu's impatient voice.

"Mother, I'm sleepy. I'll have a rest first." Yin Zhu is afraid that Melly will continue to nag. He has to have a headache.

When Meili heard that Yin Zhu was sleepy, she didn't say much, so she lay down beside him.

Meili fell asleep after a while, but Yin Zhu didn't fall asleep. She was thinking about herself and Tengxiao.

"Bena, can this Guardian find a way to cancel it? I'm willing to pay the price. " Yin Zhu secretly communicates with Bena.

Bena shook her head. "There's no way. This guardian was used by the beast God to choose the absolute loyal guard. There's no way to relieve it. You just want to relieve it. Only you can reach the height of the beast God. Maybe there's a way. At least I can't do it."

"Yin Zhu, what are you worrying about? It's just a male. " Beina doesn't understand. It's reasonable that Yin Zhu can try to lead a goddess of Tribal Development in the future, and it's normal to have more partners.

Yin Zhu almost didn't cough when she heard this. She has a few more. Now she's going crazy.At this time, Yin Zhu put his palm gently on his belly. The three little guys in his belly seemed to feel Yin Zhu's emotion and could not help but calm down.

"Baby, what do you want me to do with your father?" Yin Zhu asked himself silently.

Tengxiao, Tengxiao, why do you make me so embarrassed.

Yin Zhu couldn't come up with a good way. She thought that ancient people would enjoy the happiness of Qi people. Yin Zhu wanted to say that the happiness of Qi people was not so good. Even if Jono didn't mind, she couldn't pass the pass in her heart.

Yin Zhu is still tossing and turning. He can't sleep for most of the night.

Just when Yin Zhu was still tossing, she suddenly heard the sound of footsteps. The sound of footsteps was very light. Through the moonlight, Yin Zhu saw that it was a tall male. Looking at the figure, it should be Tengxiao.

Seeing this, Yin Zhu pretends to be asleep. What does Tengxiao want to do when he comes in at this time?

Tengxiao was beaten to death by lake, and then he went back to the cave gate. At the cave gate, he heard what Meili said. He wanted to know what Yinzhu thought, but he was disappointed. Yinzhu never let go.

He waited for a long time at the entrance of the cave. When the moon rose to the sky, and there was no life in the cave, he sneaked into the cave and looked at Yin Zhu, who was forced to sleep. Tengxiao's eyes were looking at Yin Zhu.

Sometimes he has to sigh that life is really strange. He and Yin Zhu are tied together in such a strange way. If he had promised to marry Yin Zhu, now they should live happily together, so what they can't get is the best.

Sometimes he was thinking about whether he was too arrogant and God punished him.

He hunts hard every day, and the tribal affairs need his own. He even tries his best to do it. He only hopes that Yin Zhu can see his own good.

It's a pity that Yin Zhu can't see it all the time. Looking at Yin Zhu's high belly, Tengxiao's eyes flashed a smile. In fact, he is very happy. In a few months, there will be three cubs around him who will call him father.

When I think about it, he always thought that he would be lonely all his life. Now that he has a baby, he should be satisfied, shouldn't he? People can't be too greedy, but he just can't stop thinking about being greedy. He wants Yin Zhu to have a look at himself.

Tengxiao steps forward carefully. Yin Zhu, who pretends to be sleeping, looks at Tengxiao approaching. He can't help but feel tense. What does Tengxiao want to do?

But thinking that Meili was sleeping next to him, Tengxiao couldn't do anything. He was relieved to think of this.

Tengxiao took a close look at Yinzhu and cried, "Yinzhu, Yinzhu?"

When Yin Zhu heard this, he felt nervous. What does Tengxiao mean? Did he find that he didn't sleep? Does she want to wake up right now?

Yin Zhu was still struggling. Tengxiao found that Yin Zhu didn't wake up at this time. Then he carefully put his hand on Yin Zhu's stomach and said in a soft voice, "son, I'm your father. Do you know that? You can't let your mother work hard. "

The three little guys in the stomach seemed to feel their father's coming, and each of them stretched out their little feet and kicked Tengxiao's stomach.

A few mischievous children in his stomach were moving, while Tengxiao's palms were boiling hot. He could still feel it through the animal skin. Yin Zhu felt a little uncomfortable, pretended to be half asleep and half awake, hummed, and then turned over.

Tengxiao is scared by Yin Zhu's hum, so he pulls back his hand. Then he sees that Yin Zhu is still sleeping peacefully. He knows that he is scared and Yin Zhu is still asleep.

It's just that Yin Zhu has changed from lying flat to lying with his back to him. He can only take back his hand when he wants to keep in touch with the baby.

"Really, watch out for me when you're awake, even when you're sleeping." Tengxiao couldn't help muttering.

Tengxiao didn't touch Yinzhu again. He was worried that he might wake Yinzhu up by accident, but others didn't leave. Instead, they were mumbling to themselves.

"Zizai, your mother doesn't want me. What do you think I should do?"

After hearing Tengxiao complain to the children, Yin Zhu wants to say that she wanted you, but it's a pity that she died.

"Yin Zhu, how can you forgive me?" Tengxiao looks at Yin Zhu's back and sighs.

Excuse me, Yin Zhu didn't know how to answer this. In fact, she didn't hate it, but she didn't know how to accept it.

"Yinzhu, I like Zizai very much. I've always wanted to have a family, a family that loves each other. I'll take good care of Zizi and you, but I don't know if I have a chance? I don't know how to please you. Can you tell me what to do? I really want to make you happy, but I made you unhappy tonight Tengxiao murmured to himself.

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